Status: Hiatus

A Pirate's Love for a Hangman's Noose


Times have changed since Synyster Gates captained the seas. War has broken out and pirates have banded together forming their own sides. The British are fighting to once again gain control of the wild seas, but these pirates are refusing to give in. The ship known as the Avenger has a new captain but none have seen his face. Many call him a coward for sitting in his cabin as his men fight his battles for him. Some say he is merely biding his time waiting for the proper moment to shock the world. Few have guessed his true identity but one little girl has heard stories on this new captain. She has a special interest in him, one very close to her heart.

"Annabell, time for dinner," the orphanage owner called for the young girl.

Annabell quickly gathered her hair in a ribbon and ran down to join the other girls for dinner. One by one the filed through the line getting their small portions of food before taking their seats silently. Dinner time was a time of reflection and thinking, not talking. The room was silent filled with only the clatter of spoons against the bowls. One by one the girls finished their dinner and proceeded to their rooms for bed. Annabell soon followed and made her way back to her room. Once the mistress of the orphanage placed them all in bed her plan would being. She was leaving this place tonight, never going to return.

Soon night had fallen and everyone was asleep. Annabell quickly picked up her small bag of belongings and opened her window. She was only on the second story on the building so she was able to tie sheets together and climb down. Her feet were soon on the ground and she took off running towards the docks where she knew the ship Avenger was sitting. The pirates had been prowling the small town in search of men to join their crew. Tonight Annabell was going to become one of those young men they were searching for.

She placed her hair up in a hat and checked her shirt and pants. Men's clothing, she decided, was much better suited for working. A woman always had to be careful what she did in a dress. At sixteen Annabell was able to easily hide her womanly figure in loose clothing. So she stood as tall as possible as she walked into the bar she heard the pirates were frequenting.

Men were yelling and woman were throwing themselves at anything that walked. Annabell looked around in slight disgust at the events taking place before her. She saw a young man sitting off to the side of all the commotion with two others beside him. They were watching everything closely making sure not to draw attention to themselves. Something about these three young men called to the young girl and she made her way over to them. The boys attention turned to her and for a second she lost her nerve. Annabell pulled herself together and walked closer to the boys asking to share the booth with them. The boys looked at her for a few moments before they agreed.

"Where you from?" she asked the boys in her best male voice trying to get some practice in.

"Around," one of the boys answered. "What about you?"

"Around," she said copying his evasive answer. "Have you all seen the pirates in town?"

"What's it to you?" one of the boys asked.

"I just wondered if they needed anymore help, was looking to join," she told them.

"And what makes you think the pirates of the Avenger would be interested in a scrawny little man like you?" the boy in the far corner asked.

"I can hold my own," she told them. "I'm a hard worker and am tired of being in this rundown town."

"Well then, maybe the captain has room in the cabin for you," the boy said. "I'm Elias, these are Jacob and Markus."

That's one thing Annabell had forgotten, a name. Her mind worked quickly to think of a name before these boys questioned her. So she introduced herself as the first male name that came to mind'

"I'm Jay," she told them.

"Interesting name," Elias said. "Well Jay, I shall ask the captain if he has room for a scrawny little boy like you."

Elias left her alone with Jacob and Markus who continued to question her. They asked about her family and what she had done before all this. Every answer she gave was a lie and she prayed they would never discover the truth. For many people believe a woman on board a ship was bad luck. These pirates would take no mercy based on her gender either. Her only hope was to never be discovered. She was on a mission to find her father and nothing was going to stand in her way. Anything she was called to do she would gladly do in order to find him. He was all she had left now.