Life Passes You By Like Diamonds

Part Two: Christmas Time

I got woken up by Stella at like 5.00 in the morning on Christmas day. I told her to fuck off cause was trying to sleep. The Christmas party we had was so much fun. Joe and I got caught making our again, this time by Jason so we are never going to be able to live it down now. [Sally is now 16, she got some cool stuff for her birthday, corse she did he he] Dad even let me have some beer he he. He is so nice to me. Tre ended up getting drink along with Jason, Jason and Ronnie. Billie didn’t get smashed cause his kids were around and neither did Dad. Adie got tipsy to it was hilarious. Joe and I were mucking around in the pool the whole time, trying to dunk Jakey.

Anyway back to Christmas morning. Stella woke me up so I got pissed, I didn’t want to be woken up this early, and I didn’t see the point. But then Brit and dad came in and told me to come down stairs so we could open the presents. ‘Morning Sal, please get up, I want to see what I got for Christmas’
"yeh Stella I’m up, I’m up, Dad what did you get me for Christmas?"
"You will have to wait and see."
I froze when I got to the lounge room, the whole room was covered in presents I swear and there was this big rectangular one in the corner with my name on it.
"Um Dad, what did you get me for Christmas?’"
"Go open it and see." So I walked over to it and started to open it, guess what it was. IT WAS A FUCKING BASS GUITAR HOLY FUCK. Dad had been teaching me the past while how to play bass, and he said one day he would get me my own, and he got me one
omfg "OH MY GOSH, thankyou Dad so much, I now have my own bass."
"Stella, I got the best present for you, open it and see."
Stella got this huge, and I mean huge stereo so she can blast her little pre-teenage music out of it she was so happy. She does have a great music taste I must say. I got clothes, CD’s some vynal records, a record player and a few other things for my guitar, plus some band t-shirts and Green Day merchandise I was soo happy. I probably thanked Brit and Dad about a million times.

Dad gave Brit 2 tickets to go on a tropical holiday somewhere. They were for next week. I was like omg so cool. Dad said I could go stay at Joe’s while Stella went to see her Mum for the holidays. Stella was happy she could go see her mum, but I was going to miss my little sister.

We had so many lollies and played board games and did family stuff and ate so much food. I’m going to have to spend another lifetime trying to loose the weight I put on hahaha.

Living with my dad is so fun. I almost don’t seem like my usual self, I guess I’ve changed because I’m happier and Dad’s really nice to me and I don have to put up with that asshole brad. Some times I think I’ll wake up and he will be there hovering over me waiting to abuse me again.