Don't Wake The Darkness


My look of shock must have crossed my face, because the man then smiled and said

“You were talking aloud; I thought you asked me a question.”

I nodded, trying to blow it off my shoulder; I never talked aloud to myself any more. You never know who is listening. So I sipped my coffee, dying to know this man’s name. Fear was starting to build inside me, and I wouldn’t have of it! No sir, not in my day time, not under my sun!

“What’s your name?” I asked, feeling a bit queasy, but hoping for my nerves to calm down.

“Gerard’s the name, yours?” He asked, rearranging cream on the table top and twiddling his thumbs.

“Frank, I’m Frank.” He nodded, slicking his hand through his hair to stand up, his chair made a loud scree sound as he backed up and I jumped.

“Kid, lay off the caffeine, by the looks of it you’re jumping more then a Mexican bean.” I nodded and huddle my shoulders together. Checking my watch to count my blissful hours of the sun. I went home, going through my ritual of checking every door and every cabinet. Turning over mirrors and lighting up the house. It was one p. m. and I was already getting set up for night.

The basement had a light on, and each dark corner was swept, I made sure no objects in my room casted shadows and closed all blinds. I turned on my television and turned up the volume, turned on the fan, and had my two pugs by my side. No matter with all my protection, I felt drained and fearful. Men are going to break into your house tonight; they will come in through the front door and wait by the living room. Knowing that you’re awake they’ll kidnap you and rape you and kill you. Only if the boogy man doesn’t get you first.
A voice in my head had told me, snickering in the most sinister voice. Part of me loved to scare myself into oblivion and I had no idea why. I missed living with my family; with my Mom and Dad I had noise in the background. I heard their laughter, and I felt safe. I hated when they fell asleep. Getting this house I knew I needed company, but my two pugs could easily be killed. But I didn’t dare to think of it, I would start to cry.

I couldn’t remember a time I was not afraid of the dark, I thought as I made sure each light shined brightly in all four corners, chasing away shadows and of course the boogy man. I shuddered, looking over at my closet with my peripheral vision. I hated my closet, absolutely loathed the thing. A closet is where fear is made; a closet is where the darkness wakes up in the dead of the night to drag you into its vortex.

I was lucky enough to where my closet was so full of shit it couldn’t open, I never looked inside and I never took a long enough peek at it to check for monsters. But at least it didn’t amount to under my bed. Oh under my bed was the scariest place on ear. First off, I never stepped over the edge without slippers on, bare feet is a no no.

Second, I used long flowing drapes as a skirt on the edge, just so I can monitor any funny business going on down there. I looked at the dreaded clock, it was six p. m. The sun was setting, for such a beautiful sight I still loved mornings better. My natural protection was abandoning. I think I may need some human companionship, one that doesn’t make fun of my fears.

That night I dreamt I was in this beautiful fountain. Water, cool lukewarm water spewing out the top and I dragged my hands in it. A girl in a white dress sat beside me, she was so breath taking, I wanted to talk to her, but I was at ease so I let the silence pass us by and enjoyed the clouds moving a head. Then, to ruin my time a red spider decided to make a home near me, a little scared I moved away, the girl then smiled, I asked her if she could move it, and she then flung it on me. I woke up to my alarm going off and the sensation of being bitten on my right thigh.

Walking out the door into the Monday air I muttered under my breath “Bitch.” The day was slow; I fiddled with my name tag and stared at the rows of red, white, and kaki in front of me. I saw a costumer walk in; he had on a purple shirt and jeans.

“Well what a small world after all huh?” I saw that it had been the man Gerard who seemed more normal in his sort of light attire. His sunglasses reflected my stare as I rang up a bottle of coca-cola and handed it to him. He then took off his glasses and looked me square in the eye. “Let’s get out of here sugar.”
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ah, why not update?