Life Passes You By Like Diamonds

Part Twelve:Another Turning Point

So it was two weeks after the baby shower and it was time for Dad and Brit’s wedding. After today I could finally call Brit mum. I was so excited. The ceremony was going to be in our backyard. The whole backyard was transformed into a wedding theme, even our pool; it had red floating roses in it. We got up early to do it all in, and Dad and Brit were talking before the wedding, apparently if you see each other a day before it would give you bad luck. But Dad didn’t believe in that anyway. Neither of them had party’s before hand either. They just didn’t feel like it.

At 4.00 in the afternoon the ceremony started. Billie would be giving Brit away as her Mother and Father couldn’t make it. Brit looked so beautiful. Her dress and her flowers suited her beautifully. Adie had really done a great job. The whole ceremony took half an hour. With just there vows and poems and stuff for each other and the ring giving etc. then dad gave Brit a surprise; he sang ‘Look For Love.’ To her it was so sweet.

They then had an after party that went on for ages. Brit and Mike weren’t going to have much of a honey moon, just a three day one, because the baby was coming soon and all. Also because they just went for a holiday. They all decided that Joey could stay over at our house for those 3 nights because Stella decided she would stay longer too.

This is a turning point for dad, being married again. Tis a new experience for him, all of this is. But it’s a turning point for the better.
While they were gone, we all pitched in and painted the baby’s room and set I up. So dad could relax and get ready for Brit going into labour.