Stupid Lovesick Melody

Zacky starts to have feelings for The Revs younger sister,
but acting on them would be stupid, wouldnt they?
mara has had a massive crush on zacky for years, but doesnt think he would notice her
and jimmy is totally intent on pro tecting his sisters honour.
but this is Zackys, and maras story.
  1. Do you see me?, I mean really see me.
    kind of exploreing things from Zackys point of veiw
  2. Buried deep inside there really isnt a girly girl
    So this is written from Maras POV. poor maras feeling a bit self conciouse. can lulu get her out of her shell. i dunno, read and find out.
  3. My smile hides the pain and i store it away.
    just a normal shopping trip, with one very reluctant Mara. plus a shocking twist.
  4. Lets make a mess, Steal a kiss in the moment
    Things really start to go to hell, lets just say the shit hits the fan in this one. Zack finaly tells Mara how he feels.
  5. Whose side are you really on
    things are really starting to get interesting, well, i think they are.