My Fake Romance

My Fake Romance -16-

We arrive at a small house. As we walk off the bus, Gerard puts his arm around my waist again.

I glare up at him and he leans down and whispers, "Can't loose my 'x' girlfriend at some random party and I don't want Bert anywhere near you"

I nod and I'm about to ask him something but he says "He's pratically a man whore. Even though I love that guy, he's a man whore"

I shrug it off and we walk through the front door.


A gust of alcohol,sweat, and 4 different kinds of smoke come out. I cough and we walk over to the "refreshment" table. Unffortunatly all alcoholic drinks.

Ok,what I never said before is that when I was 15, I was pretty addicted to alcohol.

He hands me a shot glass filled with a dark honey colored liquid.

He's about to say something and I say, still looking at the drink, "Crown Royal, usually only used for a shot drink. Used to drink when I was younger."

His eyes almost pop out "Wow"

"If you were apart of my family you'd be one too"

I click our glasses and down the drink, without making a face. He gasps at me and then drinks his, scrunching his face.

I push his shoulder and laugh "Take it like a man!!"

He grins and laughs also. "Let's drink, 2 out of 2...come on Mia, think your all tough"

I fake glare "You got a deal Mr.Way"

2 our of 2 turned our to be 5 out of 5. Then 10 out of 10. Next, 20 out of 20. Finally, totally wasted.