Status: This story lost steam sorry guys. If I ever get inspired for it again I'll try to update but don't get your hopes up.

Jamila of the Nile

Chapter Four

They took the shackles off my wrists and shoved me on to the king-sized canopy bad. I started crying again as I thought over everything.

When I got into the city, guards seized me and put shackles on my arms and ankles as if I had committed a heinous crime. They slathered a sticky oil all over me so I shined in the firelight. The looks in on their faces told me they were undressing me even more with their eyes. I felt ashamed. I had never gotten ready for show with anyone but my sisters. Their rough male hands scratched my skin as they rubbed.

Show time came and I was shoved through crowds of people dressed in beautiful reds and golds. They spoke to me in a gruff violent language i didn't understand. The lanterns were dimmed and I was shoved into the center of the circle before they lit it. The chain to my shackled wrists tugged and I tugged against it trying to fight getting burned. I pulled so hard that when they let go I fell. I didn't know what to do or why i was left here. When I looked around me beyond the blaze I could make out the sparkle of my audiences eyes. It reminded me of home.

When I closed my eyes I was back home. I was in front of my sisters showing them the new routine I'd prepared lure more customers, the trick I could do with my hands tied behind my back. Father beat the drum while Mia blew the flute while I showed them how special I was and why I deserved to dance.

I was snapped out of it when applause erupted into a roar. It wasn't the appaul of my family or the crowd of regular customers. The rough hands seized me again as if I would try to run away. I was sold... I repeated sadly in my head.

In the room I curled into a ball and sobbed more. It was such a strange place. Everything smelled and it felt like it would always be cold. I was homesick and nothing could possibly cure my helplessness except the arms of Mia.

Hands came for me again and I attempted to fight them back. My wrists were already weak from being restrained so tightly for so long and they were pinned about my head before I could do any serious damage.

To my surprise I had been under attack by a girl. She looked older than me, but not by much, "I help you." She said in my native tongue. My heart beat in my ears at the sound of my language, "You hurt, I help you." She clarified in case I hadn't heard her clearly the first time, "Yes," She nodded her head, "or no," She shook her head. I mimicked her gesture for yes and she let me go again.

I watched her as she leaned over to grab a cloth. She dipped it in what I supposed was warm water and touched my wrists and ankles with it. I winced wait for it to sting and when it didn't I watched her more. Her wrist had what looked like a burn mark on it as she held it out again for my hand. I took her hand and when I stood up she undressed me. I would have started crying like I did with the guards except with her it wasn't a violent act it was more like she was treating me like her child. She used another bowl to wash me. The sweet smell I recognized as lavender and it made my shoulders relax even more.

When she finished cleaning me she left the room through a door I hadn't noticed before. She came back in with red a gold cloth. She dressed me in it. She smirked at her work when she was done moving a lock of my hair behind an ear, "Beautiful." I blushed and my heart pounded in my ears at the sound of my name and looked down at my hands.

Her eyes were bright like mine I could tell from the way they flickered in the dim firelight. "My name Anise." She said lifting my chin, "Name?" I used her gesture for no and Anise laughed and nodded, "No worries now. I take care of you promise." She said holding my for arm and moving my hand so I held her's. Anise smiled so brightly at me that I couldn't help but smirk back.

The double doors I had been forced through slammed open again and I hid behind her. Anise faced who ever came in unflinchingly. He spoke to her harshly in their language and she replied in a soothing tone that I didn't think was possible in their tongue. Anise bowed revealing me. I was too scared to look him in the face so I only looked to his sandals. Gold straps. I confirmed in my mind.

He addressed me. I knew he was talking to me because I heard my name in his thick accent. Anise sat up and moved me in front of her she whispered in my ear, "Be brave, nothing will happen you don't want. He is weak." My heart fluttered as she left out behind him.

I felt like crying out to her not to leave me but I couldn't find the right words because I wasn't sure what exactly she understood of my language. He approached me and I closed my eyes shut tightly wishing myself somewhere else. My hands balled my clothes into fists.