Don't Wake The Darkness

Sorry, Frank.

You never forget the first time you feel like your about to die. It’s thrilling really; the taste of the light was as antagonizing as the nervous itch spreading throughout my back and straight at my spine. Fear seems to encourage you to say a prayer of “this is it, I’m over.” And chant that again and again, as if any one really cares.

Also, you never forget what it’s like to feel that being taken away, and feel reality hit you. It’s like drowning for me, the blood poisoned by water, the burning at the tips of my nose, my hands clawing their way towards the surface.

Just like a snap of the fingers, I’m in a gray lighted room. I can hear these heavy whispers fill my ears as I keep my eyes shut once more, hoping that my mind will just wind down and let me pass out once more. I didn’t want to wake, and I didn’t want to hear the whispers.

I could feel every movement; feel every tremble of my body and the sensitivity to the wooden floor boards. The nails in the floor scraping at my skin, the tearing causing me to convulse. I was sure I’d have some sort of seizure and go into shock. I was begging with small whimpers for me to be free.

To open my eyes to my warm bed and light, oh how I longed for the light of the sun to warm up my cheeks. I knew they would get me, in time I was nothing but bait.

I let my eyes slit open just a peak, to see a hooded figure in the corner, back towards me, hearing it sob soundly.

”You’re weak!”

The creature sobbed harder, it’s back hunching to a point where the offending being seemed to have remorse. I slowly sat up right, huddled against the wall; the voice had lost its stiff, sharp tone yet still held the same sternness and distaste.

”Coward, you let him live!” Snarles, barking, ordering.

”What was I supposed to do?” Fear.

The whining was pathetic, begging and pleading for the other voice to share sympathy. I tried to remain silent as the walls began to shake with every strong heave of my intake of harsh air. However silent I may be, I knew that this being, this voice could find me.

”Kill them! All of them! They destroyed all of us throughout history!”

”I’m not like you, not after what happened.”

I saw the sharp voice’s figure, almost the same dark hood as the other, yet the blackness held in the sharp voice was strong and ominous. The other had this great deal of sadness, looking for comfort.

”For Christ sake, fuck off about that already.”

The sobbing figure turned to the dark figure and held him at the knees, I could see beady red eyes and ash skin lean into the dark figure and it begged to leave him alone. Then the dark figure nodded, face not shown as it melted into the darkness, sweeping dust across his way.

And as I saw the figure turn, the gray cloth and skin morphed into a normal pale and eyes remained their red shade it turned to me, shaking its head as it mumbled with a mouth full of razor teeth.

”I’m so sorry Frank.”