Status: Finished.

Always Honest


It's a quite night on the bus.

No show has to be played,


Nothing but Aladdin, Ghost Busters, and

some Swedish vampire movie Ryan

decided to force Brendon

to watch.

It's during this movie that Spencer walks

back in from a Red Bull run for Brendon

to see Ryan's head on Brendon's shoulder.

Jon sits cross legged on the floor

and smirks like

a cat ready to pounce.

Then, as Spencer sets down the bag of Red Bull

the lips that formed a smirk

flow into words,


More of a whine

then a question.


He seems lightly confused as he

goes into the kitchenette.

"Why don't we cuddle like that?"

The words are laced

with sarcasm and

a cleverly hidden sense of a

tone in the key of serious

"Excuse me?"

Spencer's surprised at the

questions, he knows it's a joke.

"Why don't we cuddle like that, Babs?"

Just slightly more serious.

"Shut up."

Spencer replies playfully,

ignoring the question.

"I'm serious!"

Jon teases with sarcasm.

Spencer smirks, slightly annoyed

and sit down next to


"And how come we've

Never made the noises

Brendon and Ryan make?"

Jon's eyes are playfully

smirking at Spencer.

Mocking him as Jon's


finds it's way to Spencer's


"Jon, your so


Spencer half growls

as he removes Jon's

hand from his neck like

it's an over used

snot rag.

It only edges Jon's joke on


Ryan and Brendon's laughter

isn't much help to Spencer


Jon tries to give Spencer

a face of sincere


Spencer looks confused at this

and Jon's lips once more form words.

"Don't you love me, Babs?"

Spencer grabs a pillow from the couch

and throws it at Jon's head.

He catches it.

Throws it down.

And smiles."

"Rawrr, I love it rough.

"Oh, your dead now!"

Spencer lunges at Jon.

But lands on air

as Jon jumps up and

runs off the bus.

Brendon and Ryan's laughing only increases

as Spencer jumps up and runs after


The moon is silver on his back

as Jon comes back into view.


Jon screams and laughs.

Thank god no one is around.

Spencer gets close enough

and goes to slap Jon.

He hits his shoulder


But even that has no prevail.

"! Red 'em cowboy!"

Jon yells, tricking Spencer

with a false


Spencer grabs Jon's hair

pulling it hard and getting him

to yell once in pain be fore he

laughs out ;

"Pull me hair again, Babs!

I love it rough!"

Spencer tackles Jon and

as the fall a

shout escapes from each mouth.

They roll one.

Spencer pulling Jon's

hair again and

Jon laugh the whole


When they come to

a standstill,

Spencer has the laughing Jon

under him

pinning him down by his shoulders.

"Oh no! Please don't!

I'll give you anything

anything but that!"

Jon laughs hysterically.

without thinking


slaps Jon across his face.

Silencing his laughter

and bringing the quiet.

And then, Jon gets an idea

it's a risk

but, the way Spencer is

lost in his eyes

forces him to do it.

He leans slightly up and

puts his lips to Spencer's.

And Spencer follows

timidly licking Jon's upper lip.

And Jon gives him

access and puts his

hands on Spencer's hips.

"I hate you."

Spencer gasps as he

breaks for air.

"I love you too, Babs"
♠ ♠ ♠
Don't ask where it came from.

Just be happy it's here.
