;it was the craziest thing;

;it was the craziest thing;

I sat quietly in Spencer's garage watching the boys practice on a Saturday afternoon.
My attention quickly went from Spencer, to Brendon, to Brent, and of course to stop at Ryan. I envied his musical ability but more importantly, longed for his attention. My eyes fixed upon him every time he passed through my gaze. I had let myself fall for this guy.

I feel so vulnerable and it makes me feel silly to say I'm in love.
All my friends tease me about it, except for Ryan, of course.
He doesn't know. Brendon says he's too oblivious and shy to pay any mind to my "obvious" signs of liking him. Spencer's volunteered time after time again to tell Ryan. And Brent, well, he just kind of laughs at me and shakes his head.
But he's my brother, what else is he to do?

"What'ja think, Cassadee?" Brendon asked, looking over at me at the end of "Relax, Relapse."
I shrugged, twirling my black hair that fell over my shoulder, "sounded good."
"That wasn't very assuring," Spencer pouted.
I smiled at him, "yeah I know."
"Seriously though, Cass," Ryan said, "what'd you think?"

Honestly, I hated when he asked my opinion because I was always afraid he'd think it was stupid and then I'd look like a total moron to him.
So I just nodded my head. It was true, anyway.
"It really did sound good," I said with a smile before turning to Brendon.

"It's sad how your voice can go so much higher than mine," I sighed.
He smiled and laughed a bit, "I'm special."
"In more ways than one," Brent snorted. I nodded in agreement as Brendon shot him a glare.
"Oh Brenny," I said, walking over to him and putting an arm around his shoulder, "you know we love you and your special-ness." He just rolled his eyes and twirled the microphone.
"Brendon, stop doing that," Ryan scolded. Brendon gave him an innocent look and kept twirling it. Ryan's look sharpened into a glare as he attempted to snatch the mic from him.

"Stop it!" he snapped, reaching for it but Brendon quickly twirled around and headed off in a different direction with it. Ryan followed.
"Guys," I said as I watched them run around the room, "guys the cord..."

The cord connected to the mic was wrapping around all kinds of things on the floor including my legs. They made no sign of slowing down.
"Guys!" I exclaimed, trying to catch their attention.
"Brendon, come on," Ryan scowled.
"Nu uh!"

I tried to step out of the cord wrapped around my legs but tripped over Ryan's guitar case and went tumbling on top of Brent. Brendon and Ryan creased to a halt as we crashed into the couch that sat in the garage. Brent let out a groan.
"Mm, thanks for the save there, bro!" I smiled, patting his shoulder and leaping up.
"Uh huh, whatever," he mumbled, sitting up. I quickly walked over to Brendon and snatched the mic before he had time to even think of a reaction.

"Bad Brendon!" I scolded into the mic. He covered his ears and let out a whine.
Ryan smirked and stepped next to me. I looked up at him, and he down at me, that smirk still on his face that made me want to curl up and die.

"Good Cass," He praised, patting my head. I blushed ever so slightly and gave him a playful shove. He shoved back, sending me into the wall, which I bounced off of, catapulting back into him and sending him flying onto one of the chairs.
He grabbed my wrist and pulled me down onto his lap, wrapping me in a tight hug.

"Let me go!" I giggled, squirming around. He shook his head.
"Bad Cass, very bad Cass," He scolded, wagging his finger at me.
"I'm not a dog, Ryan," I said.
"You act like one," He said with a smirk. I frowned.
"You're so mean," I pouted, escaping his grip and jumping up out of his lap. I stood over by Brendon and leaned up against him. He looked at me.

"What?" he asked, adjusting his black-rimmed glasses and smiling a bit.
"Nothin'," I smiled back.
Ryan got up and reached for his guitar, but I grabbed it first.
"Such a pretty guitar!" I grinned, putting the strap around myself and strumming it.
"Let me have it, Cass," Ryan growled. I shook my head.
"I think not," I said as I continued to strum it.
"Lookit me, I'm Ryan with my fancy guitar, lala!" I continued strumming it as I danced around in a circle. Ryan glared at me sharply, a very big frown on his perfect little face.
"I wear eyeliner and make people question my gender!"

Spencer and Brent were over on the couch trying to suppress the chuckles they were letting out while Brendon was doubled over with laugher. Ryan, on the other hand, was not laughing. Not at all. No, Ryan looked to be very upset with dear ol' Cassadee Jane Wilson.
But could you blame him?

"Oh shit, I think I pissed him off," I said with a giggle. I quickly put his guitar down and coward over by Brendon who was desperately trying to stop laughing. Ryan made no sign of letting up the glare he kept on me, making me feel a bit scared.
As funny as it is, he's a tad frightening when angry. And when it comes to being angry with me, well, it never ends too good on my part. I put my hands on Brendon's shoulders, pulling him up so he'd stand up straight then stepped back, keeping him in front of me as a shield against Ryan. I found the door to the house, which was wide open, and dragged him inside with me. Ryan followed with that glare still on his face. Spencer and Brent came in after him. We stopped in the living room.

"Ryan," I said in a shaky voice as he took a step closer towards Brendon and I.
"Now Ry," Brendon said once his laughter came to a stop, "don't be mad at her. She's just playing." I nodded quickly. Ryan's face then turned into a smirk and he stopped right in front of Brendon.

"I know," he said simply, "and I'm just playing when I do THIS!" He leaped around Brendon and tackled me. I went flying into the pile of sleeping bags on the floor (for the sleep over we're having tonight) and pinned my shoulders down.
"Off!" I ordered. He ignored me, a cheesy smile on his face.
"Lookit me, I'm Cassadee and I'm about to get my ass kicked by Ryan Ross," he said in a mocking tone. I started at him wide-eyed as Brendon leaped over by his side.

"Dude, you can't do that! She's a girl!" Brendon screeched.
"I know," Ryan said, "but I can do this!" He nipped my left side gentle making a few giggles pour out my mouth. He smirked and did it again.
"Fuck you!" I said, attempting to shove him off. He went nowhere.
"You'll have to wait 'till tonight, love," he snickered. I blushed and grabbed his hand, pushing it away so he'd stop. I then tried to kick my legs and trusted my hips up, which actually sounds more perverted then it really was, and he went flying forward. His face was so close to mine our noses were touching. His lips hovered right above mine.

And it was like time stopped. No one moved, no one spoke. His breath hit my face, making me flush with red. And as we lied there, I could feel myself attempt to move towards his lips, proceeding only centimeters closer with every passing second. And from what I could tell, he was doing the same.

And then all of the sudden, he went flying off of me and there stood Brent next to me. Ryan landed next to the loveseat, his head hitting the arm of it. He let out a wince as he rubbed his head.
"Brent, what the hell?" I yelled.
"Just make sure you were okay," he said stiffly before stalking off into the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes, got up and walked over to Ryan who was attempting to sit up. I knelt by him and placed my hand on his shoulder, chuckling lightly.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Define 'okay'," he said, still rubbing his head but giving me a small smile.
I smiled back and helped him up. I started to make my way into the kitchen, and I thought he was coming as well but instead of following, he sat down in the loveseat. I glanced back at him, a bigger smile on his face this time. He acted like he wanted something. I smirked slightly.
"What?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.
"Oh dearest Cassadee," he said with the sweetest look on his face, "I'm so thirsty. Would you mind-"
I cut him off, "No."
"Oh but Cass!" he called after me, leaping up.
"If you want something to drink, get it yourself," I told him as I walked away.
He sighed and followed me this time. Brendon decided he was going to come as well, leaving Spencer alone in the living room.

"...Can you please get me a drink, Cass?" I could hear him yell.
"Sure, Spence," I called back. Ryan shoved me a bit.
I glanced at him like he was crazy.
"You get him one but make me get my own? You bitch," he said with a frown.
"You don't deserve one, jackass," I spat back at him.
He placed his hand over his heart and gave me the fakest, most pitiful look I've ever seen.
"Cassadee! I'm hurt! How could you?!"
"Oh Ryan honey I'm so sorry!" I cried, flinging myself at him.

Brendon started laughing while Brent just rolled his eyes.
"Five bucks says someone loses their virginity tonight," Brendon whispered to Brent with a snort. Brent chuckled a bit, eyeing me closely.
I spun around to them, slapping Brendon in the head.
"Shut the hell up, Urie!" I snapped. He shielded himself with his arms but continued to laugh. I could hear Ryan chuckle a bit behind me, so I spun back around and he quickly stopped.
"Sorry," he muttered, shuffling his feet.
I rolled my eyes and opened up the fridge. The door hit Brendon in the back, making him jump forward and cry out.
"Goddamn it Cassadee! You did that on purpose!" he yelled.
I shrugged innocently and grabbed a Dr. Pepper from the shelf, "serves you right."

He glared and made a lunge towards me. I quickly dodged him and ran into the living room, tossing the can to Spencer and then running into the office. I could hear Brendon's loud stomps behind me so I continued to weave around the room, trying to find some place to hide. Not sure what good that'd do, but it was worth a shot, right?
He finally came into the room so I quickly fled out the other door and found my way back into the kitchen where Ryan and Brent still were. I ran behind Ryan.
"Hide me!" I pleaded with a desperate look. He shook his head.
"You don't deserve it," he said with a smirk. I frowned.
"I can't believe you!" I cried out. "I hate you!"

Ryan and I had a thing for these fake dramatic acts like this. I'm not sure why we did it, but either way it was fun.
"I hate you too!"
"I hope you die!"
"I hope you die more!"
"I hope I die first so I can come back as a ghost and haunt you!"
"Not if I do that first!"

Brendon suddenly appeared behind me and grabbed me around the waist. I shrieked and started flapping my arms around.
"Rape! He's raping me! Mommy! Mommy help me!"
"Brendon's a rapist," Spencer snorted as he walked into the kitchen.
"I am not!" Brendon snapped.
"Lemme go! Lemme go!" I cried. He let go and I went crashing into Ryan, who hit Brent, who hit the stove.

"Stop trying to kill me, dammit!" Brent yelled.
"It was Cass' fault!" Ryan whined.
"No it wasn't! It was Brendon's!" I said in defense.
"You said you wanted me to let go, so I did!" Brendon said.
"Yeah well if you hadn't tried to rape me in the first place..."
"Shut the hell up," he laughed, shoving my shoulder.
We all went back into the living room and sat down to watch some TV. I sat on top of Brent, until he shoved me off. So I took a seat next to Brendon. He put his arm around me, pulling me closer. Spencer sat on the floor while Ryan took a seat next to Brent, eyeing Brendon and I closely.

We ended up watching the second Lord of the Rings since it just so happened to be on one of the local channels. About half-way through it, Brendon had started to mess with my hair, making it fall into my face.
"Haha," Spencer randomly laughed, "it's cousin It!"
Brent and Ryan chuckled lightly as Brendon wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling my head into his chest. I blushed deeply.
"My precious!" he said, stroking my head softly while glaring at the others.
I laughed and tried to pull out of his grasp but he held me tight.
"Let me go, Bren," I laughed.
"Never," he said with a smile on his face.

I nipped his sides, causing him to let go and try to push my hands away. I smirked widely and crawled away from him, over Brent, and into Ryan's lap.
"Ha!" I laughed with a cheeky smile. Brendon made a face at me and folded his arms.
Ryan poked my shoulder. I turned to him, only inches away from his face. He blushed fiercely.
"You're sitting on me," he mumbled shyly.
"I know. And might I say you're mighty comfortable!"
He laughed and moved me to the side so I sat between him and the arm of the couch, his arm around my shoulder.

As time passed, eventually it was really late and all of us were tired out of our wits. We set up the sleeping bags and turned in for the night-or at least attempted to.
Spencer was the first to fall asleep. Brent was next, which left Ryan, Brendon, and I. Spence and Brent being extremely hard sleepers, we could talk as much as we pleased.

"I think it's d-o-n-u-t," Brendon said.
Ryan shook his head. "Yeah but it's DOUGH so it should be d-o-u-g-h-n-u-t!"
"But d-o-n-u-t is so much shorter," I said.
"Only lazy people spell it that way," Ryan replied.
"Oh so you're saying I'm lazy?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Maybe," he smiled. I rolled my eyes at him and threw some random item I found on the floor at him. He laughed.
"You missed me," he snickered.
I blushed lightly and rolled my eyes again. "Shut up, it's dark!"
"Tsk tsk Cass," Brendon chimed, "you and your excuses."
I glared at him. "But really! I bet you couldn't hit me if you threw something!"
"Oh really?" he asked. I nodded my head and watched him search for something to throw at me. It appeared he found something because he acted like he threw something at me. I waited for a few moments.
"You didn't hit me," I laughed.
"You're lying!" he spat.
"I am not!" I spat back.
"Children, children," Ryan hushed.
Brendon and I made a few faces at each other before Ryan reached over and slapped the back of his head.

"Ow!" he whined, rubbing his head. I giggled, which made Ryan smile over at me. We stared at each other, smiling, for a few moments before Brendon spoke up again.
"We should probably go to sleep, you know," he said. Ryan blushed a bit, though it was dark so I couldn't really tell but I'm pretty sure he was blushing, and fiddled with the zipper on the sleeping bag. I bit my lip and nodded.
"Right, right. G'night," I muttered, lying down.
"Night Cass!" Brendon said. Ryan didn't say anything.

-3:35 AM-
"Cassadee," whispered a soft voice.
I felt a slight shove on my shoulder, which pulled me away from my dream of ice skating with Blink-182. I opened my eyes to find myself staring into the eyes of a dark figure. I couldn't make out who it was, until of course they spoke my name again.
"Cass, are you awake?" Ryan asked quietly.
"I am now," I groaned. He sat up next to me, acting like he was waiting.
I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes and trying to adjust them to the dark room. I looked over at him and yawned.

"Why did you wake me up?" I asked groggily.
"Couldn't sleep," he replied.
"So you decided to mess with me?" I asked pitifully. "I was having a good dream, dammit!" He laughed and grabbed my hand.
"Come on," he beckoned.
He yanked my hand, pulling me out of the sleeping bag. I followed sleepily, not really sure why he was dragging me out of my nice, warm, comfy bag.

He lead me out the back door and into the backyard. The stars twinkled in the dark sky above us as a cold wind chill swept the air. I shivered. I get cold so easily it's not even funny. He let go of my hand and smiled at me.
"Why did you drag me out here?" I asked, wrapping my arms around myself as I shivered again. He shrugged and sat down in the grass.
"I dunno, I just wanted to," he smiled. He began to tug on my pajama pants, silently begging me to sit next to him. I smiled back at him and sat down. He put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. Goosebumps ran over my arms and legs, and for some reason I don't think it was because I was cold.

We sat in silence, watching the stars above twinkle. He twirled my hair while I traced my finger nails over his chest.
"Cassadee?" he randomly said. His voice was so soft, it made my heart flutter to hear him say my name like that.
"Yeah?" I looked up at him. He didn't say anything right away, he just smiled down at me. I blushed a bit, wondering what was going through his head.
"Can I-" he paused, "can I tell you something?"
I tilted my head before replying, "sure?" He chuckled a bit and bit his lip.
"Okay," he shifted around a bit, looking into my emerald colored eyes, "so-I really, really-uhm..."

He stopped, as if searching for a way to continue but having a hard time doing so. I motioned for him to carry on. He stared at me for a few seconds and sighed.
"I'm sorry, I can't do this," he said before getting up. I felt like a part of me died as he started to walk away, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his pajama pants. I quickly sprang up to follow him.

"Ryan wait!" I called after him, but I lost him. I searched the house from top to bottom. I almost gave up until I remembered I forgot to check the garage. I found the door and went to turn the knob, but it was locked. I could hear the sound of a guitar so I knew he was in there.
"Let me in, Ry," I said, jiggling the knob even though I knew it wouldn't open.
He didn't reply. He guitar stopped, like he was trying to make me think he wasn't really in there. I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Ryan Ross, let me in!" I snapped a little louder.


"Fine," I muttered, "be that way."
I started to go back into the living room so I could go back to sleep, but the garage door opened and there stood Ryan with a very guilty look on his face. I stared at him, and him at me. He lowered his head and reached for my hand again. He tugged it lightly, trying to get me to follow him into the garage. I obeyed timidly and slowly followed.
He shut the door behind us, never letting go of my hand. He turned to me, his honey brown eyes fixed upon me.
"Sorry," he mumbled.
"You should be," I said with a slight chuckle, at least attempting to lighten the awkward mood. He didn't laugh so I shut up. He looked away from me but still held onto my hand, giving it another tug which told me to follow him as he made his way to the couch. And so I did. We sat down.
He continued to hold my hand, his thumb rubbing it slowly as he kept his head low.
"Can I have my hand back?" I asked quietly.
"No," he said, picking his head up and looking at me.
I giggled a little, but he still didn't laugh so once again I shut up. We sat there for what seemed like forever so I decided to say something.

"So," I started quietly as I watched him continue to trace his thumb over the top of my hand, "care to elaborate?"
He bit his lip and nodded his head slowly.
"Yeah just give me a minute," he muttered with a slight chuckle that made me smile a little. He sighed and placed his other hand on mine.

He sighed again and stared at my hand. He chuckled a bit at it, probably because of the writing on it we did earlier with a sharpie. Either that or maybe he was laughing at the penis Brendon drew on it. I'm not really sure. But either way he was smiling which made me smile even more.
He reached over to the side-table next to the couch, while still keeping one hand on mine, and grabbed a black sharpie. He pulled the cap off with his teeth and spit it out into his lap. He then picked my hand up and brought it up to his face. He gave me a sly smile that made me blush under the dim lighting of the garage. I pursed my lips as I felt the tip of the sharpie hit my bare skin. I sat up straighter to see if I could tell what he was writing but he covered it up.
"Uh, uh, uh!" he scolded, "no cheating."
I stuck my tongue out at him and slumped back down.

He continued to draw on my hand for a minute or two before letting go of it finally. He took in an uneasy breath and I pulled it up to my face to see what it said. First thing I noticed was the fact he had scratched out the penis so now there was a giant black blob there. And I started to come across all kinds of swirls over my hand. I chuckled a bit and examined them. They ran all over the top of my hand. I noticed they wove to my palm as well, so I started to turn my hand over to look at them, but before I could, he made this really odd sound.
"Wa-" he stopped, his lips trembling slightly.
I glanced up at him, eyebrow raised. He bit his lip; he looked nervous almost.
I chuckled and went back to look at my hand.

And as I did so, he pushed my hand down and swiftly leaded toward me, his lips catching mine. It was soft and sweet but careful, acting like he wasn't sure if he should be doing what he was. He pulled back slowly, his eyes staring into mine.
"I-I'm sorry," he choked out.
I stared back at him, slightly confused. I found myself slowly glancing down at the palm of my hand, only to find a heart that said "I love you" inside.
I blushed furiously as I looked back up at him.
"Cliché, I know..." he muttered with a chuckle.
"You kissed me," I sputtered out, silently giggly like a little school girl.
He blushed and nodded.
"I at least wanted to be able to say I kissed the most amazing person I know just in case you didn't feel the same way and end up hating me or something," he admitted with a laugh. I laughed as well, making him laugh more.
"Wow that was really corny," he laughed.
I giggled and leaned up a bit, pecking him gently on the lips.
He smiled at me as I pulled away, wrapping his arms around me. He pulled me into his lap and kissed my forehead. I played with the collar of his shirt and quietly sighed to myself.
"Ryan," I mumbled.
"I love you too."
He smiled and put his hand under my chin, tilting it up and catching me in another kiss.

I fell asleep in his arms and the next morning I woke up to Brendon dancing in the middle of garage in his boxers and a t-shirt and Ryan still holding me in his arms. Spencer and Brent were slumped against the wall, watching Brendon act like an idiot. He stopped after a few spins, noticing I had started to wake up.
"SHE'S AWAKE!" he screeched. Ryan immediately shot up, sending me flying off the couch and onto the floor.
"What? Wha-...Cass!" He quickly reached down and picked me up off the floor, setting me back into his lap.
Brendon clasped his hands together and smiled widely as he walked over toward us.
"What?" I asked as Brendon gave us that extremely creepy smile.
"Nothing," he chimed, skipping off into the house. Ryan and I exchanged glances.
Brent gave Ryan a weird kind of look before exiting the garage. Spencer walked over and pat me on the head and then followed Brent, leaving us alone.

Ryan gave me a wide smile and kissed my cheek. I smiled back and grabbed the sharpie from the previous night, yanking off the cap and pushing the hair out of his face. I took the sharpie and started writing something on his forehead. He laughed a bit and watching me.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
I smirked and put the cap back on the sharpie.
"Claiming you," I said sweetly.

And sure enough, on his forehead read:

♠ ♠ ♠
personally, i think it's d-o-n-u-t.
what do you think?