;is it too soon to say 'perfect'?;

1;is it too soon to say 'perfect'?;

It was quiet, only a handful of people in the room as I walked inside. The door slammed behind me, a loud bang echoing through the gymnasium. I let the strap of my bag slide down my arm until it hit the floor. People glanced over at me but then when back to doing nothing. I sighed to myself and pulled my iPod out of my pocket.
As I sat there on the hardwood floor, I wondered to myself, why sit here and do nothing but dread going to class in the next 10 minutes when you could just go ahead to class now and get it over with?

But it's typical for the new guy to think that, right? But within only a few minutes, as people started to fill up the gym, I got the answer to my question...

She strolled in casually, her black hair falling over her emerald eyes as she set her bag down next to the wall. She wore a black hoodie with a guitar printed in white on the back and a red music note on the front. Her shoes were decorated with sharpies of all colors, which made my high-tops look dull and boring because all I had drawn on there was a bunch of skulls in black.
She stretched a bit and straightened her shirt, giving some girl that, I suppose, was addressing her, a smile that kind of made me want to smile. She started to walk over in my direction, and, in my mind I was hoping she would stop and say something to me.
She didn't, though.

She walked by me, but glanced down. My eye caught hers and she gave me a warm smile. I smiled, awkwardly, and blushed a little. She chuckled a bit and kept walking. I was mentally kicking myself as I watched her walk away from me and into a crowd of people. As she stood there, I was debating in my head whether I should go say something to her or not.

One part told me yes, because if you don't, you'll regret it.

And the other just said don't because chances are, she probably doesn’t want to talk to you anyway.

I, of course, went with side two and kept my happy ass on the floor and just watch her from a distance.
I saw her walk up to a guy that towered over her; it gave me an odd feeling. She gave him a smile, but then poked his nose. He said something to her with a smirk and bent down, picking her up. I reached up and yanked out an ear bud, trying to see if I could hear them.

"Ian!" she screamed, "put me the fuck down!"

"I think not," smirked the guy as he set her on his shoulder.
She held onto him tightly; I could tell she was a bit scared.

"Ian John Miller, if you don't put me down I'll-"

"Okay, okay!"

And then, he dropped her, on purpose, and she landed on the floor with a loud thud.

I was actually concerned, wondering if she was okay, but then suddenly everyone in the area we were in started laughing, including her. I chuckled a bit.
Another girl walked over and into the crowd of people. Her fiery red hair stood out, as well as her hot pink hoodie. Honestly, I don't think there's anywhere she could go without people noticing at her. And though I have to admit, she was cute; I was more focused on the other girl than anyone else.
I just wish I knew her name...
♠ ♠ ♠
..curly fries.