Lover I Don't Have To Love

I like your shoes.

[Gerard's P.O.V]
I walked into the club, the smell of cigarettes and sweat instantly washing over me like a wave. The guys followed in behind me, making their way to the bar. I took a glance around the club, taking in all the different faces, before trailing behind them. Mikey turned around and handed me a beer. "You were great man!" He yelled over the music that was spilling out of the speakers, giving the poeple on the dance floor a rythm to move their sweating bodies to. We just got done with a gig, and went out to celebrate because it was our best one yet. Ray and Bob tunred around and joined in on the converstaion. "Yeah, you sure were. I've never seen you that alive on stage before!" Bob said. I smiled, "Thanks guys. You were all great too." I raised my glass as did the other three, "To My Chemical Romance!" We all clinked our glasses together and then proceeded to chug them. We all cheered and Ray ordered another round.

Soon after that we were all wasted, laughing our asses off at some stupid joke that already forgot but I kept laughing because I thought it was funny that I had already forgotten it. My eyes were swimming with tears from laughing so hard when I spotted him. He had just walked through the door, looking around and taking in all the faces just as I had not to long ago. I wiped the tears from my eyes and watched him as he waved over the a group of people and gave them a one minute sign before heading to the bar. He was kinda short, but that was okay. He had red and black hair, with some bangs hanging in his face. He was wearing a plain black shirt, his tattoos spilling out from under his shirt sleeves and his skinny black jeans hugged in all the right places. He turned around with a beer in his hand and started to make his over over to the group of people. I suddenly became jealous, I wanted him to be smiling at me. I wanted him walking over to us. As he walked by our table we caught eachothers eyes for a second, but I could have kept that glance for eternity. His amazing hazel eyes were lightly surrounded by some red makeup and and black eyeliner and the hoop from his pierced lip was catching a bit of light from one of the flashing lights, making it stand out even more. He smiled and continued to walk towards the group.

I continued to glance his way every once in awhile. Awhile later I saw that he was at the bar and stared down at my empty glass. I told the guys I was going to go get another one. I hopped off my stool and made my way over to the bar. He was standing there trying to get the bartenders attention. I walked up next to him. I looked over at him, his face was slightly flushed from it being so hot and packed in the club. He looked up at me and gave me frustrated look. I spotted the bartender and loudly called to him, immediately getting his attention. He walked up to me, "What can I get you?" "A beer," I looked over at the guy and said, "What do you want?" He seemed shocked but then said, "A beer too please." The bartender nodded his head and went to get our drinks. "Hey thanks man, I've been trying to get his attention for awhile now." He said flicking the bangs out of his eyes. "No problem, my name is Gerard." I said sticking out my hand. He smiled and grabbed my hand, "I'm Frank." The bartender came back with our drink and I slapped down the money before tunring to leave, hoping he would stop me. "Hey, wait!" Frank yelled after me. I was smiling as turned around, "Yeah?" "Thanks for the drink. Do you wanna talk?" He said glancing down at his shoes. I liked them They were black and red Converse. "I like your shoes." I said chuckling. He smiled and we went to find a table. We finally found a couch that was up in the balcony part. No one was up there besides us.

We talked for what seemed like hours. I looked at my watched and realized we were talking for hours. It was 2 oclock and the club was closing. We heard somneone coming up the stairs and turned around to see my brother Mikey. "Hey man, I've been looking for you. We are going to head out." He said stopping at the top of the stairs when he saw Frank was with me. "Okay, I'll see you guys at home." I said waving bye to him. He nodded and started to head down the stairs. "Well, do you wanna go somewhere?" I asked standing up. "Sure." he said smiling.

I picked you out
Of a crowd and talked to you
Said I liked your shoes
You said thanks can I follow you?
So it's up the stairs
And out of view
No prying eyes
I poured some wine
I asked your name you asked the time
Now it's two o'clock,
the club is closed we're up the block...