Status: Finished

Killing Joy


Zack and Caleb left me to think what the right thing to choose was. A) Zack, B) Caleb, C) None of them and being a happy single young woman. Of course I’d be happy because I have Nick right beside me, he’ll be the rainbow coloring my life.

Zack was going to be a lovely dad, he showed me a lot of his affection toward Nick this lately. It made me smiled a lot. In perspective way, I could see the happiness in Caleb’s face when he was playing with Nick. But the fact, Nick couldn’t have two dads at the moment even though the boys loved him and give fatherly affection to him.

Who’s gonna be Nick’s dad for the future?

“Wanna go out with me tonight?” suddenly Zack snapped my mind and brought me back to the reality where I supposed to be was. I was having some fun time with Zack together in coffee shop, before he asked me.

“It’s almost night, Zack” I chuckled sipping my coffee

“Well yes, I just want to show something. I found a very beautiful place yesterday, and you might like it”

“You mean, we’re going now?”

“Sure, why not? Let’s go” he got off from his chair and took my hand as we walked out from the coffee shop after we paid everything. Zack rented a nice car in Dallas, it was a black Honda Civic. He opened my door and let me in and the skipped a bit to his driver’s seat and slid into the car. He started the engine and smiled to me.

“I swear, you’re going to like it. It’s a perfect time..” he glanced to his watch.

“Okay” I chuckled. Zack drove the car with big smile on his face. His muscular arm worked with the wheel. I was enjoying his features when he hummed some song. His hum was not as attracting as Caleb’s do but I just liked it. Hey, what was I thinking? Caleb?

Oh no way!


It was one of the most beautiful scenery I’ve ever seen. Zack brought me to the nearest hill ends, and there we could watch city lights in night. The glimmering lights fascinated my eyes and I was there stood in amazement.

“Zack..” I said breathlessly, “This is so breath taking”

Zack chuckled and leaned on my side resting his hands on the boarding fence as his eyes traveled away through the view. In far side, I could see the unique light that came from the high building. It shot a very long light through the city.

“It’s beautiful,” I breathed in feeling the wind fused my warm cheeks. Moments later, I felt Zack squeezed my growing cold hand and smiled to me.

“Not as pretty as you, girl” he commented “Whoa, your hand is freezing…”

He was about to take off his jumper but I shook my head, “It’s okay, it’s just wind” I said

“You’re sure?”

“Yes..” I chuckled

“Well, maybe I could warm it for a bit..” he grinned and giddily took my hands and kept them warm. I wonder would Caleb do the same to me if I was freezing. Maybe he’d be more like hugging me and kissed my forehead.

Shit, wait. Why I was thinking of him!?

“You know, I was walking into some jewelries with Rian yesterday, and we found something worthy”

“What did you do with Rian in jewelries? Geez, you two are not the kind of guys who love jewelries, right?”

“No..” he laughed melodically

“Don’t say that you want to dress up like a hip hop artist, Zachary” I said with mom’s tone making him engulfed me into a warm hug and chuckled harder.

“Why is that, Nicks? You want to date hip hop-ers?”

“Nooo..” I pouted as he took a quick step to kiss my pouted lips. I gave in and kissed him back in more romantic way. It was like our lips are meant to be collided together, I enjoyed the way he swallowed my lips.

Caleb would make it a harder session, he would start roaming my bodies not like Zack who was a total sweetheart and took everything with slow.

Oh my God, why was he coming again to my mind!

“Uh…” I pulled away first

“What happened, babe?”

“Nothing… I just.. uh.. “ but I couldn’t continue my words. I couldn’t think of Caleb while I made out with Zack! It’s so wrong! Zack pulled away and sighed deeply.

He faced the city light with his dimmed eyes. Without any glances, he spoke, “I was reserving a beautiful marriage ring for you”

I gasped in shock. I didn’t know whether I should be happy or confused at the moment. But, it was more like confusion.

“Tha.. that’s fantastic… uhh.. yes, Zack” I said in hesitation making him faced me.

“It is?” he stared at me trying to read my mind. But his brightened eyes fell when he might be reading my face. “No, it’s not” he sighed

“Uhh.. why Zack? It’s lovely, I want to see it…”

“You are hesitated, Nicky. I know it”

“What? No.. I’m not” I managed my words not to be heard unsure. But well, I was totally unsure actually.

“Don’t lie to me, Nicky. I know, you’ve been thinking of him. You’ve been spacing out for times. I could tell it”

“Uh..” before I could answer, he cut me off

“Do you love me, Nicky?”

“Of course yes, Zack…” I was about to cry but it ended up with whimpers.

“Do you love Caleb, Nicky? Who do you love more?”

“Zack, I can’t answer that! Stop asking me such questions!”

“Why, Nicky? You don’t want to admit that you love Caleb more than me? I know I’d be the one who ended up losing you” he muttered angrily “But I won’t let it!” he roared

“I don’t, Zack… i.. I’m FUCKING confused! Can you stop bounding me with your selfish questions!! My mind is gonna blow up!” with that he stopped and was like tied back his tongue.

“I am selfish? Am I selfish if I want to fight back my girl! Is that what you call selfish!?” Zack was close to yell at me. And it was the very first time I could cry because Zack was yelling at me.

“Zack.. “ I whimpered as I lined down my tears.

He raked his fingers through his hair in frustration and exhaled loudly. “I love you so much, Nicky… I love Nick too, he’s already like my kid too…”

“I… of course love you too, Zack! I’m serious..”

“Right..” he inhaled deeply as he took my shoulders and squeezed it. “You’ve thought of it, so who’s gonna you pick? Caleb or me?”

I frowned with eyebrows already knitted together. My whimpers mustered out from my mouth. I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t choose one of them.

“And please, don’t make a side option being single mother. Nick needs a father, Nicky. Think of it… now.. please…”

Who was I gonna pick?

Zack Merrick, was a super nice guy and very lovable boyfriend. He cared of me so much. And he cared of Nick as well. He’d go as a decent daddy for Nick. A lady guy and family man. Girls would kill to have my position as Zack’s bride.

But what about Caleb?

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sorry for the grammatical mistake. comment and subscribe!! :D