Life Passes You By Like Diamonds

Part One: Six Months Later

So six months have passes since I moved into my dads house, and what can I say, I’ve been really happy and as I look back I think about how shitty my life was at my mums house. I still call her from time to time to see how she is. I’ve learnt she’s dropped brad and she’s gone into rehab since I’ve left. I still self harm from time to time when I get sad about my past. Its’ hard letting go of your childhood, but then dad found out and told me to stop. So I did, for him. It was a bit weird at first seeing Billie and Tre and the rest of the gang every day but I soon go used to that and it was a lot of fun.
Joe and I have been going really well. [Yeh that’s right my pet name for him is Joe aww so cute]. We keep making out, my dad caught us one time, then told Billie, so we have been payed out for the past 2 months. I had the best time of my life on my birthday, they made it so good. It was the first time anyone’s really celebrated my birthday. School has been good too, no one has pushed me around. No one teases me and the teachers give me better marks and I found I’m putting in more effort on school work since I moved to Dad’s. Dad lets me do almost anything, he is very protective of me but he is the greatest Dad in the world. So now it’s a couple of weeks before Christmas. Dad and Britney’s wedding is 6 or 8 months away. [Authors note: Brittney Cade and Mike aren’t really married or engaged to my knowledge]. My SISTER, yeh now I have a sister how great is that, and I are getting along really well it is so fun, she is the best.

It’s still pretty weird for me when Dad, Billie and Tre do band stuff because I never would’ve imagined I would meet them. I mean common they’re green day. Anyway back to the present day.

I was over at Joey’s house watching the nightmare before Christmas again. Ha-ha how I love this movie. He asked me whether I wanted to stay the night and as usual I said yes. We had dinner and then Billie and Adie left us too our own devices, as long as it didn’t involve condoms. I got distracted in the middle of the movie by a tap on my shoulder [DAMMIT WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THE TAP ON THE SHOULDER WITH JOEY] ‘hey Sal.’ Aw that’s so cute. ‘Yeh Joe’ I turned around to look at him and he dove down and pashed me. I was surprised, but I gave in anyway. He is so sweet and he is such a good kisser, as you could imagine. Anyway we continued like that till we heard some one clear there throat at the door BUSTED ha-ha
"I told you guys to keep it behind closed doors, there are children in this house."
"Yes Joey"
"Go away."
"Aww why?"
"You’re being annoying."
"Hmm well okay just go to bed at a reasonable time okay?"
"Night Dad now bugger off!!"
Billie just laughed and walked away. We ended up falling asleep soon after that anyway. That morning I felt something jump on me. I always get jumped on heaps in this house. This time it was Jakob. Telling us to wake up because he wanted pancakes. Joey pushed him of the lounge kissed me on the cheek and went to pee.

We had breakfast then went for a swim… for some reason water attracts Tre, so Tre came along and started dunking me again.

I went home later that day, to help dad put up the Christmas decorations. Yay it would be the first Christmas I could remember having with my Dad and it would be the best one.

Dad has this fucking huge Christmas tree. Just one of the perks of being a rock star. We put all these decorations on it and Stella and Brit [yeh I didn’t like Brittney, saying it all the time so I call her Brit, but I want to call her Mum, she’s is like a Mum to me] were putting up decorations around the house and outside. We even put heaps and heaps of Christmas lights up outside.

So soon it was Christmas and it was Dad’s turn this year to hold the annual Green Day Gang [lol there’s to many of them to list] Christmas party. It would be the weekend before Christmas and it was going to be so much fun.