My Fake Romance

My Fake Romance -01-

Name- Mia Christine Romance
age- 17
looks- She starts off with short hair. At the end, she grows it out.

Short hair- Image

Eye color- Image

about her- She's apart of a highly rich family that lives in Hollwood, California.
She's not preppy at all, unlike them.She dresses in the fashion of "punk" She wishes she wasnt rich.
She hates how her family brags about how much money they have and the celebritys they get to meet The only thing Mia cares about is...Art. Yep, art. Painting, drawing, sometimes sculpting. But she loves it all. You know those kids who isolate themselves from the world and don't really do much? Well....that's kind her. She never listened to any kind of music. So no Green day, no Blink 182, Gwen Stefani, Britney Spears, Bon Jovi....Nothing. She'd rather be in a quiet place, drawing. She doesnt even watch tv! So, she doesn't know actors/actresses also. She doesn't care about it. She just wants to draw all day till her hand falls off...or she jogs. She likes to do that. She doesn't even have a boyfriend.Yes, she's pretty as hell but with the last 16 she's had, they've all used and/or cheated on her. When she usually goes out in public, she'll wear sunglasses and a hat so people dont see what she looks like. She doesn't want to stand the pain anymore. She's very pissed off because her mom, 2 friends, and 2 sisters keep bugging her about when she will have a boyfriend.

Bert Gee-
He looks exactly like Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day) Except hes 5'9. He mostly wears baggy pants and some random t-shirt.They've been friends since the 5th grade. Whenever they go out in public, people always ask if he's Billie Joe and if he's cheating on Adrinne. He just says "No im not him and thats my friend"
And of course, she doesn't know what Billie looks like so she thinks he must be cute.By the way, he's 23.

Charlotte Life-
She has long dark blue hair with black streaks through out it. Her eyes are dark brown and she's really hyper and fun to be with. She's 24, the oldest out of them all.She's known Mia since 8th grade. Her and Bert are currently dating and they live together

[That's the info, what do you think of it so far? Haha. More soon, I promise]