Green Day and My Chemical Romance North American tour '04!

My Chemical Romance Says Bye.

"Jamia, I'm sorry, I have to leave though. It's only a month and a half." Said Frank.

"Oh, right, only. Frankie, you're always busy now, you don't have anytime for me. Why couldn't I just come on tour?" Jamia asked pleading with her eyes to Frank.

"We already have men sleeping together in beds on the bus, there isn't enough room. Nothing in this world would make me happier if you could come, but honey, you can't. I'll see you in a month and a half, okay?" Frank whispered.

"Yeah, okay. I love you. Have fun."

"Don't put me on a guilt trip, please...honey, I'm sorry, but-"

"No, Frankie, this means alot to you, and I know it. Have fun. I love you." Frank leaned in and kissed his fiancee.

"I love you too. I'll call as much as I can. Bye." Frank said picking up his suitcase and his guitar Pansy.

Next it was Mikey's turn.

"I'll see you in a month and a half." Mikey said picking up his suitcase and his bass.

"Alright. Love you. Play some great shows, have fun with the Green Day boys, don't hurt your brother and/or Frank and please just before you come back shower." Alicia laughed. Mikey kissed her good-bye quickly and hopped in to the car to the Airport.

"Bye, mom. Bye, dad." Gerard called bidding his parents goodbye.

"Bye, Kat, I'll miss you."

"See ya, Gee, love you, have fun, don't your brother and/or Frankie and shower as much as you can please." Kat smiled kissing Gerard good-bye. Gerard got into the car waiting outside for him.

"Bye, Krista. I'll see you soon." Ray told his girlfriend.

"Okay, bye, Ray-Ray."

Ray grabbed his suitcase in one hand and his guitar case containing his session guitar in the other and got into the car.

Bob had no girlfriend to say good bye to, so he said goodbye to his apartment and left with Kalie. Then they got into to the car to the Airport.

"Bob, I hate planes." Kalie groaned as they started to board the plane.

"Well, Kal, you'll hate them more after this." Bob laughed.

"Why?" Kalie asked.

"You're sitting next to Frank." Gerard, who was listening in started laughing at Kalie's unfortunate situation.

"HI SEAT BUDDY!" Frank yelled, linking arms with Kalie. This was gonna be one hell of a ride.