My Fake Romance

My Fake Romance -22-

I start laughing and he hugs me, while resting his head on my shoulder.

"Damn, these are, better than mine!"

My laughter has died down and he picks his head up.

"You draw?"

"If my band didn't make it, then I would've made comics"

Oh my dear god...he's an artisit too?!

See, I totally knew youd fall for him

Shut up, no I haven't...but wow what isn't perfect about this guy?!

He smiles at me while taking my hand and leading me up a flight of stairs and into a room that is filled with more art than mine. I gasp at the walls, doors and ever floor, seeing drawings and paitings everywhere.

"Wow...this is so...amazing, more than what I've ever done"

He laughs queitly and takes my hand, leading me out of the room and into a different one, right next to it. Right as I see it, I knew it was his room. Dark grey walls with a few old and new pictures here and there. There's a queen sized bed against the far right wall, below a window. 2 dressers and a desk are on the other side of the room. On the desk, there are papers, scattered everywhere. Mostly of lyrics and little comics. His bed in unmade, clothes are on there also and the floor. I laugh, picking up a pair of black boxers with red bats on them. He blushes, quickly grabs them and holds onto it, behind his back while I laugh.

"It's ok, I don't mind. There pretty cute"

He blushes even more and studders out

"U-um, here's y-your uh, where you'll be er, staying"

I put my hand over his mouth

"Kind of figured"

He smirks nervously. I look around his room more. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him toss the boxers. I stifle a laugh and he coughs, making me look at him.

"I think I'm going to like it here"

He smiles "One thing though"

I tilt my head "What..."

"We really need to get billions of cds"

I laugh and grin "I think I'll be able to stand music now"