This Love


The next day at school, things got worse. James didn't want Leo seeing her, for his own safety. Or maybe, just because he was a bitch. He wanted to fight her, beat her up. He told her to meet him at 4pm outside the school gates.

When she got there, he first told her she was a lazy, ugly slut and that Leo was way too good for her. Then he hit her. Rebyl punched him back - where it hurts. He doubled over in pain. Then Rebyl was able to punch him in the face. She walked away, knowing she had won. James was so surprised at her ability to fight, that he didn't dare try to hurt her again.

Rebyl met Leo at the centre. She explained why she was a bit late. Leo was hurt to hear that his best friend had tried to hurt his girlfriend. He offered to beat James up the next morning, but Rebyl wouldn't hear of it.

"Never mind," she said, "he's a weakling, his punches don't hurt, and any cissy can beat him."

"You're very brave," Leo replied. "That's just one of the things I love about you." Then they kissed and they went back to Leo's house. Leo introduced Rebyl to his parents and proudly announced that they were going out. Rebyl was so happy to hear that he'd even told his parents. She had yet to tell her parents, but Leo was going to her house a few days later, when she would tell them then. Her dad was going to flip, but she didn't care.

They both went up to Leo's room, where his parents left them alone. Rebyl was surprised. Her parents would have wanted to accompany her all the time. Hopefully, they wouldn't embarrass her when they met Leo.

Leo's room was painted blue and it had a computer, a stereo, a double bed and two chairs. It also had a wardrobe, black carpet, a 32-inch television, a My Chemical Romance poster, a Slipknot poster and a bookshelf full of books. Rebyl instantly knew that she could feel at home in Leo's room.

When they went in, they immediately started kissing. They went quite a lot further, but their parents didn't come up or anything. Rebyl's parents would have stopped her hours ago. Unfortunately, Rebyl was late home, which meant she was grounded for two days. Rebyl was fortunate she had her parents. They may be strict, but other parents would have grounded their kids for months if they were so much as one hour late.

When Leo went round to Rebyl's house, it went very well. Her parents weren't home and weren't going to be for a couple of hours. They got to it straight away, and when her parents came home, she introduced Leo to them. They didn't seem to mind at all when Rebyl told them Leo was her boyfriend. Her mum could instantly tell from the start that Rebyl was in love. She had told Rebyl's dad not to be too angry with her. Rebyl had explained that they could only kiss when her parents were home. He didn't mind, and when Leo went home, they didn't want to be separated.
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It's not that good. Check out my other story. It's better lol.
Update soon, maybe. Comment please =]