Hearts and The Heartless

Chapter Five: Beach House

“Are you sure about this, Em?”
Emily glanced at Murray, and smiled. Murray parked his car on the other side of the street. They got out of the car and studied the scenery in front of them. There was a house, which made of 60% glass, really big and had a beach for its backyard.
“I don’t want to leave you here all by yourself,” Murray spoke again.
“I’ll be fine, Murray.” She snapped. Murray pulled her daughter into his arms, and hugged her tightly.
“Oh, sorry. You be careful now okay?”
“Okay. Maybe I can remember something while I’m here,”
“I hope so, Em.”
They hugged again, Murray felt really upset to let Emily go this time, after he had lost her for three years. But he had no choice, this was her request, to be left alone in this house where she used to live with River.

As Emily crossed the road, she could not help but noticed that the house was deserted. But the more she drew her footsteps near it, the weirder she felt inside. It was as though an invisible hand had reached into her stomach and twisted it over. Her heart pounded in speed of a lightning bolt. She was standing right in front of the door now.
“Hello?” she called. Her voice echoed as the door already opened and she went inside. She placed her suitcase down on the dusty floor and called again.
“Hello, anybody here? River?”
No one answered her.
“And I was thinking to stay here by myself.” She murmured to herself. When she turned around, she saw Murray’s car was still there, probably too afraid to come in. She waved a little, but only to make Murray leave. When he left, Emily assembled her courage to come in. The furnitures were covered in white sheets, and the back door was open, which caught her attention the most. She quickly went through it and found a beautiful beach spot in the backyard of the house. When she was about to step down a small stair, she saw something. There were plenty of them - yellow daisies - beautifully planted on several flowerbeds.
“Daisies,” she mumbled to herself, remembering the flowers in her ward the other day. Then she saw something else. There were tons of cards placed on a wooden table nearby, and all of them had ‘Daisies’ word written on it. She frowned, it was River who sent her the flowers. Smiling to herself, she continued heading to the beach.