My Fake Romance

My Fake Romance -07-

Over the next week, word had spread across town. Heck, across the world (that's what Bert has told me) that I've been dating this...'Gerard' guy. Everytime I pass by someone, they'd always glare at me (the girls AND guys).

And they'd also say, "Holy shit it's his girlfriend!!

I'm still very lost on why everyone is making such a big deal about it. I couldn't go out in public anymore because well, geez we were getting stalked by weird preppy ass bitches. So we just hung out at his house with Charlotte. I'm walking home from their house and I decide to take the very long way home. I had so much time to kill. I mean, come on, my mom is proud of me and my 'boyfriend' and so is Gwen and Sandra. Oh hoho...they dont talk shit about me now. They don't even dare to look at me!! YAY!! Who'd have figured this would happen? It's weird...but then again..totally...awesome :D

So I'm walking and I'm looking at my feet as I walk. I would never be able to look forward. Everytime I do, I trip so.

]Hi feet, how's it going?

I run into someone. Not bothering to look up, I say sorry, and keep walking. As I continue, I hear foot steps behind me. I lift my head up, but don't look back. Oh joy...stalkers already. I walk a little bit faster and I reach a deserted park, that noone ever goes to. Exept me. I turn around, seeing noone behind me. I sigh, and shrug it off.

God, I'm going crazy now! Imgagining things. Haha silly Mia.

I go over to a set of old, rusty swings and sit down. I think about how crazy my life is going to get. They will want to meet him and see him in person/upclose. And they'll want to know wedding dates and the new address and..ok stop...calm down. Grr, I should've thought more ahead. I close my eyes while breathing in deeply. The smell of the fresh, crisp air, newley cut grass, and..cigarettes?! What the fuck?!