‹ Prequel: First You Fall

Excuse The Obscene


"Ray Cassidy, age 31, native of New York and specializes in weapons trade."

It wasn't exactly uncommon for Drew to greet me in the morning with the latest assignment. I'd been expecting it this morning since Drew had been too drunk last night to explain the new target. I grabbed a cup of coffee and took the papers that Drew held out to me. I sat down across from Drew and looked at the picture. The guy in the picture, presumably Ray Cassidy, looked more like a body builder than he did a weapons man. A buzz cut and tattoos completed his image. While I flipped through the various pictures, Drew kept talking.

"My sources came in pretty late on this one. The fucker already has at least seven other hits on him. He's worth a lot of fucking money right now and people will kill to get to him first."

"What'd he do?" I asked, still sipping my coffee.

"He stole a shitload of money. He stole from people on the east coast then ran to the west coast and stole from people there too."

"And he stayed in the country?" No one was idiotic enough to try stealing that much shit anyways and if they were smart enough to pull it off then there was no way they would stick around for the consequences.

"If he's smart he won't be in the country much longer."

"Do we know where he is?"

"San Diego, California. Tomorrow night the money's going to change hands and after that Cassidy is gone. I've got the location for the exchange and that'll be our last shot at Cassidy. And we're not the only one's that know this either. His name's on a dozen different lists and shooters are already getting ready to take him down tomorrow night. I booked us a flight yesterday."

I had stopped listening after he said California. I hadn't been to California in years and I wasn't going to change that any time soon.

"The flight is tonight at 5:20." Drew spoke again, snapping me out of my slight daze.

"Cancel it." I stood up and moved to put my mug in the sink.

"What?" Drew spun around and faced me with a confused look on his face.

"I'm not interested."

"What the fuck are you talking about, Toni?" Drew followed me as I walked off to my room.

"I thought the statement was pretty self explanatory."

"Since when do you turn down jobs? Especially one that pays this much." Drew stuck his hand in the door before I could shut it.

"Since they started being in California." I said, pulling my shirt over my head. It wouldn't be the first time Drew's seen me naked.

"And why exactly can't you do California?" Drew leaned against the door frame and stared at me.

"I don't do long flights. It's not worth it." I pulled off the boxers I slept in and grabbed my towel.

"This isn't about a goddamn flight, Toni. Whatever problem you have with the entire state of California is part of your past and your past is your business but we're not turning this down so whatever it is, I would suggest getting the fuck over it now."

Drew could never just believe the simplest of answers. I shoved past him and started to walk to the bathroom.

"Flight leaves at 5:20." Drew repeated himself.

I paused and spun around again.

"Don't fuck with this, Drew. Let it go." I said, hand on the doorknob to the bathroom.

"Tell me why you won't go to California and I drop it. Don't tell me why and we get on that 5:20 flight. Toni, we're fucking partners so there has to be some goddamn compromise here." Drew had crossed the hallway and was standing right in front of me.

I tilted my head up and scowled at him but stayed silent.

"We've known each other for over a year and you haven't told me shit about your life before Chicago. I did my homework and I know for a fact that you didn't live in Chicago for more than a couple months before I came across you. What the hell are you trying to hide? And what does that have to do with you not wanting to go to California? The whole mysterious thing was interesting for the past year but now I want to fucking know."

This whole situation had given me the perfect opening; I could just tell Drew now. He was the closest thing I could get to trusting someone so if I was going to tell anyone, it would be him. But he'd given me a choice and I'd already made up my mind.

"I tell you and we stay, I don't and we go, that's the deal right?" I asked, still staring up at him. Drew just gave a slight nod of his head.

"Then I suggest you start getting ready because it looks like we're going to California." I stepped into the bathroom and shut the door before Drew had the chance to react.

I leaned my head back against the tiled walls and let the hot water run over me. I'd been in the shower for almost half an hour now but no amount of hot water was going to sooth my thoughts. I could have just told Drew about Zacky. I should have. But talking about it meant thinking about it. Talking about it meant letting thoughts of Zacky dominate my mind like it used to right after I left Huntington Beach. I had locked away all thoughts about my life before Chicago and I was hardly ready to let them out again. It had taken me forever to even convince myself that I was over what happened. Telling the entire ordeal to Drew would mean crushing all the work I did to put my past to rest. I'd rather take my chances with doing the job. California was a big state. There was no guarantee that I would somehow run into someone I knew.

I reached over and turned off the water. I'm Toni fucking Foster. I could handle going back to California and still be fine. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me before heading back to my room. I could hear Drew talking on the phone in his room as I walked past his door. I got dressed in a pair of jeans and an old t-shirt before pulling out my duffel bag and systematically shoving the things I would need inside. It was almost sickening how doing this had become second nature for me. My conscious had silenced itself after two months of doing this. After three, I couldn't even remember what guilt felt like anymore. Johnny had once explained to me that him and the guys weren't 'bad people'. They just had the balls to do the shit everyone else wanted to do but wouldn't dare try. I never worried that I had become an evil person. I just had the guts to do the shit others were afraid to do. Anyone who met the barrel of my gun had it coming for one reason or another. Case and point: Ray Cassidy. Lying, cheating, thief. I was doing the world a great favor by killing him.

I looked down at my bag once I was done and sighed before starting to unpack it all over again. I'd forgotten that we would be flying and the last fucking thing I needed was to be arrested at an airport. I'd just have to get a hold of some pocket knives when we reached California. Not as efficient as my guns but they provide a bit more hands on fun. I heard my door open just as I was zipping my bag up for the second time.

"So, how are we doing this?" I asked, already knowing what Drew had come to talk about.

"Cassidy has a boat that he keeps docked at a private pier. He's meeting his guy here to buy something off of him. No one knows what and no one really cares. The place is going to be crawling with shooters. Once Cassidy pulls up it's going to be a free for all. The fuckers will be killing each other to get to him first. It's going to be a bloodbath."

"Great, I'm going to need more bullets." I groaned.

"No you won't." Drew smirked. "Unlike these fuckers, we're not going to the boat docks. I've got the address for the hotel that he's staying at. All we need to do is get inside and we'll have him long before he even gets to the boat docks. It'll be riskier because of cameras and such but you can pull it off without leaving much of a trail. Only problem is figuring out a way to get you inside."

"Don't worry. I can get inside." I smiled and Drew shot me a questioning look.

"Everything ready to go then?" I asked, ignoring the look he shot me.

"Yeah, and why are you so excited to go now? An hour ago you were bitching about it."

"I guess I just can't resist a kill." I said, knowing that that wouldn't be a good enough answer for Drew but he would leave it alone for the time being.

After a six hour flight we arrived in L.A. at around 8:40. 11:40 eastern time. Drew rented a car and we reached San Diego at around 10:50. 1:50 eastern time.

"I'm going to bed." I said once we'd gotten into our hotel room.

"You slept the entire plane ride." Drew pointed out.

I decided against speaking and gave him the finger instead as I made my way over to the bathroom.

"I'm heading out." Drew said, as I was leaving the bathroom.

"Don't get to drunk." I advised, crawling on the bed. "This is still a job."

"Working vacation." He smiled as he left.

When I woke up the next morning Drew was asleep on the floor, still dressed in the clothes he was wearing the night before. I hopped off the bed and grabbed my bag. When I was done showering and changing, Drew was still asleep on the floor.

"I'm taking the car." I said, kicking him lightly to get his attention.

"Whatever. Just be back in time. This is our only open window to get this job done." He rolled over slightly and threw the keys at me.

"Working vacation." I smirked, catching the keys and heading towards the door.

I decided to aimlessly drive around the city for awhile. I never really thought about how much I missed living in California. Jersey had it's benefits but I'd been born and raised in sunny California. I stopped at an IHOP for lunch before heading back to the hotel. Drew was up and changed when I got back to the hotel.

"Just in time. I'm getting ready to check us out." Drew spoke while stuffing his things back in his bag. "I've already checked everything. We're good to go."

I nodded and grabbed my bag, following him out the door and back to the car. Once we were in the car, Drew pulled back the seat and tossed me a bag that held three small pocket knives.

"It was the best I could find around here. You're just going to have to get a little more hands on." He spoke while starting the car.

"Fine by me." I smiled, fingering the shiny new knives. I slid one into each of the ankle high boots I wore. I slid the third one down my shirt and made sure that my bra would hold it tightly.

"Wait, pull over here." I said quickly as Drew drove past a small grocery store.

"What the fuck? We're on a schedule, Toni." He asked, looking at me as I climbed out of the car.

I ran into the small store and bought a six pack of beer before racing back out to the car.

"You stopped me so that you could buy beer? Do you really think now is a good time to be drinking?" Drew asked, staring incredulously at the six pack in my lap.

"Just drive." I said placing the beer on the floor of the car.

It wasn't long before we reached the hotel where Cassidy was supposedly staying. I put on my aviators and pulled my hair up into a tight bun while Drew talked.

"Make sure your bluetooth is on so that we don't lose contact. And don't forget to take the picture. They're going to want proof that he's dead and you're the one that killed him before handing over the cash. I'll be waiting somewhere along this street so make sure you use the front exit. And if you- "

"Jesus, Drew, we've been over this already. I got it." I reached down and grabbed a can of beer.

"You're not going to fucking drink right now are you?" Drew asked.

I ignored him and opened the can. I poured a bit of beer into the palm of my hand before flicking it over my body.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Drew looked at me as if I was already drunk.

I ignored him again in favor of taking a large gulp of the beer, swishing it around in my mouth for a moment before swallowing it.

"Do I smell like beer?" I turned and asked Drew once I was done.

"Yes." Drew answered, apparently having given up on figuring out what I was doing.

"Perfect." I responded before hopping out of the car.

I walked to the front of the hotel before pausing for a moment. My phone rang and I answered it with my bluetooth.

"Are we good?" I heard Drew ask.

"Yeah." I answered before walking through the revolving doors.

I did a quick survey of the hotel lobby before heading over to the front desk.

"How may I help you?" A young, blond guy asked.

"I need to see a Ray Cassidy. Can I have his room number please?" I asked, careful to slur my words just a bit.

"He's not in right now. Would you like to leave a message to be delivered to him."

"Shit." I heard Drew murmur through the bluetooth.

"No, no message. I'll just wait for him in his room. Is there anyway you could give me the key card." I slid a little from side to side while I spoke.

"That's against hotel policy miss, but you're welcome to wait here in the lobby." The guy, Mitch his name tag read, watched me cautiously as I swayed.

"No, I want to go up there right now and wait for him. I've got a surprise for him." I leaned in and winked at Mitch. "So the room key please." I spoke again, making sure Mitch got a good whiff of my beer breath.

"Miss, I can't do that but once again you're-"

"Look, I won't tell if you won't. Can't a man come back to his hotel to find his sexy girlfriend waiting for him in bed?" I cut him off and waved my hands around as if to make a point.

"Miss I can't give you the room key but-"

"Fine." I said. "I'll just go drive and find him myself." I started to stumble away from the front desk.

"Miss, wait, you shouldn't be driving in that state." Mitch caught my arm before I could leave. "Why don't you just wait here?"

"I'd love to wait here." I slurred again. "I'd love to wait in my boyfriend's room, but you won't let me do that."

"Wait." Mitch tapped away on his computer before pulling out a white and red key card. "Suite 506. Here's the key." He slid the key card across the table.

"Why thank you, Mitch." I smiled, taking the key card.

"Please, don't tell anyone about this. I could lose my job." Mitch whispered to me.

"It'll be our secret." I leaned over the desk and whispered in Mitch's ear before stumbling over to the elevator.

Once inside the elevator, I stood up straight again.

"How'd you know that would work?" Drew asked.

"Some people, like our friend Mitch, are just to nice. No one wants to see a pretty girl go drunk driving and hurt herself, or anyone else for that matter." I responded, adjusting the bluetooth in my ear.

The elevator reached the fourth floor and I walked out. I let myself into Cassidy's hotel room before taking off my aviators and hooking them onto my shirt. I looked around the hotel room and let out a low whistle. Cassidy was putting all the stolen money to good use by buying what had to be the most expensive suite in the hotel. I surveyed the bedroom, the bathroom and the general sitting area before deciding to wait in the bathroom since it was closest to the door.

"You ready to go?" Drew asked.

"Ready." I responded as I pulled out my knives and started playing with them.

"I'll let you know when I see them enter the building. That'll give you about five minutes before they get to you."

Fifteen minutes later I was still perched on the counter of the bathroom, spinning my knives around in my hands. I froze when I heard the door to the suite open. I slid quietly off the counter and moved closer to the door of the bathroom. I could hear footsteps move past the bathroom and further into the suite. It sounded as if there were more than one person out there. Drew was supposed to have told me when he saw them come into the building. I waited and heard the footsteps fade further into the suite before whispering.

"What the fuck happened? They're here and you didn't give me the heads up." I spoke.

"That can't be them Toni. I've been watching the door for the past twenty minutes."

"Well, someone's fucking here." I replied, getting ready to leave the bathroom.

"Shit." Drew groaned. "We're not the only ones who thought to get him from the hotel. Just take care of whoever it is."

"With pleasure." I replied. I never did like the competition.

I was reaching for the doorknob when whoever it was spoke.

"I'm going to check the bathroom." The voice moved closer. It sounded oddly familiar but I brushed it off.

As the footsteps got closer, I threw the bathroom door open and raced out, knife held ready to throw. And I would have thrown it if shock hadn't taken over my body. Fuck throwing knives, it took all my senses to keep from fainting. Time seemed to slow down and so much happened in the span of about two seconds.

Brian fucking Haner stood before me, gun pointed at my chest and a look of shock on his face.

Jimmy popped up from around the corner and froze in his footsteps.

My knife slipped from my fingers and onto the floor.

The door behind me flew open and someone made some sort of a strangled noise.

And then time was speeding up beyond belief. I spun around to face another two men, one of whom was Ray Cassidy, the other was holding a gun. My body moved of it's own accord. My arm had knocked the gun out of the stunned man's hand. One swift kick had Ray Cassidy falling to his knees. I felt a pair of arms try to wrap around me from behind. I dropped to the floor taking the person with me. My elbow collided with their nose and I rolled over so I was laying on them, my back to their chest. I looked up just in time to see Jimmy reaching down to grab me. That means it was Brian laying beneath me. Before Jimmy could get his hands on me, I kicked my leg in the air and it made contact with his knees. Unlike Cassidy, Jimmy didn't fall but it did give me enough time to jump off of Brian.

I had only made it a few steps when a hand shot out and grabbed my hair. Cassidy's goon had a grip on my hair and yanked me back. I elbowed him in the throat just as Jimmy grabbed a gun and fired off. The bullet hit the goon square between his eyes and I instinctively crouched to avoid any bullets still flying. I swiped my leg out and knocked Jimmy to the floor before standing back up and attempting to punch Brian. He caught my fist and used it to pull me closer to him before landing a punch to my stomach. I was getting ready to start kicking again when an arm wrapped around Brian's neck. I looked over his shoulder to see Cassidy trying to strangle him. Brian let go of my fist and I dropped to the floor, grabbing my knife.

I got back to my feet quickly just as another shot was fired. I looked over and saw a dead Cassidy slump onto Brian. Jimmy looked over at me and I threw my knife, aiming for his arm. He moved just in time but the knife grazed over the arm holding the gun. Jimmy dropped the gun and gripped his arm. Brian was just pushing a bloody Cassidy off of him. I took this one free moment to finally run. I went sprinting down the hall, my hair flying out of its neat bun. Seconds had hardly passed before I heard the footsteps pounding the floor behind me. I rounded the corner just in time to see Drew stepping out of the elevator.

"Out." I shouted as I caught up to Drew and grabbed his arm.

The elevator had already shut and we didn't have time to wait around for it. I spared a quick glance behind me to see Brian and Jimmy not far behind us.

"Stairs." Drew said, running in the direction that I assumed the stairs were.

We reached the stairs and Brian and Jimmy still hadn't slowed down behind us. I pushed the door open and began racing down the stairs with Drew right beside me. Before, I knew what was happening Drew pulled me through a door that I hadn't even realized was there. We ran out into the parking lot and I spotted the rental car. We'd made it into the car just as Brian and Jimmy made it out the door.

"Drive." I shouted, as if Drew needed to be reminded.

Drew sped out of the parking lot as I kept glancing behind us to check if Brian and Jimmy were following. After a few minutes, it was obvious that they weren't.

"What the fuck was that?" Drew practically yelled as he finally slowed down. We were far enough away from the hotel.

"I don't know." I breathed, still trying to figure it out myself.

"You hesitated. You had a clear moment to kill one of them and you hesitated. I could tell over the goddamn phone!"

"Just fucking drive! I don't know what the fuck happened." I shouted, slamming my hand on the dashboard.

"Don't pull that shit with me, Toni. What the fuck happened back there?!" Drew yelled.

"I said I don't fucking know!" I shocked even myself with the volume of my voice.

Drew shot me a glare before facing the road again. The rest of the car ride to the airport was silent and I spent the time thinking.

There was no fucking way that the guys were there as hired guns. Zacky didn't work for anyone but himself. And then I remembered what Drew had said. Cassidy had stolen from people on the west coast. The fucker had stolen from Zacky of all people?! Of course, Zacky would send his own men to take care of it. I should have fucking looked into this before I flew all the way out here. Too bad I didn't expect anyone to be stupid enough to try to steal from Zacky. Still, I knew this wouldn't fucking work out.

"Fuck." I groaned and knelt over, putting my head between my knees.

"Are you okay?" Drew asked, as he pulled the car over.

"Fuck, no." I responded honestly.

It was only a matter of time before I was royally fucked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Normally, I don't criticize my own work but for the first time ever I did not like that. I also re-read the last chapter and realized I hated that too. But I'm hoping that it's just a phase. I re-wrote this a few times before deciding that I might as well leave it alone and post it. I'll just slave over the next one to make it better. It might suck right now but the story is actually going to be pretty good, I hope.

On another note, thanks to absolutely everyone who commented on the last one. And thanks to the people who gave their opinion about the whole title thing. I'm still trying to decide so the more opinions the better. The options are still Excuse the Obscene, Gone To Far and My Little Crime.

Last thing, these memos won't always be this long.

Comment please.