Sequel: Shrimp.


Joint Story,
More when the thing gets started. :D
[Under Construction!]

  1. Can aqua be too blue?
    Random first chapter.
  2. B&Q
    The B&Q adventures!! Yay!!
  3. Oh, dear, Lord!
    Who let us loose in B&Q?!
  4. Nick's House.
    Crow and Katie go to Katie's boyfriend's house, this is gunna be fun!
  5. Yay Condoms!
    hahaha! Yey madness aswell.
  6. Sainsbury's
    Lesson Today: Never let us loose in Sainbury's
  7. Tooooo... David's House!
    Now what're we gunna do?!
  8. David's House.
    Heaven Help Us!
  9. Uh Oh!
    Uh Oh, David's In Trouble!
  10. RUN!
    Run bitches! RUNNNNN!!!
  11. Swimming
    Me thinks by the end of this we're gunna be banned from everywhere.
  12. No Diving.
  13. Costume
  14. Bang, Crash, Smash.