Life Passes You By Like Diamonds

Part Four: Back At Dad's house

I had gotten back to my room, and it was bedtime so I went up to bed and I found it hard to sleep with out some one else there.. So I just listened to Green Day instead. They always calm my brain and my nerves and put my brain to sleep, so I slept soundly.

The next morning I was woken by Brit opening my blinds DAMN NATURAL LIGHT IT HURTS !! "Rise and shine hon. It’s a beautiful day, lets go shopping. Stella is still with her Mum so it will just be me and you."
"Gah what the fuck it’s only 9.00. Where’s Dad? What’s for breakfast and why do we have to go shopping?’"
"Your Dad’s at Bill’s house having brand practice, breakfast umm whatever is in the kitchen and shopping well it’s fun."
"Not at 9am it isn’t’"
"Aww come on honey a nice warm shower will help you."
"Aww fine but only cause your going to be my step Mum."
"Ha-ha okay’"
O GREAT!! Billie is going to tell Dad and Dad’s going to talk to me about it. But a nice warm shower sounds really good right now…I went to have a shower and dressed in my normal clothes… of which I have more of now YAY so I can basically wear anything every day and change around a trillion times and never run out of clothes…so I had breakfast.. Cereal YUCK and we went shopping.

It was so fun. We went to Wendy’s and ate food ha-ha. We went to the music store and brought me a bag, CD’s and some other cool shit. Then we went to some cool shops and brought me some more clothes, normal ones and a black and white jumper, some awesome healed shoes and another bikini, this time it was white with red poker dots. [Yes I know white clothing looks bad when its wet but this is like thick white so it’s not see through. Sally’s Dad wouldn’t approve if it was ha-ha.] Then we brought Brit some shoes and some other clothes, then we went to buy food for us, like more breakfast foods and all that. We went home and Dad was at home. So I decided to avoid him and go for a swim. But it was very boring by myself so I contemplated ringing Joey and inviting him over, but I thought I’ll wait till dad gets over it or talks to me about it. But I rang him anyway, just to hear his voice. "Hello." It was Jakob who answered the phone
"Hey Jakey, it’s me, Sally can I talk to Joe please?"
"Yeh sure whatever."
‘Hello?’ Omg his voice just calms me down.
‘Hey Joey.’
"Aww hey gorgeous, how are you?"
"Mm I’m good."
"I guess that means you Dad hasn’t said anything yet."
"Yeh got that right. How are you babe?"
"Yeh alright. Dad did talk to me, he asked me about it, wasn’t too perverted or anything, just wanted to know the surface stuff I guess. What did you do today?"
"Go shopping with Brit, go for a swim, basically avoid dad. What you do?"
"Hmm I basically avoided dad all day and slept and missed you. Buy anything interesting?"
I could almost see him wiggling his eyebrows across the phone.
"Yeh a bikini."
"Ooo nice."
"Yes baby…"
"Stop touching yourself."
"Curse you woman!"
"So what are you wearing and where are you??"
"I’m on my bed, and wearing my PJ’s."
"Perfect combination."
"No I will not give in to phone sex, but the same questions apply to you."
"Um well I’m wearing my boxers and I’m lying on my bed."
"Another perfect combination, pity there’s a phone between us.’"
"Hmm yeh, what are you doing tomorrow?’ "
"Hmm I dunno no yet, got something in mind?"
"Hmm maybe.. Only been one or two days but I miss you already even though I’m next door.’" "Mmm same here baby"
" Sorry babe but I got to go."
"Aww well love you baby have a good sleep without me tonight."
"Love you to babe, night, night bye."

Then I heard the click of the phone and he was gone. I decided I may as well go to bed early. As I was just dozing off to sleep I heard a knock at my door, I said that they could come in…. it was dad….
"Hey sally."
"Hey dad.. Come to tuck me in?"
"Hmm yeh.’"
"Yeh okay I heard the sarcasm in that and I know you have been avoiding me all day."
"Ahhh yeh"
"Yeeh Billie told me, but its okay you used protection so Joey’s balls will live and you can see him whenever you want, just don’t become a sex maniac like Tre."
"Ha-ha okay Dad."
"So how was it?"
'It wa- wait Dad what the fuck that’s none of your business, get the fuck out."
"Ha-ha night Sally."
"Night Dad, now fuck off!!"
Omfg I am not discussing my sex life with my dad. I may discuss it with Brit but that is about all AND I SAID MAYBE!!! Anyway I fell asleep and slept for the next day. But the day after I woke up to the sounds of some one puking, and I guessed Dad was out… so it was Brit.. I went to check if she was okay
"Hey Brit are you okay?"
"Yeh hum I’m alright I just keep throwing up in the mornings now… I have a sneaky suspicion that I’m pregnant. You’re Dad and I had drunken sex while we were on our holiday and forgot to use protection, we were thinking about having a kid anyway, just this is a bit earlier then expected."
"So um do you know for sure?"
"No no yet but I plan on buying a test today to see."
"Hmm okay well call me when you want to go buy one then if its positive you should go over to tell dad."
"Okay let’s go now."
So we drove to the shops and brought one, and then we came home , and I left Brit to do whatever she needed to do. Then 20 minutes later I heard a scream from Brit and Dad’s bathroom so I ran in there to see what was going on.
"Brit is everything alright?"
"Yes honey everything’s great! I am pregnant, o-my-gosh you’re going to have a younger baby sister or brother.. oh my gosh I am so excited. Let’s go over and tell you dad right now." "OH MY GOSH AWESOME, yeh lets go."
‘"That way you can spend some time with Joey while I tell you’re Dad."
So we started walking next door and Adie answered the door, Brit asked were Mike was and Adie told me Joe was still asleep and if I could go wake him up and get him to eat something that would be great. So I went up stairs and decided to be nice and not open his blinds and blind him with the light so I crawled on to his bed pulled his dooner down to reveal his brown mess of hair and his face and started to kiss him.. He woke up and smiled up at me.
"Mm best morning wake up I’ve had for awhile."
"Come on get up your mum wants you to eat something"’
‘Gah I don’t want to eat something.’
"Baby what’s wrong."
"Well you know a couple of weeks ago when you asked wether I was okay and I said lets go for a swim?’"
"Yeh.. ‘What about it?"
"Well it was because I was thinking of something, something serious. Baby I want to spend the rest of my life with you, hopefully marry you one day, Sally I love you."
"Aww baby, guess what, I would love to marry you, but not just yet I think we should let our parents get over us having sex before anything else."
"Yeh also having sex with you was for me moving to the next level so we can in a way feel more comfortable around each other."
"Aww baby that’s sweet, o yeh I have the best news to tell you, but I will only tell you if you get up shower and eat."
"Hmm okay fine, you can watch TV while I have a shower…because both our parents are here and…"
‘Yeh I agree.’
So he went to have a shower while I was watching a Fall Out Boy interview on V, I love Petey Wentz he’s freaking hot. Yeh Petey Wentz is awesome, but I got distracted by Joey walking out of the bathroom with just a towel on.. He was still wet.. The water dripping down his toned body.. Could lick it off him … then he teased me buy dropping his towel turning around and walking into the closet to choose his clothes for today.
‘Baby I know you want me.’
‘Shut up Joey?’
‘Okay, should we go out tonight and do something.’
‘Hmm I don’t know see what my parents want to do.’
‘What you mean, hay why don’t you tell me before I eat?’ ‘
Okay well Brit is pregnant!’
‘Aww my gosh…. That’s so awesome !!, I remember when my little brother was born he was so cute.’
‘Aww… now to make you go eat something.’ ] So he went to eat, he had waffles then we hung out listening to music and just talking about everything and nothing all at once.