All Ways The Same never changin

Dont Let Me Get Me!

she placed her hand softly against the glass window. . .
it feels cold Doctor cold very very cold . . .just like him
Do you Want this to change Lira?
Lira sobbed

dawn look! whispered Kia exited,
What is it?
Look! its a map!
A map to what?
i don't know but see this! Kia pointed to a large area that must be a room but it had lots of small rows along near the left wall there were exactly ten lines with another straight line along them all. along the tenth line was a small red X over a black square,
Don't you see what it is! said kia impatiently
Its this very same library isn't it, said dawn quietly,
yes. . . i wonder what the X is. . . do you want to go look it has to have something to do with our dreams right!
kia where did you find this?
um i found it in a book but the book has blank pages i think i was meant to find it what if-
thats enough kia put it back quickly before one of them comes and see's it, said dawn she was angry but scared at he same time she acted mad when she was frighted,
Kia looked hurt but did as she was told and went behind the shelve to wear she must have found the book,
Dawn couldn't risk anything at the moment the watchers were . . . well they were watching,
and if they saw something they thought that looked like a MG or MGIM, specially from her and kia they'd be taken to the Raiser. that would be bad news,
kia came back still hurt, dawn didn't want to say sorry because it would mean, she would try again, and that would make more of a risk, she sat down solemnly and started to read the book she had before,

dawn new stuff she didn't and she was trying to prevent them from coming true


I walked behind the shelf to wear i had found the book i had after all annoyed Dawn as always, i knew she didn't mean to be that way she was protecting us like always kia would just get in the way, but the map she was sure was meant to be found by them it was just like her book, uh geez that sounds bad, I said aloud i looked a the Map and then a sensation come flooding through me i quickly folded the map and stuck it between my boobs, heheheh i love ya boobies!, i said to myself happily and then put on a sad looking face and went back out to my book, I'd look at the map later and figure it out dawn just doesn't understand that we cant hide forever and the dreams are trying to show us something, that much i knew

Not gonna get us! their not gonna get us!

Starting from hear lets make a promise, you and me let us honest, were gonna run nothing gonna stop not even the night that so falls around us

soon their be laughter and voices beyond these clouds,

No nothing can stop us. . . .
♠ ♠ ♠
um. . . ummmers

i'll Update after the next two comments,
:d :P :D