Dribble Drabble Drubble

Splatter, wicked, burn

Her head turned to the side, eyes shut lightly, basking in the rough feel of the hands on her body. Every touch burned her skin, from not only heat but her own arousal. She wondered if it was wrong, wicked perhaps, to enjoy the blood this much. But every drop, every rivulet trailing down her body, the wet splatter when it hit the concrete…it was better than sex, better than breathing, better than anything she could think of, anything she’d ever experienced. This was the best insanity she’d ever heard of, like vodka mixed with chocolate…a sweetness perfectly wrapped in a bitterness, a burning, a pain so exquisite she could hardly breathe. She never wanted it to end.

(A/N: Please comment on this story/ collection of drabbles...I'm considering doing a flashback to another time for her, a reason behind her madness, but I won't if no one comments. It's kinda disheartening that people read it and no one comments...not trying to be a bitch, just want some feedback.)