Life Passes You By Like Diamonds

Part Nine: Live, Forgive, Forget and Live

I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache from crying so much last night. I felt depressed as all hell as I remembered what had been said and what had happened. I thought of only one thing that could comfort me. I hadn’t done it in awhile and I promised dad I wouldn’t do it, but right now I could care less.

I went to the bathroom and found a spare razor. I took it out, got an old towel and sat on the side of the basin. I gently pushed the cold razor into my arm and pulled it across and felt relief immediately. The blood started flowing out as I did a few more cuts till I felt better. I then put the towel on and applied pressure. After the bleeding had stopped I put a bandage around my arm and put on my jumper so no one could see what I had just done. I grabbed my guitar and started to play ‘Sweet Dreams’ by Marilyn Manson.

I got a knock on my door from Dad, he asked me wether I was okay and also wether I wanted any dinner. I said I was Okay and that I wasn’t hungry. I really was okay now; I had my razor blade to comfort me. Although I was pissed at Joey I would take him back in a heart beat. I would forgive him like that *clicks fingers*. I went to sleep that night feeling better. But school was tomorrow, that means I will have to talk to Joey. Why o why did I learn to trust and fall in love? It only ends up getting you hurt.

It was Monday, around 10.00 when I woke up. O great I was late for school. Maybe Brit would let me have the day off. But no such luck. I went down downstairs and dad was home. He said for me to have something to eat and then I had to go to school, I couldn’t stay home all day, its law to go to school. Since when does he care about the law? On the way there Dad asked me what was wrong.
"Sally what’s wrong, what made you so depressed you self harmed. How did I know, I know because everything about you this morning screams it, and also you’re wearing a long sleeved jumper to school"
"Well what?"
"I and Joe had a fight."
"Really? What about?"
"Well he gave me this promise ring, one to say we will get married some day."
"And what is so bad about that, that is a good thing right?"
‘"Yeh that bit was, but then we started making out, and then Ramona came in and saw us. She said that Joey and she have been going out and that Joey loves her not me. I believed her because it makes sense.’"
"O really? Well Joey would’ve denied it. He is right. Ramona has been jealous of you since the start. She wants to be the one who makes Joey happy, not you. Believe me, Joe loves you... "
"Hmm okay dad, I want to hear it from him though."
"O you will be."
Before I could ask what his last comment was about he dumped me off at school. I was super late so I only had half of double music, which I was glad off. We were doing individual work so I could avoid Joey. Then I was lunch. What I did was I went and ate in the library so I didn’t have to see Joey again. Then I had science and maths. Well I didn’t really feel like it. So I went to the football stadium and listened to my Gigabeat to pass the time, as I used to do. Finally the last bell rang and Dad came to pick me up. He asked me the usual ‘how was your day’ and saw I didn’t want to talk so he left me alone.

Later that week Brit knocked on my door.
"Hi hon. how are you?"
"I’m okay I guess."
"Okay, well Joey sent this today, it’s a package for you, I will leave it on your bed if you want to have a look at it."
‘"Okay, thanks."
‘"It’s okay darl. By the way dinner will be in an hour."
She left and I looked at the package. I thought I would just chuck it in the bin. But curiosity got the better of me. I opened it up and it had a letter from Joey and a DVD with it. The package also had the promise ring with it. I read the letter first.

Dear Sally,

I am so sorry about what has happened between us. Ramona got jealous of us. I think she always has been. Because she is young and doesn’t see that I see her as a sister, she mistakes it for something else. She has a crush on me. I think she came in and saw us making out and got jealous. She wants to be the one who makes me happy. I tried to let you see the truth full side but you wouldn’t have it. I love you still very much and still want to spend the rest of my life with you. I will love you even if you hate me for what has happened. In this package are the promise ring and a DVD. The DVD is for you to watch. I composed a song for you and played it on my guitar while singing it for you and taped it on my video camera. I hope you will take me back. If not I understand. The promise ring is for you to keep if you decide to have me or not.

Love you forever,
Joe xox.

It made my cry. Joey can be so sweet at times. But I wasn’t going to take him back just yet. He is not getting away with it that easily. So I put the DVD in my computer and started watching it. It was so sweet it went kind of like this:

‘They say that you never find the one.
and that love at first sight is a lie,
but I have never been one to believe
them. My love for you is like a rose, it
will live for forever and a day.’

[Yes I guess it’s corny, but hay it’s all I can come up with right now]
It was so sweet. All of it. He was sitting there looking really sad and innocent playing it and singing it to me like I was there sitting on his lap. If that didn’t convince me he loved me I don’t know what would.

I grabbed the promise ring in my hand and ran downstairs. I told Brit and Dad that I was going over to see Joey and then ran out and knocked on there door. Billie answered with a beer in his hand and let me go to Joey’s room. I Opened up his door and ran to him and pashed him right on the lips. At first he was surprised but he gave in and kissed me back.
"I am so sorry I got pissed at you, I love you, I will love you for forever and a day!"
"It’s okay baby, I’m sorry it happened. Do you forgive me?"
"Yes I do. But one last thing before I kiss you again."
"Put the promise ring back on my finger, I want you to do it, to seal our love."
He put the ring back on my finger and it was the perfect moment. It was so sweet I want to remember it forever. I’m putting that stupid fight behind us. I learnt to forgive, forget and love really quickly that day. After all life’s to short to be mad at someone over something so stupid.