Life Passes You By Like Diamonds

Part Six: A Naked Billie

So at school those next few weeks I got into trouble a couple of times again and got another detention. Dad didn’t care, as before. I was up in the music room working on my bass skills, dad had been teaching me but I’m not as good as he is, after all he is mike dirnt… Sometimes I find it weird. But meh he is my dad and I love him. He came and interrupted me and said we were going to go over to Billie’s for dinner.

I decided to help dinner get the salad stuff ready, while Joey was being a retard with his brother, the idiot hahaha, it was so cute though. Adie told me to go up to her bathroom to get her [authors note, I don’t know what she is going to get because sally forgot .] anyway I went up to Adie’s bathroom to get this thing to stir the salad, it was this thingy. I don’t remember what it’s called it was round anyway. I went into there room and into the bathroom and there in front of me was THE BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG NAKED. I couldn’t believe it I froze and Billie just stood there and reached for a towel. ‘HAHAHA’ he started cracking up, this was embarrassing not funny. ‘We don’t have to tell Dad about this do we?’
‘I won’t if you won’t.’ The asshole just had to wiggle his eyebrows why saying that.
I then muttered ‘Lucky Adie.’
‘Ha-ha what was that?’
‘Ha-ha yeh whatever, what did you want?’
‘Yo- I mean the stiry thingy for the salad’
I had felt my draw drop; all I could think of was lucky Adie. I mean omg, I’m speechless its like wow BJ naked, something you don’t expect too see in a life time, let alone 2. [No I’m not going to describe it, for your enjoyment, alright maybe I will just to be perverted]. He had a carved body from years of playing guitar, he was well built I must say and you could see all of his tattoos it was pretty awesome and he was quiet large, if you get that at all. Anyway that’s all I think I can say. I’m still shocked. He gave me the thing and I walked out of there. [Authors note: Billie and Sally were supposed to say more to each other, but I forgot so I think that is enough, ]