No Good

No Good

A blue-eyed boy stared at May from two seats behind her, hoping that just maybe, she would notice him and say hi.

Indeed, she did notice him. “You!” the dark haired girl snapped as she turned around, “What the hell are you staring at?” Fucking retards, always staring at her, asking her stupid questions. “Go mind your own business.” The boy stammered an apology and averted his eyes before gathering his books and moving to a different seat. Good riddance.

It wasn’t that May didn’t like boys or anything. Her best friend was a boy. But it didn’t mean she wanted boys staring at her either; it was creepy and it happened all too often. She thought it might have been because of her hair was odd, long and tied back into a tight braid cascading down her back. But then some idiot had tried to hold her hand and walk her through the hallway.

Anyone else would have blushed and thought it was sweet. May thought it was fucking weird.

“Chased away another one, huh?” A familiar voice asked. May didn’t have to turn around to know he was smirking.

“I didn’t chase him away Fr—oh my God!” Her brown eyes widened in shock as she took a moment to absorb what was in front of her. “What the hell did you do to your hair?”

“I dyed it. What do you think? Should I keep it?”

“No! It’s green! Frank, are you insane?” May whispered fiercely, “The teachers are going to come after you with pitchforks!”

The boy looked at her and raised an eyebrow. “Okay, first of all, it’s Tre. Not Frank. And secondly, it doesn’t matter as long as the principal doesn’t see.”

The bell rang and the rest of the class clamored the their seats, Frank choosing a seat right next to May just as the teacher walked in. “Class, I know I was absent yesterday, but I expect that you studied for today’s vocabulary quiz.”

A collective groan rippled through the room, but May sat back in her seat and relaxed. She knew this stuff; she studied. She turned her head slightly to see Frank pleading with his eyes and stifled a giggle. When would he learn? Every single time. He would always fool around with his band and then beg to copy off her tests and homework. Smirking, May nodded. That’s what best friends were for.

As the teacher passed around the quizzes, May slid hers slightly towards Frank. She heard him sigh in relief and looked straight ahead. The black-haired boy in front of her turned around to smile at that short kid he was always hanging out with. Lately, May had been very intrigued by that smile, sweet and playful and mischievous all at once. She thought for a moment as she made her way down the antonym section of the quiz. His name started with a G. Or maybe it was a J. Jerry? No…

It hit her when she started filling in the synonym section. Gerard. His name was Gerard and he had the sweetest smile May had ever seen. Perhaps they could be friends. After all, she didn’t really hang out with anyone except for Frank and she had nothing to do when Frank ran off with his band mates.

May finished off her last few answers and slid the paper slightly more towards the side. No matter how many times she showed Frank her paper, they were never caught. They grinned at each other before she handed her quiz in. Frank smirked arrogantly and patted his new green hair.

“You did good, right?” he asked her the moment the bell rang. “You knew what you were doing, didn’t you?” May could tell he was kind of worried.

“You know, I don’t think I did so good at all. I think I might have failed.” She smirked, thumping the back of his acid-colored head.

“Very funny May. You’re a riot.” Frank thumped her right back just as Gerard and his short friend passed by. They were laughing about something. Gerard was smiling. May leaned against the locker next to Frank’s. Gerard and his short friend stopped too. He was putting his books away.

“Hey Frank,” May looked down to see Frank rummaging through his locker for a hat. “What do you know about that guy?”

Frank stood up and slammed his locker closed, beanie firmly jammed over his head. “I told you, it’s Tre. And three teachers just scowled at my hair. They’re going to report me!”

May rolled her eyes. “Fine, Tre,” she emphasized his self-bestowed nickname absurdly. “What do you know about that guy?” She pointed at Gerard. The short boy left, but Gerard was standing there. Maybe he was waiting.

“What guy? Who? Gerard? Did he ask you out too? Don’t punch this one; he’s already on bad terms with Billie. Something about a tie.”

“No, he didn’t--”

“Crap! The principal’s coming! Sorry, May. I have to run.” And run he did. May rolled her eyes again. Who told him to dye it green anyway? If he got in trouble, it wasn’t anyone’s fault but his own. And he wasn’t much help either.

Perhaps she’d just go talk to Gerard. After all, he was still at his locker and she didn’t have to stop at hers. And now she’d have a chance to prove that she wasn’t totally cold towards boys. Other than Frank. But Frank didn’t really count. But this boy was different from the others. Because, it was about time she faced it, she liked Gerard. He was smart like May. And he had that smile. Maybe he’d be the one boy she wouldn’t have to yell at or punch.

Yes. May decided she was going to say hi to Gerard. He was still waiting, still standing idly by his locker, books in hand. She checked her watch. Four minutes until the bell. She had time.

May walked forward, dodging students rushing to class and chasing each other in the hallways like idiots. Gerard’s friend came back. May stopped, just a few lockers away. She could hear what they were saying. She knew it was rude to eavesdrop, but she couldn’t help herself.

The short boy and Gerard were laughing again. May wondered if maybe she didn’t even want to talk to him; perhaps she’d just watch him smiling all day. She knew was being idiotic.

“So are you going to come over after school?” she heard the short boy ask.

“I can’t, Frank. I have to ask my parents,” Gerard looked at his watch. “Shouldn’t the teacher be here by now?” May smiled to herself. She and Gerard had friends with the same name.

Frank rolled his eyes. “There’s still a few minutes to the bell. Teachers are never early.” So this was their next class. “So anyway, come on. Please? My mom’s making apple pie.” Frank lowered his lip in a strange attempt to pout.

Gerard laughed again. That laugh was just…she never felt anything like it. She never knew she could think of someone this way. But there was that smile again. “Fine. But remember last time? You went ballistic when I ate the last piece.”

“Well it was the last piece!” May looked at her watch again. Two minutes. She’d have to get moving. But her legs wouldn’t let her.

“Yeah, but it tasted so good,” Gerard beamed playfully at his friend. May took a step forward when the short boy shoved Gerard up against the locker. And as May took another step, Frank stood on his toes and softly kissed Gerard.

“So do you,” she heard the shorter boy whisper. And Gerard kissed back.

May froze. Her eyes widened before flashing darkly. Turning her head firmly away, she walked briskly down the hall, past Gerard and towards her next class. She felt so stupid, but somehow…May felt like she was right.

She always knew that boys were no good.