Wish You Would Look at My Bones


I was sitting waiting on Tempting when someone sat next to me.

I look to see Zack sitting next to me i saw something in the corner of my eye.

One word Angela.

"Angela said you had the same IQ as me."Zack said turning towards me.

"Yeah i do" I said also turning to face him.

This sucks i hate Awkward moments where is tempting when you need her.

"Just say something you want to ask me something." I said as i saw him shifting.

"Angela said it would be mean and as a potential mate i should try not to offend you" He said looking upset

"Potential mate you do lack social skills well this potential mate thinks you should say it anyway" I told him trying to get him to open up.

"By saying your a potential mate are you saying you would go out with me and maybe even later have sex with me."He said looking a little excited.

"I'm saying lets get to know each other first by you asking your question." I tried to cover though i knew if he asked i would be putty.

"It's not very professional for you to have all those tattoos why do you have them" He said not knowing i was changing the subject.

"After my reputation was set i got the ones on my arms and face and neck the legs and chest i had. There stories memories" I told him i knew he would ask.

"Wouldn't pictures do isn't that what most people do" he said not being rude just curious

"Yes but I'm not most people you could lose pictures have them stole be damaged my tattoo's are always with me plus it makes people look past the surface" I said telling him the whole truth

"Hasn't it ever made your job hard make you less credible" He asked looking at my tattoos

"i always make sure i am 100 percent sure before i step into a court room i was my evidence irrefutable if my looks ruin my evidence then it wasn't good enough in the first place so no a couple of people didn't hire me but there was always someone else." i said looking at him.

"Cam made me cut my hair saying that if she didn't know me she wouldn't hire me because of it." He said looking upset

"you wanna know why she would go against it for me well one if you look at my record you would have hired me too two do you notice she let you go it back out she wanted to show you what the rest of the world was like." i Explained trying to get that look off his face.

"How do you know that." he asked looking a little happier.

" She told tempting who told me Cam also said if i didn't have my record she wouldn't have hired me though Brennen said some things that made her change her mind as well" I said as i shrugged

"What?" He asked not knowing he was digging in a wound

Just as i went to answer i heard Tempting calling me said it was time to go home.

" i will tell ya another time thanks for the talking to me Zack" I said as i picked up my stuff.

In a stupid move i leaned down and kissed his cheek i loved the blush across his cheek and i went to tempting.

" I'm going to put off paperwork till tomorrow so we can get you settled" Tempting said as she lead me to her car

We didn't talk to we got to her house which was awesome here i will show you

Living Room


Dining room

My Bedroom

Her Bedroom


"Thank you for everything tempting i wont let you and cam down" I said looking at her

" Do you want to talk" She asked looking at me worried.

"Yeah but not about what you think i do but i want to change first if that is ok" I said picking up my bags.

"Yeah lets go get change" she said going to her room



"Why dress so sexy" She asked looking me over.

"I just do no clue but i really need to talk to you Temperance" I said sitting on the couch

"Oh no what's wrong" She looked worried again sitting next to me.

" Well the good thing is i am over Mark " I said looking at her.

"Bad news" She asked looking a little less worried.

"I like someone from your team" i admitted looking away.

"Well Booth is to old for you so don't think about it" She said real fast.

" i wouldn't think of stealing him from you"I said laughing at her

"I'm not well hodgins is taken as well" She said changing the subject.

"Tempting stop your just bad at guessing" I said i couldn't believe she said that.

" well the only guy left is Zack and he isn't your type" She said sure of herself

"i know but he is the one i like" I said looking at my hands.

"he is nothing like what you go for normally that is good" She said happy for me

"how is it good" I said looking at her like she was crazy.

"Zack is a good guy if you like him try and see if he likes you back he had a bad break up with this girl at work" She explaind to me.

"My bad break involved a ex who would attack Zack i couldn't do that to him" I said now i was getting worried.

"let him choose that if you don't want to go with it then give it time but i know you hate doing that " She said putting a arm around me.

"yes but what about Mark" I put my head on her shoulder getting ready to cry.

"let me deal with that with booth wait how about i tell the team in case it comes up and then if Zack counties to hang around you you go for it " She said hugging me

She was always my big sister i could count on her for anything.

"ok but i am tried lets deal with it tomorrow" i said after i yawned.

"Good night Jezabel" She said hugging me one more time.

"Night Tempting" I said hugging her back

we went to bed what i didn't tell her was i can't sleep because of nightmare of mark getting me.

This was going to be a long night
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I would like to start my story againi but i need some help please message me if you would like to or for any other of my story