My Fake Romance

My Fake Romance -09-

His eyes widen a bit.

"Are you serious?"

"Uh, yeah! You can even look on my birthcard thingy if you don't believe" I snap at him.

Well, either this guy is very slow or just needs to be smacked.

"Anyways, let me ask you this...why the fuck have you been telling people were dating?"

I sigh and run my hands down my face groaning.

"Ok, I just made up a name cause all my family and my 2 friends keep bugging me. 'Ooh when are you getting a boyfriend?! Make mother proud! You don't want to be a virgin forever do you?!' It's so damn annoying! Ok?! I had to say I have a boyfriend but obviously this just turned out all wrong!!"

He looks at me in disbelief.

"Y-your still a virgin?"

I snap my neck to look at him and glare.

"I ain't going to give it up unless I know the guy loves me and won't leave me. Why do you even care?!"

He makes a confused face and says,

"Well this is just...weird now"

"No shit"

He glares at me and says

"Well I'm leaving. Don't be telling people were dating"

"Great..what am I suposed to say then?!"

He stops walking and looks at me seriously

"Say we broke up"

I sigh as he walks away. My once 'boyfriend'. My goddamn dream guy! Walking out of my life forever and we've "broken up" Well, better start the water works...and tell them we "broke up'". Dammit...