I Left You Bound and Tied With Suicidal Memories

Chapter 027

Slowly, I switched my camera on and got the worst shock of my life. There was a picture of me and Brian making out.

I know, I know. What's so shocking about us making out when we're together right?

It's just that - the clothes that I seem to be wearing that night isn't my style at all - as far as I can remember, of course.

Why was I dressed like a slut? And why were we in a bar?

I clicked to see the next picture and saw another picture that shows the guys drinking - nothing unusual about that.

Up until the point where I saw Brian drinking a bottle of Heineken. I raised an eyebrow. I've never seen Brian drink before. Seeing him drink in these pictures made me think that there must have been a reason why he stopped.

I turn to the next picture and gasped again. This picture shows a picture of me dancing with Jimmy. And when I say dancing, I meant him being the 'pole'.

I shook my head. This couldn't be true. Even if it were, why can't I remember?

The more I see myself in the pictures, the more I didn't want to believe it was me.

I ran into the room where Brian was in and screamed, "WHAT is this?!"

He jumped from packing his things, his hand on his chest and said in frustration, "Jesus Trace. You could've killed me!"

I stomped towards him and shoved the camera into his hands and pointed to the picture of me and Jimmy dirty dancing.

"What - What is this?!" I hissed with pure venom.

I saw his expression fell when he saw the picture.

"And don't tell me you weren't there or that I cheated on you because," I clicked a button on the camera to show me and Brian making out, "You were there. And I was wearing the same lingerie."

He opened his mouth before closing it while I gave him the death glare.

He put down the camera on the bed and walked up to me, putting his hands on my shoulder.

"We were drunk," he said, pulling me close to his body.

I pushed myself away from his body and shook my head, blinking back the tears that were forcing their way out.

"That couldn't have been me." I sound like I was trying to convince myself.

"Sure it was," he said which made me glare at him even harder through wet eyes, "But it doesn't matter now. You've changed into a better person - as did I."

He walked towards me, taking my hand in his as he looked deep into my eyes.

"Let's just forget about the past? I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just thought you didn't want to know about our awful past."

Tears were rolling down my cheeks but I nodded my head. He gave me a small smile and pulled me into a light embrace.

When we pulled away, he kissed me on my forehead.

"Now, let's get packing or we'll miss our flight," he smiled and kissed my lips.


{{ Brian's POV }}

Tracy returned my fake smile and nodded. She turned to walk out the door and immediately, I sighed in relief before I frowned.

Johnny had told me that he had deleted the photos inside the camera.

I would have to talk to him later.

I sat down on the bed, resting my head on my hands - while arms are rested on my thighs.

I could've told her the truth. But seeing the way she freaked out about something so small, it made me think twice. I didn't want her to leave me. I need her for me to function well.

I sighed again.


{{ Tracy's POV }}

We were finally at the airport and we saw Matt, Poison and Jimmy sitting outside Starbucks. Most shops were closed - including Starbucks - but I guessed they've put the chairs out for us to sit.

"Matt, can we go out for a stick, dude?" Brian asked immediately after we've put the luggage down.

Matt, who had his arms around Poison - she was sitting on his lap - looked up at Brian and nodded his head. He leaned down to give Poison on the lips as he settled her down onto the chair next to him.

He stood up and walked away with Brian. I watched as the both of them walked out. I turned to Poison, who was resting her head on the table.

"Poison, if I ask you a question, would you answer me honestly?" I asked.

She sat straight up and looked at me with cautious eyes.

"It depends..." she answered cautiously.

I turned to look at Jimmy - who was wearing his shades - who does that at two in the morning? - before turning back to Poison.

"I think Brian's keeping something from me," I paused to see her reaction.

None. The only reaction I got was Jimmy squirming on his seat.

"I saw a picture today," I said, my eyes still on Jimmy, "Of me and Jimmy dancing."

More uncomfortable movements from Jimmy.

Poison gave me a fake smile.

"What's so bad about you guys dancing?" she chuckled.

"I was wearing something I shouldn't be wearing," I said.

"Honey, you were a drunk before you lost your memory," she said, putting a hand on top of mine, " But you've changed and that's a good thing. So don't dwell on the past okay?"

I reluctantly nodded my head.


{Poison's POV}

I watched as Tracy turned to Jimmy and held his hand.

"How are thing's holding up?" she asked him with an apologetic tone.

I didn't like the fact that I had just lied straight to Tracy's face - she was like my best friend now. I didn't like it at all.

When I saw Matt and Brian walking up to us, I stood up saying, "Excuse me. I have to get my coffee."

Tracy nodded as she continued talking to Jimmy.

I walked up to the two guys and yanked both their arms to a corner where she couldn't see us.

"You haven't told her?" I half-shrieked, half-whispered.

" What happened?" Brian looked uncomfortable..

"She just asked me something and I lied to her!" I rubbed the bridge of my nose, "I can't believe I lied. I've started lying. I am officially a sinner."

I buried my face in Matt's chest and groaned. I didn't like lying to people. I hated it.

Matt wrapped his arms around me and gave me a light squeeze. I pulled away and pointed my index finger to Brian.

"Brian Haner Jr. You better tell her the truth before the truth comes out. If you don't want to lose her, tell her soon. I can feel that something is going to go wrong," I grumbled and walked away.
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