This Love


Leo and Rebyl went out to the shops one day after school and hung out in one of the cafes for a while. One of Leo's friends were there. He came up to us.
"Leo!" His friend, James, exclaimed, "What the f*** are you doing with that b****? I thought you don't like her?"
Leo got up to talk to James in private. No harm in that, Rebyl thought.

"Leo what the hell?!" James practically shouted.
"Shh!" Leo replied, "I think I'm in love with her!" To this comment, James looked like he could faint.
"That emo?!" James argued, "She's bad news, man. Frigid."
"She isn't," Leo said, "She wants to kiss me. Anyway, why does it matter to you that I want to go out with her? I was planning on asking her today, actually."
"You can't!" James yelled. "Everybody will spread rumours that YOU are emo next! You want that?"
"Unless you do, I doubt anyone will," Leo said, calmly, "Look, James, if you can't accept that I like someone, maybe I don't want to be your mate any more. I won't make you meet her if you don't want."
Leo and James argued for a few minutes. Leo persuaded James that it was all right. He went back to sit with Rebyl.

"Rebyl," Leo started, "I need to ask you something."
"Go ahead." Rebyl replied.
"Would you like to go out with me," Leo stammered, "Like, more than friends?"
"Love to!" Rebyl started, "does this mean I'm allowed to kiss you?"
"Yes!" They kissed passionately for a few minutes. Rebyl was so happy.

A few days later, they went to the cinema together. They barely watched the film, as they were so in love, they were kissing all the way through it. Rebyl couldn't wait to get further, but she agreed to wait until he wished to as well.

The next day, at school, Rebyl told Jade everything. She even told Jade about how she wanted to go further, but she wouldn't ruin it by asking him to. Leo had actually hinted that he wanted to go further, but they hadn't properly talked about it although they were old enough.

Rumours had started up at school about Rebyl and Leo. James and Leo's friends had started a rumour that Rebyl was a slut, and that Leo was an emo. It wasn't fair on Leo, as they were meant to be his friends. Rebyl suggested to Leo that it was maybe a better idea if they didn't see each other. Leo was devastated and wouldn't accept, but he understood why Rebyl said that.
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Sorry it's a bit rubbish. It took me ages lol. Comment on the story pleash (A) lol