I'm One Step Behind You...Literally

I Fell In Love With A Beautiful Stranger

~*August POV*~

-- I turned around,gulping after every breath. "I knew it! You fakers!" I heard a familar voice say. A.J... "What are you talking about?" I asked sounding stupid. "You know what I'm talking about August, don't be dumb!" She yelled fiercy at me. Kay looked up to me,waiting for me to say something smart. A.J looked at us. " Look, please don't tell anyone" I said sounding worthless. "Why shouldn't I?" She asked with a attitude."We will do anything! Please don't say anything!" I said looking as if I was gonna cry. Kay nudged me in stomach as I glared at her hopeless. "Anything?" She smirked. I nudged Kay as she blurted out "Yes". I looked at A.J's expression. "You can't have any relationship with Nick,Joe or Kevin. Especially,Joe. You are just there .. maids" A.J said seriously. Kay must feel as bad as me... maybe even worse. "O..kay" I said shaking. "Good" A.J replied and skipped off the bus. I looked at Kay. "This was my one chance to meet them and now.. I can't even.. be a fan anymore.." A tear down Kay's face as she spoke. I took a few steps and hugged Kay tightly. A tear fell down my cheek just thinking of how Kay felt. --

-- An half and hour or so later, we walked out of the bus,walking over to Nick and Joe. "All cleaned.." I said softly. They smiled then looked behind me to see Kay dragging her feet on the pavement. "What's wrong with her?" Joe asked worried. "Oh.. she has a stomach.. ache..she says it feels like someonejust punched her in the stomach.." I said lying sorta. Kay finally caught up to me. I leaned one arm on her shoulder and whispered inher ear 'Cheer up'. "So? How much do we owe you?" Nick asked. "Oh not-" I began to say. "A new life.." Kay mumbled. "Hmm, what did you say Kay?" Nick asked curiously. "I said nothing.." She said depressingly. "You sure?" He asked. "Yeah" I continued the conversation for Kay. A.J walked out from the building. "Joey!" She said wrapping her hands around Joe. I just releazied.. I'm in love with Nick.. yet.. I know.. nothing about him.. ( I said randomly in my mind) "Hey girls" She said smirking. I turned around. "We better go.." I said walking with Kay. "Wait,why?" Nick asked. I turned around. "Oh..nothing.. something we have to do" I said quietly and caught up with Kay. We walked around to the back of the building. "Kay.." I said bursting into tears. "I love someone I can't love" I said sliding to the ground. My hair pushed in my face and I buried my face in my knees. I releazied Kay had walked up the street. I buried my face again. "Why can't you love that person?" Someone asked. I looked up,wiping my face. --
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