Status: Completed

Just so You Know


For Charlie Damora in her 20 years of life she had come to the conclusion that life had it out for her. She grew up in Australia and she'd had it with the constant negative comments made on her part by her family. Finally she had enough of it all, and moved to LA, with her best friend from high school. The two had finally had enough and made for a clean slate, where no one knew them, nobody knew their story. Where nobody knew that both of them were broken.

After moving from Australia to America, things changed. Good things happened. Charlie finally found her beck and call, opening her own clothes line and being a part-time model with a job on the side at Hits, Hits & More Hits, a CD/DVD store. While Kat started to write a novel. Whilst also working at Hits, Hits & More Hits and being a part-time model.

To say the least they finally are doing the things they love and for once, no one has a negative comment to say. In fact all the comments have been of a possitive nature. And for once in the whole year they have been in LA, they are more content and more joyful then they have been since they finished school only a mere 3 years ago.

On one of her normal days Charlie gets news that she gets to do a Photo Shoot with one of her favourite bands, and is estatic. Will meeting them change her life for good or bad?


[N.B] I don't own Panic at the Disco, or anything associated along the lines of their partying ways, or anthing else. I own this content, the other characters and the layout. And nothing is true as I plucked it from my own imagination. Thank-you.
Title Credit: Just So You Know - Jesse McCartney.
Layout Credit: Me, Google & Mibba.
Contents Credit: Me.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy it.
Kaitlin xx
  1. Prologue.
    Family Woes.
  2. One.
    New Life.
  3. Two.
    In The Life of Charlie.
  4. Three.
    Freak Out, Let It Go.
  5. Four.
    CharlieDamora'sLine Photo Shoot.
  6. Five.
    Meeting Other Famous People.
  7. Six.
    Luscious Lips, New Friends and Getting Our Flirt On.
  8. Seven.
    Club Fever Brings Out The Wild Child.
  9. Eight.
    Miss. Hangover.
  10. Nine.
    Whispers In The Dark.
  11. Ten.
    A Busy Schedule for Busy People.
  12. Eleven.
  13. Twelve.
    Surprise Kisses Are The Best.
  14. Thirteen.
    Don't Speak.
  15. Fourteen.
    We Speak in Different Voices.
  16. Fifteen.
    How Do You Love Me Now?
  17. Sixteen.
    Something Beautiful.