I'm One Step Behind You...Literally

"Isn't That Right Baby?"

**August's POV**

I sat on curb next to Nick and Joe.

I have no clue why they are there...

Kay still hasen't come back yet..

I hope she is okay..

I pulled out my phone and flipped it open browsing my contacts.

I should really call Dakota back..

I try not think of Mom so much..

It's been about a week since I found out.

Your probably thinking why I am sitting on the curb?

The genuis brothers' bus broke down.

What a piece of crap..

AJ is still AJ.

Annoying as hell.

She's been pretty much tangled around Joe.

I looked up the empty sidewalks.

I sighed and rested my chin on my hand.

"August!" I heard my name being called from a distance.

I got up and looked around.

I heard it again.

I turned to look up and saw Kay,waving her arms as if she was trapped on a island trying to signal a air plane.

I laughed and ran over to her hugging her.

I cry a little as we hugged each other.

After our hug, I punched her in the shoulder.

"Bitch!" She yelled holding her shoudler.

"No. You deserve it!" I yelled back at her.

"Why'd you leave?! I was worried sick!" I continued.

"Sorry.." She looked down.

"August.. I'm sorry for getting us into this.. I just really thought they were different people.." She confessed.

I turned around to see Nick and Joe walking toward us.

I rolled my eyes.

"I think it's time if we go home.." I whispered.

Kay nodded.

"Kay!" Joe exclaimed trying to hug Kay but she refused.

"What's wrong?" Joe backed up.

"Nothing.." Kay said in a mono-tone voice.

Here we go again..

**Kay's POV**
"Joe! I don't care what you have to say!" I yelled at him.

Yeah.. we are pretty much bitching about everything.

"Why'd you run away?" He kept asking the same question.

"None of your business.." I said in a sharp voice.

"No. It is my business!" He yelled.

"Whatever.." I said walking away.

"Come on August.. Let's get out of here.." I pulled August out of her conversation.

"Yeah. And where are you going to go?" Joe called sounding a little pissy but yet sorta concerned.

I looked down.

"We are going to go to my boyfriend's house.." I called back.

I saw August glance to me.

"Boyfriend?" She looked over to me.

I sighed and shrugged my shoulder.

Joe walked over to me.

"What boyfriend?" He laughed.

"Uh.." I turned around and saw Dakota walked down the street.

August ran up to him and they ran down here.

"Kay!" He yelled.

"He's my boyfriend." I pointed to Dakota as he approached.

"Really now?" Joe looked at him.

Dakota was wearing black trip pants with chains and black band T and a black hoodie with vans.

"Isn't that right baby?" I wrapped her hands around Dakota's neck and kissed him.

** August's POV**
Okay.. Kay is seriously out of her mind..

She said Dakota's her boyfriend.

I glanced overto her.

"What are you going to say now?" She looked at Joe.

I glanced up at Dakota who was so very confused.
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Hope ya like it.