Red Wine Addiction

Red Wine Addiction
By: VioletShadows01


My name is Violet McCloud and I'm a Vampire. Ever since I was thirteen-years-old, about three hundred years ago, I have been a blood-sucker, a leech, a cold-blooded being...the walking undead. Unlike what most think, we do age, just at a slower pace than humans, so it's no surprise that me, and my clan, have to move every so often and attend a new school.

Our senses are enhanced. Our sight- very sensitive to sunlight. Our hearing- we can pick up on the faintest sounds. Our smell- the strongest of our senses. Our touch- is sensitive and very intimate for some of us. Our taste- our taste buds are sensitive and the more potent spices, like garlic, can bother our taste sensors.

We are faster, some of us faster that others. We are stronger. We are smarter, due to the many years of knowledge.

Because of what we are, we usually move around to busy cities, because there we are less likely to be noticed. Small towns pay closer attention to new people and is a bad choice for our kind.

Now, that I am at the human age of seventeen, my clan and I have come to stake claim to Huntington Beach. I figured I, and the other younger members of my clan, would pass through like normal.

I just didn't expect to catch sight of the perfect human, and I didn't expect the disgust at the thought of hunting him. I didn't expect to meet my human counterpart.

Disclaimer: I do not own a7x...although the thought is tempting.

Do give reviews. I wanna know what you guys like and what you don't like. The first chapter is a little slow and doesn't have any of the a7x guys. I am not an a7x girlfriend hater, as I've said many times. Enjoy!!!