Life Passes You By Like Diamonds

Part Ten: Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge Because I

So now Joey and I were all happy with each other and the promise of marrying him is such a good thing too look forward too. Even though it’s not for ages, I said my wedding dress with look like Helena’s dress out of the MCR video clip. Screw tradition lol. It is now Monday. 2 weeks since Joey and I had the fight. Neither of us have spoken to Ramona since. Serves her right too. I cannot believe she did that anyway. So we went to school. We were coming out of double science. Science makes me spew honestly, it’s really disgusting, Joey needed to pee so I was all alone and I couldn’t find Tunny. I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder; I turned around and got kicked in the stomach. It was Eric coming back to haunt be just when things had settled down.
"Well if it isn’t Mrs Emo Freak, you should cut a little higher ha-ha."
"Don’t you fucking say that to me you bastard, you wouldn’t even begin to think what shit I’ve been through in my life. Don’t you dare ever, ever criticise me again!"
I was sick of this shit, I was stronger then this and I didn’t have to put up with it. I am stronger now, strong enough to fight back. So you know what I did? I punched him square in the face, breaking his nose. It ended up on the other side of his face. It was hilarious and most people who had seen it, but unfortunately a teacher had to walk around the corner at that "time and sent me to the principles office.
"Why did you punch Eric in the face?"
‘"he deserved it, I have no remorse for what I did and I will not say sorry, he has had it coming for the past 3 years."

"What do you mean?"

"I was provoked."

"Eric is a grade A student, why should I believe that."

"You should believe that because he has fucking being bashing me up, giving me black eyes and bruises and other damages for the past 3 years. And no one, no one in this stupid school has given a fuck or done anything about it, I have the scars to prove it too!."

Okay, okay Miss Pritchard calm down, I believe you know, but you will be punished for you actions, provoked or not, it is not tolerated in this school.’
"Fine whatever."
"Now that we know what Eric has been up too, he will be expelled as soon as it can be done. I also will be ringing your Dad."
"About time he fucks off. And fine go ahead, you do that."
"Please Miss Pritchard refrain from swearing."
"Okay then."
She went to ring my Dad while I waited in the offices waiting room. Dad came soon enough. The first thing he said to me was:
‘"So you finally fought back, you punched a kid, good on you kid, I proud of you!"
"Excuse me Mr Dirnt, is that what you teach a troubled mind kid?"
That was not a good thing for her too say, that fired Dad up like hell.
"Excuse me, don’t you ever dare call my daughter a troubled minded kid, because that is not fucking true, fuck your authority, I don’t care. I don’t want to hear you saying that again. It’s about time some one did something to that kid."
"Okay please Sir Calm down; please take your daughter home so we can figure out her punishment."
"Okay good, I can finally get out of this shithole."
My dad totally rocks. I liked the bit were he said ‘fuck your authority’! That is a total Mike Dirnt thing to say! The school phoned us up the next day to say that I was to do one afternoon detention for punching a kid and to say that Eric has been expelled and it was safe for me to come back to school. I could finally go to school in peace. More people seemed to like me now. They were happy to see me, saying hello to me in the hallway. It seemed now that everyone liked me, it wasn’t what I wanted. I liked being the minority. Ha what can I say, I’m my fathers daughter. But anyway school was a lot better now. I just ignored the fags who wanted to be my friend now.