For Ever And Always


Mikey and I were a couple again and we where very happy about it. We moved out from Frank's house as soon as we where able to find a small apartment with a cheap rent that was as far as possible from what had been our house, just to bee sure our father will not be able to find us even though he looked for us as hard as he could. I started working in a comic store, the pay was not great but at least it was something. Mikey continued to work and attend school. Our life was not great, but we were together and that was everything that mattered.

I was walking home from work, thinking stuff, not really paying attention to what I was doing when I heard some footsteps behind me. I gave no importance to the matter until those footsteps kept following me every time I turned a corner. I was starting to get really really scared. I tried to think that I was being paranoid, but somehow I knew I was being followed...I had this dark feeling on the pit of my stomach… It was creepy because every time I turned around to see who was following me I saw nothing... Relax Gee, it's just your imaginationI forced myself to think, but somehow the strange feeling was still there...

I felt safe until I got home, with Mikey.

We had dinner and watched TV for a while but I was too tired, so I went straight to bed and fell asleep amazingly quickly.

All night long I dreamed about the mysterious footsteps that followed me home tonight, every few hours I woke up covered in cold sweat and gasping for breath. Deep inside of me I was really scared that the owner of the footsteps would be my father hunting us down, but that was not possible, was it? That couldn’t be possible…. I mean, he has lost track of us for more that two months, he should’ve carried on with his life and stopped looking for us…But what if he was searching for us? That was not possible…..

Next morning I woke up and headed up to work after a pleasant shower with Mikey….

Day went by with nothing unusual on it, when my shift came to an end I walked home again, as always, and just like yesterday those fucking ghostlike footsteps kept following me…. It pissed me out that every time I turned around to see who was it that fucker just disappeared.

I got home and closed the door. Seconds later I heard someone knocking at it, so I opened up the door. I almost fainted when I saw how it was: It was him.

-“Hello Gerard” his cold voice said.

Fuck! He had found us….
♠ ♠ ♠
please don't eat me!!!
I'M SOOOO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT.!!!!!!!! please forgive me!!

This chapter is for chimicamenteusato.!! because i can tell she likes my story and because i tortured her with the long wait...!!