Life Passes You By Like Diamonds

Part Three: Fun at Joe's House

So the week after Christmas I was packed and off next door to stay with Joe for 3 weeks, how fun is this going to be. I get to stay with Joey for 3 weeks straight, maybe Adie and Billie will let us sleep in the same bed. I swear his bed is the best... Don’t worry I have only laid there while talking to him at night. I want to snuggle up to him tho he is so warm all the time aww I love Joey. "KIDS!! Come down stairs lunch is ready, did you hear that FOOOOOOD!!"

Billie hadn’t set up the trundle bed in Joey’s room and they said I’m not sleeping in the spare room and me being thick had to ask this: "Okay were will I be sleeping then?"
"Duh in Joey’s bed."
"But Billie I thought you di-"
"I’m to lazy to get the trundle bed out so your sleeping in Joey’s bed, and I’ve hidden the condoms and I know how many is in the pack."
"Dad why do you have condoms?"
"Well Joey in the middle of the night, when you and Jakob are asleep, your Mum and I have a little fun."
‘" didn’t need to know that, now I’m not going to be able to sleep at night."
Lucky Adie I thought...

So that night I slept in Joey’s bed, and it was the best! I cuddled up to him and he held me all night it was so sweet and his bed is really, really, really warm and comfy, ha-ha did I mention that? It was the best sleep I had in ages. I stayed up for ages just watching him sleep, and I woke up early so I decided to watch him sleep till he woke up.
"Sally stop watching me sleep I know you are."
"Good morning to you too."
"Mmm good morning baby." He sat up stretched, kissed me on the cheek and went for a shower. I was wondering wether he was okay this morning, maybe he was just tired...

That week Billie and Adie had to go away on a business trip and they brought Jakob with them, but left Joey and I home alone for a week. I suppose they left us home because we could look after ourselves and they didn’t have to put up with entertaining two moody teenagers for a week hahaha.

It was about 3 days since they left and Joey still seemed like there was something wrong or something was on his mind so I decided to ask him about it ."Joe are you okay?"
"Hm yeh I’m okay."
"I mean is there something on your mind?"
"No. well there is but I’m okay let’s go for a swim."
"Omg lets."
We were mucking around in the pool chasing each other and I was running away from Joey and was going to hide in the house but he caught me and started to kiss me tongue all, so we started making out.

We did that for a long time, and I didn’t want it to go any further then harmless fun at this point. But I new it was all leading up to that…
But anyway I stopped it and said "hmm I can’t kiss on an empty stomach I’m hungry."
"Yeh it’s time to eat something." So we ate something watched another movie and went to sleep.

The next couple of days were the same. But the second last day we were alone, that was something else entirely..

We were flirting something chronic that day, and we kept making out, and one make out session was getting deep and deep, and I did not want to stop it. So it escalated... We went up to Billie and Adie’s room [that’s right there the KING does dirty things] and Joey just for fun came out with billie’s leopard skin g-string ha-ha it was hilarious… and yes he used protection……

[um don’t really want to write much here, but you know how its done so USE YOUR IMAGINATION YOU MAKE THE NEXT BIT UP YOURSELVES YOU DIRTY SICK CREATURES!!!]

So the following morning I woke up next to Joey. He looked so cute, as he always has, and I looked down and around the room seeing our clothes every were and noticed that we were still naked under the sheets, and remembered something. Billie, Adie and Jakob were coming back today O SHIT. So I woke Joe up
"Baby wake up, you parents come home today, and we kinda need to get dressed, eat, clean this place up and make it look like nothing happened."
But I bet you Billie will be able to see through it.
"Hon, they come back this afternoon, we have all day, what time is it?"
"Umm its 12.30."
"O shit then lets fucking get this place cleaned up."
"Yeh that’s what I was saying."
"Mm sorry babe but your wore me out."
Damn him!!!

So we spent the next couple of hours cleaning up the house, disposing of any rubbish and all that crap and remade there bed. No not change the sheets they would’ve expected something, cleaned up our clothes, made sure there was none hiding any were and went to eat well …lunch… we had PANCAKES yeh for lunch hahahahah.

We went to have a shower, together, we certainly aren’t shih anymore, and I got sad cause I would have to go back to dads tomorrow [he comes back tomorrow] so I cant sleep in Joey’s bed and feel his warmth anymore awww.

They came back when we were watching TV and Billie had a knowing smile on his face …. And as he walked past us that night he was like ‘busted’ then I heard Joey go ‘ o fuck’ How the hell does he know, or is he just saying it so hopefully one of us will blow our cover and spill.

But later that night when me and Joe were trying to sleep Billie came in to ‘tuck us in’
"HEY GUYS!! I came to tuck you two in... But I see you’ve done that already so I will just start complaining about our imaginary cat stealing my condoms...’"
‘‘Omfg I have told that damn cat a number of times to stop doing that Dad!’
"Yeh I’m sure, but guys, I’m glad that you guys were smart enough to use one."
"Umm okay Dad you can go now."
"Ha-ha good night guys, sweet dreams."
"Mm you too dad." After Billie had gone Joey started talking.
"Do you realize he is going to tell my mum and your dad?"
"O shit he really will do that?"
"Yes he will, there goes my balls."
"Yeh good luck when my Dad comes at you with a chainsaw and hammer."
"What’s the hammer for…?"
"To nail your balls above his bed so he can get satisfaction that you’re not going to harm his daughter."
" O"
'He he yeh, but baby I will still love you."
"O well that’s something to look forward to ha-ha"’
"Night baby."

So the next day I had to go home… right next door……………………………………………………………
Anyway I was glad to se my Dad again seeing as I haven’t seen him for around 3 weeks and I’ve missed him.