My Fake Romance

My Fake Romance -08-

I open my eyes and I'm about to scream but a guy puts his hand over my mouth, hushing me. I don't make a noise as he slowly removes his hand. I look him over and he looked highly familiar. Shoulder length, silky black hair. Pale complextion and his eyes are so...

Oh shit...h-he' dream guy!! OH MY GOD!!!

My mouth hangs open and he stands infront of me, with his arms now crossed over his chest.

He says to me, his voice making me stare way too much, "Do you know who I am?"

Oh god, I was about to say 'Yeah, your my dream guy, Marry me?!' but...that wouldn't turn out so good. I look at him and say the damn truth.

"No, I'm sorry do I-"

"My ass you don't"

Ouch, that hurt.

Yeah what an ass huh?

Um go away other part of mind!!

Pssh fine.

"E-excuse me?!"

"Gerard Way, that's me. Who do you think you are telling people your dating me?!"

Shit! he's real?!?!

Heck yes he is.

Shut up you!

Damn he's hot. Mmmm I'd like a slice of th-

Oh my god! !! SHIT MAN! I never knew he was REAL!! Ooh god what am I going to do?!

"Y-your real?"

He looks at me like I'm stupid.

"Well, duh. You obviously know me because well, you know my name"

"I-Im sorry,! I d-didn't know you were real"

His face gets scrunched up

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well I...wait, why the fuck do you even care? What's it to you?"

He raises his eyebrows at me.

"Tell me your joking.You never heard of me?"

I shake my head no.

Dumbas. What? Does he live down my street or something?

"Do you know My Chemical Romance?"

"What about me?"


"What did you say?"

He raises a eyebrow.

Hmm, he likes doing stuff with his eyebrows...weirdo.


"Oooh, I thought you said my name"

He opens his mouth but then closes it.

"What is your name?"

"Mia Christine Romance"