Status: Completed

Little Miss Obsessive


Kaitlin and Ryan were together for 4 years, they were happyily in love, but what in the end it didn't seem like enough and they fell a part. Kaitlin not knowing how to be herself, when all she's ever known is Ryan, she falls into the deepest pit of misery.

Her way of dealing was, staying at home in her bed, crying all day and all night long, until her body was tired, and she finally let herself sleep. But one day when Ryan comes over to collect the rest of his stuff, the flames are still lit. Will they come to their senses before they kill each other with their broken hearts?

I do not own Ryan Ross, but I do own the character of Kaitlin (that's me!), the content, and the layout. So please note that what is written is fiction, after all it is a fan-fic, and I hope you enjoy reading. Thank you.
Title Credit: Little Miss Obsessive - Ashlee Simpson-Wentz.
Chapter Title Credit: Me.
Layout Credit: Me, Google & Mibba.
Contents Credit: Me.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy it.
Kaitlin xx
  1. Bang.
    Captured Memories and Captured Hearts.