20 Dollar Love Game

He's My Nightmare Machine

Rae's POV

It was a really hot Summer in Las Vegas. Sweat was running down on my face and neck. Last time I checked, the weather yesterday wasn't this horrible. What the hell happened? I have been living and breathing here for only just two days and I take it the weather wasn't too happy to have us here. We just moved here and I still haven't met the neighbours in this small town let alone talk to them. I honestly never took the time to go out and speak to them because I'm really not that good in conversations. I haven't set my foot outside this house just cause I don't want to, even a small single step. Never.

Today is different, though. I couldn't take the heat and sweat inside my room. Just my luck, the vents were broken too. I was standing here in front of my open window, just staring outside. The two windows on both sides of my room were open too. Only the left one was widely open. The scorching heat was unbearable! I continue to stare outside and fan my face using a white folder that I found beside my bed. A few kids were playing and jumping around the sprinkler outside their front yard. I so wanted to join them but then it would be odd and creepy.

I groaned to myself and decided to just stop staring at the kids outside. I walked away on my window and quickly strip off to my sweaty shirt. I trudged toward my closet and opened it. It was hot. . . Really hot. I could feel the sweat running down on my back. This was the 2nd time I would change my clothes and I hated it.

I pulled out my black and white stripes tank top and a small towel to dry the warm sweat lingering on my skin. I exhaled heavily and dabbed the towel on my bare back and up on my neck. I looked around while drying my body and my eyes almost bulge out of my sockets when I saw a guy watching me from his window. He was wearing glasses and he looked like he was about my age. His eyes widened when I caught him looking at me and I did the only one thing that every girls would do when this situation kicked in. I screamed loud. . . .really loud.

I ran toward my window and grab the sides of my curtain. I heard him shout 'wait' but I quickly shut the curtains closed and I stood there holding on to my chest.

"Shit" I whispered and looked down. That guy saw me half naked. I was only wearing my bra and my boy shorts. Oh that was horrible! I put on the tank top over my head and pulled it down to my body. After that, I closed all the windows in my room and flopped down on my bed. I let out a frustrated sigh and just stared at the ceiling.

I thought being here would be great but. . . Oh the irony! The weather wasn't too nice, the neighbours were creepy and this boy was perving me from his window. This wasn't the way I expected Las Vegas.

The heat was turning really worst. I checked my alarm clock on my side table and it read 4: 50 pm. Wow. It's afternoon and I am hot. Sweat is running down on the side of my face again. I should've never closed the window but I got horrified of the guy who lives right next to our house. Creepy much?

I groaned and rose up from my feet. I grab a soft towel from my closet and trudged out of my room. I closed the door behind me and went downstairs. I found my mom in the living room, watching some stupid reality TV show. How did she manage to look fresh and cool in the middle of a heated and grating afternoon? I will never know.

My sister whom I adore the most was in the kitchen, drinking a strawberry smoothie. She was only seven years old and I am so happy to have her in our family. She was adorable and funny. We have so many things in common. We both love to read and listen to music. We always do some stupid things and we love chocolate. . .a lot! We both hate the warm weather and we hate waking up early. I love my little sister.

"Hi Rae! It's really hot today!" She yelled out to me and I chuckled.

"Yeah! I'm just gonna go out to have some fresh air. Call me if you need something!" I yelled while walking out of our front door.

"Sure!" she called out. I chuckled and closed the door behind me.

I squinted at the sun and blocked my face with my hands. It burns a little bit. How could such a little town could be this hot? Or maybe that was just me? I was used to the cold weather of North Carolina. I mean, Summers are way cooler in the mountains. The weather in there was really good and the places were beautiful.

I sighed and walked over to the thick white barrier. I sat and lifted my legs up so it won't be hanging down on the wooden floor. I looked at the other houses in our neighbourhood and it was pretty much the same except on the other houses who had some all sorts of flowers and plants that were planted on their front yards. The kids who were playing and jumping around the sprinklers already went inside. The sun must've burned their skin. I mean, that's totally possible. It's 4 in the afternoon and I'm sweating like hell.

I took a deep breath and laid my back on the wooden wall behind me. I dabbed the towel on my face to wipe the sweat drenching on my forehead. I don't think I would make it alive here. This is horrible. I closed my eyes and fan my face. I really hate summer. I hated the warm, the sun and everything that was related to Summer. I heard a light slam of our neighbour's front door and I jumped a little bit. I didn't open my eyes because I thought it was just some random person who just went out to go somewhere important, but my body stiffened when I heard light footsteps coming toward me. I ignored it and pretended to be asleep.

"H-hey. . . I'm. . . Uhhh. . . s-sorry"

I froze and my breathing stopped. Who said that?
I slowly opened my eyes and I instantly saw the boy who was perving me from his window. He was standing right next to me, leaning in so closely. My mouth dropped and I saw his eyes were chocolate brown and his lips were really gorgeous but then after I noticed his features. I suddenly thought of him as a perverted maniac who was watching me changing my clothes from his window. I screamed and his eyes widened.

"Oh No! No! Wait! Please, don't scream!" He pleaded and moved a little closer to me. He touched my shoulders to calm me down and I freaked out. I quickly slapped him on the face. I slapped him hard that he stumbled back and almost fell from his feet. I stopped screaming and looked at him. Silence enveloped us and I realized what I had just done to him. I looked at my hands and cursed silently.

He was looking at me ridiculously and he was. . . .glaring. I gulped and suddenly felt a wave of guilt washed over me. I jumped off of the barrier and quickly walked over to him.

"What was that for?!" He retorted and I stopped on my tracks. I stared at him and he was shooting daggers at me. Guilt was etched on my face

"I'm s-sorry. I totally freaked out and I just didn't know what to d--"

"Sorry?! You slapped me hard on the face!" He yelled while pointing at me. I narrowed my eyes at him and stared at him like he was an idiot. The guilt in me faded. Anger was clearly visible on my face now.

"I said I was fucking sorry!"

"I don't need your apology if you're gonna act like that!" He yelled again and I scowled at him.

"I wouldn't have done that if you were not lingering beside me! What are you doing here anyway?!"

"God! I was just gonna apologize to you because of what happened a while ago but look how it turns out?! I got a fucking free slap on my face!" He growled while pointing at his face. I glared.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you're that perverted maniac dickhead who was perving me while I was changing my clothes!" I snapped and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"I wasn't perving you! It just so happened that I was standing on my window. I didn't know you were there until I saw you from your window and your head quickly snapped back at me!"

"Ch'yeah right! Like that will explains a lot!" I snorted and this cause him to glare at me.

"You know what, you are not fucking hot enough for guys to perve on you! So quit dreaming and fucking snap out of it!" He yelled and my mouth dropped. What a fucking dickhead!

He chuckled mockingly and I completely lost it. I took one big step forward and I kicked him on the shin really hard. He yelled in pain.

"Aarrgh! What the fuck?!" He shouted while groaning in pain. I smirked and stuck out my tongue at him.

"You deserve it" I muttered and smiled. He was glaring at me like his eyes were gonna pop out of their sockets. It was scary. After a few minutes his lips curled up in to an evil smile and I slowly frowned.

"Come here" He smirked

"Oh no no" I refused and I suddenly got scared. He took a few steps forward and I held my hands to stop him.

"Oh no! Stay there!"

"Come here" He muttered while smirking. He was making his way toward me and I took a few steps backwards.

"Oh no no! Don't you dare fucking touch me!" I growled and without a warning he lunged at me and tackled me to the ground. He gripped on my hands really tight and pinned me to the ground. He was on top of me and I glared at him. I kicked and toss around so I could get out.

"Get off of me!" I yelled and wriggled my body away from him but it was no use. Damn, having a tiny body sucks! I was small and he was big.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I shouted in anger and he just laughed. I tried to kick him again but he was so strong. My arms and limbs were going numb. He was really heavy, it was like I was being squished by a fucking truck. Before I could scream again, I heard a yelling sound across the street.

"Brendon! Dude! What are you doing?!" I heard footsteps came rushing toward us and stopped beside me. Suddenly, the fucking truck was being lifted away from me. Thank god! I quickly sat up and glared at him. The guy who lifted him was on his side, holding his arms and gripping on him so he couldn't attack me again.

"What the fuck are you doing, Bren?! Harassing this girl?!" The guy retorted and I made a face of disgust.

"Hell no! Like I would do that to her! She's an insane bitch! I don't even know her!" He said while pointing at me. I just rolled my eyes. The guy forcefully drag the fucktard with him and stood a few inches away from me. I heard them talking in a low but fierce whisper and I could tell they were fighting. I huffed. What a great start to meet my new neighbours.

"She started it! I didn't mean to!" The fucktard hissed and I stared at him unbelievably. Me?! He was the one who started it. He was perving me from his window !

"Yeah but dude, she's a girl! Every woman wanted a little respect! Geez, and I wonder why you haven't had any steady relationships" The guy hissed back at him.

"Whatever. . . I'm out of here" I mumbled and started to walk my way inside our house.

"Whoa whoa wait! Stop!" The guy yelled at me. I didn't even stop instead I kept my pace and pretended to not hear anything, but then I was grab by the wrist and I was spun around so I could face him.

"What now?" I asked irritated. He scratched the back of his neck and glared at the dickhead behind him. I gritted my teeth.

"Uhmmm. . . . I'm so sorry about him. . . He's just so immature sometimes." He apologized and I heard a scowl behind him.

"Well. . . Uhm. . . Tell your 'friend' to STOP acting like a fucking toddler and be a more responsible teenager" I said referring to that asshole behind him. I got a glare from that fucking pervehead and I just smirk. I only met him for like 30 minutes and I already got different nicknames for him.

"Uhmmm. . . So. . . . I'm Ryan. . . . Ryan Ross" The guy in front of me introduced himself and I instantly smiled at him. He was nice. Good people deserves respect and kindness except for that asshole behind him. He wasn't nice to me so I'm not gonna be good to him either. And I thought he was gorgeous and attractive when I first saw him. I thought to myself.

"I'm Alexa Rae Lee. . . . But call me Rae" I stated and shook his hand.

"Oh cool. . . .Well, the guy behind me is Brendon" He said and glanced back at him. He waved his hand at him, motioning for him to join us. He sighed angrily and walked unwillingly toward us. He stopped in front of me and glared. We stood there sharing and exchanging some deathly stares. After a few minutes, Ryan nudged him on the side.

"Introduce yourself!" he hissed angrily at him. I stared at him uninterested and waited for him to introduce his self so we could all get over this quickly. He stared at me and smiled mockingly.

"Hey bitchface. . . I'm Brendon Urie" He jeered and held out his hands. I slowly looked down. I just stared at his hands and shook my head. He rolled his eyes and put back his hands on his pockets. I took a step forward while glaring at him.

"Nice to meet you fucktard maniac dickhead. . . . I'm Rae" I stated with pure sarcasm. He narrowed his eyes at me and I just chuckled.

"Okay. . .uhmmm. . . That was interesting" I heard Ryan mumbled. I looked at the two people in front of me and examined them very carefully. Ryan had dark brown hair that was pulled up in a small Mohawk which made him look very appealing. He was tall and a bit skinny but it suits him. Brendon, on the other hand, had this deep brown eyes and was a few inches smaller than Ryan. He was a bit toned too. He wore black rimmed glasses which made him look like a bit of a nerd. He was very attractive but I hate him.

To be honest, I don't even know these two people. For all I know, they could be a serial killer or maybe worse. They could be a . . . . drug dealer or rapist. I shuddered and pushed the thoughts aside. I shouldn't think of those things because judging them by their looks is very cruel. Like my mother always says 'don't judge a book by its cover'.

"So, are you new here?" Ryan asked me and I snapped back to reality. I glanced at him and shot him a small smile.


"Ryan, don't talk to her! She isn't what you're thinking! Come on, let's go!" Brendon hissed beside him and I shot him a look. What am I? Some kind of a monster?

"Shut up" Ryan whispered angrily. I was still glaring at Brendon and he just scowled at me. What an ass.

"Uhmmm. . . .do you wanna hang out with us?" Ryan suddenly asked and I turned my attention to him.


"I said. . Uhmm. . .do you want to hang out with us? Like go to the ice cream store maybe?" He asked while looking at me nervously. My lips curled up in to a smile and nodded.

"Sure, Ice cream sounds great"

"Ryan! What the hell?!" Brendon hissed. Ryan gave him a 'shut-the-hell-up' look and then punched his shoulders.

"Ow! Fine! I'll stop!" Brendon grunted while rubbing his shoulders. Ryan looked at me and grinned.

"Come on. Let's go" He grabbed me by the arm and I practically just walked and let him dragged me. Brendon slowly followed behind, muttering some shit about me. I didn't pay any attention to him because I know it was just a waste of time. Besides, I wouldn't want to caught myself on a another fight again. I might scare him away and I wouldn't want that because I could use him as my fighting buddy. You know, beat the shit out of him and piss him away. He is a cocky ass, anyway. But I think fighting him wasn't a good idea at the moment. He might ran home, trembling and crying to his precious mother that he just got beaten up by a girl. Yes, I admit it. I'm a bitch, so what. Deal with it. I'm a little harsh, sometimes. People say I'm an insane war freak bitch, others say I just need attention really bad, and some say I just had these troubled past that, eventually resulted to what I was acting right now. Well, I say it's just an utterly and absurdly nonsense lies!

That was just the way I act. If people don't like it then I don't give a shit but if they messed up with me then I would run their faces down on the middle of the street with a heavy hauler.

I ignored the presence of him beside me and continued walking. Ryan was dragging me down the street and I couldn't keep up that much. He was walking too fast. I looked at him and I could see excitement in his eyes. I smiled softly. He must be very happy to have a new company. I mean, who would want to stick up with Brendon everyday. Geez, that must be a torture.

I cast a glance beside me and a piercing brown eyes met my gaze. He was glaring at me really hard. I glared back and he quickly looked away. What was wrong with him? Well, there's only one thing that I could say about him. He's fucking insane.

"Finally, we're here" Ryan said and he grinned. I looked at it and it was just a small place.

We went inside and I was swiftly met by the sweet vanilla scent with a mixture of chocolate and strawberry ice cream. My lips curled up into a smile. Ice cream sounds great, right now.

"So, what do you want?" Ryan asked me. I open my mouth to speak but I was quickly cut off by someone.

"I want her out" Brendon hissed and I rolled my eyes.


"I was talking to her" Ryan snapped and he just scowled.

I sighed. I'm getting tired of this shit, I only met him for like what? 2 hours!
And we're already fighting nonstop.

"Ryan, it's fine. I'll just have chocolate ice cream" I muttered. I should just chill and relax. I'm really craving for an ice cream right now. Chocolate is my favourite flavour. I could eat it all day.

"Bren, what do you want?" Ryan asked him.

"You know. . . . ." he paused and glared at me for a long period of time and then finally spoke ". . . . . the usual" he gritted his teeth and gave me a dirty look. What the hell did I do now?

"Oh yeah. . . .chocolate. . .your favourite" Ryan muttered and my head quickly shot up to him. He gave me a grin and I just shook my head. If that was his favourite then I don't really care. I looked over at Brendon and he was shooting daggers at me. I looked away. Wow, that guy is fucking psycho. He's making it like it was a big deal. I don't really see the problem right there. I mean, come on! It's just a chocolate ice cream. I scowled mentally and looked at his direction. He was still glaring at me and Ryan was staring at me.

"What?" I snapped and Ryan just shrugged. Brendon huffed and he couldn't keep on glaring at me.

"I'll fucking pop your eyes out on your sockets if you keep on glaring at me" I hissed and he looked away, muttering something like 'she's a bitch that needs to die'. He's crazy.

"Here you go" the lady on the counter said and handed me my chocolate ice cream. I said thank you and she smiled. Ryan got his strawberry ice cream and Brendon got his chocolate one. We all walked out of the store and walked quietly, eating on our ice cream. I was too preoccupied by my thoughts, thinking about how two people with different personalities could get along and be best friends. I mean, look at these two people walking beside me. They were both different on their own way. Ryan is always calm and kind. Well, Brendon is a bitch and he's a. . . .yeah. . .a bitch, but it was really amazing how they could get along so well without clashing on each other. I'm impressed.

"So, where are you from?" Ryan asked me, breaking out the silence. I glanced up and smiled.

"North Carolina" I said proudly and he grinned. On the other hand, Brendon's reaction is way too humorous. He snorted like a guinea pig.

"So. . . . You're a mountain girl?" He chuckled and I glared at him. What's up with this guy, seriously? His own jokes are very immature. Oh right I forgot, he's an immature dickhead. I faced him and he had this annoying smirk on his face.

"And you're a what? A drag queen living down the street and working on a night club to earn a money so you could have a one night stand with a guy on a cheap motel?" I snapped. That's right, mess with me bitch. His own smirked dropped and shot me a look.

"Excuse me" He muttered fiercely and I looked at him dead on the eyes.

"Didn't you hear me? You were two inches away from me and yet you didn't hear me?" I asked incredulously and rolled my eyes. He dropped his ice cream on the ground and glared at me. I swear, I saw something flickered on his eyes but instead of running away and apologized. I annoyed him more.

"What are you deaf?" I muttered and turned on my heels to walk away from him. He's just a boy, he's just a boy. I repeatedly said to myself. Before I could make it farther, someone turned me around and I came in contact with Brendon. He pulled me closer and I held my breath. He was glaring down at me. Oh geez. He was so close to me that I could hear his ragged breathing and his pulsing heartbeat. Ok, maybe that was a little bit overstated. I could only hear his breathing. His hands gripped on my shoulders really tight. He was angry and his eyes were glaring at me with all its glory. I glared back but not as much as he does. He was terrifying and I got scared right there but I tried not to show it. I kept myself from wincing, though. His nails were digging on my skin really hard and it hurt like hell.

"You're a fucking bitch, you know that?" He stated through gritted teeth.

"Deal with it" I muttered venomously and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Whoa. . . Whoa. . .Come on, guys stop it" Ryan broke us off and stood straight in front of us.

"Stop it. . .okay" He ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

"Fine" Brendon muttered angrily while shooting daggers at me, he was holding his breath and his face was red from anger.

"Come on, man. Let it go" Ryan said

He grumbled and exhaled heavily. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk. What's up with him? He was making all of the little things in the world as if it was the biggest thing that freaking happened in his life. Geez, what a psycho.

We all walked again and Ryan was leading the way. I was stuck with Brendon and I could feel his burning gaze on me. If gazes could actually burn people then I would have been seriously burned like a roasted chicken right now. Why couldn't he be like Ryan? He was So sweet, kind and proper. Brendon is more like a monster. A terrifying monster with tentacles and big scary eyes that could make you get sick. Yeah, that kind of monster. I looked at Ryan and he already finished his ice cream. I looked at mine and it was half eaten. Yeah, I'm a slow eater. Our house suddenly came into view and I smiled.

"I guess this is my stop" I stated and Ryan gave me a grin.

"So, do you wanna hang out with us again tomorrow? I'll introduce you to the other guys. Trust me, they're nice" He exclaimed

"Sure, that sounds great" I smiled and before I could turn around, Brendon walked past me and knocked my ice cream on the ground. I gasped.

"Oh wow. Sorry" He muttered monotone like he didn't mean it at all. My hands balled into fist and gave him a dirty look.

"Oh no" Ryan buried his face on his hands and sighed. I quickly lunged at Brendon and smacked his big head really hard.

"What the hell?!" He retorted while turning around to face me.

"You knocked my ice cream on the ground!" I screamed. This psycho bitch is really getting on my nerves.

"I said I was sorry!"

"No! You did that on purpose! I saw you!" I pointed at him while narrowing my eyes at him. He scowled.

"Fine" He grunted and walked over to me.

"I am so sorry, your highness. I am such a klutz. . .it won't happen again. I promise you, my dearest queen of all the bitches in the world" He hissed while bowing his head.

I sighed angrily and closed my eyes. Calm yourself down, calm yourself down. I chanted through my head. He's just a boy with an enormous head full of air and doesn't have any brain cells. No wait, scratch that. I don't think he had any brain in his huge head. Poor thing. I opened my eyes and looked at Ryan. Ok, that feels better.

"Bye" I breathed out. He smiled and Brendon just sighed boredly. I bit my lip and glared. What a fucking dick.

"Bye" Ryan grinned and Brendon just huffed beside him.

"Come on! Cut the crap out. Can we just go now?!" He whined and I bit my lip harder. Ryan glared at him and I just turned around to walk inside our house. I didn't look back because I didn't want to see the huge airhead boy with no brain cells. I quickly opened the door and slammed it shut. Closing my eyes, I sighed and gritted my teeth. I bang my head on the door continuously and kept on muttering 'I won't kill anyone'.

Just relax, Rae. . .He's a jerk, a freak, a fucking dickhead. I thought to myself. I was banging my head on the door and kept on muttering things.

"I won't kill him. He's a retarded jerk with a dorky glasses and a fucking big head. I won't kill him. I won't kill him. I won't kil---"

"Oh my god! Mom! She's finally lost it!" I heard a shrill cry behind me and I quickly jumped around, facing whoever that demonic human who screamed like a freaking retard.

"Jesus! Lily! You scared the hell out of me!" I yelled while clutching my heart. She giggled and I rolled my eyes.

"What are you doing?" she asked while stifling a laugh. I swear she could be a little annoying too.

"Why are you banging your head on the door while muttering 'I won't kill anyone' over and over again?" She asked again finally letting out a chuckle. I grunted.

"There's a freaking asshole outside our house and he's getting on my nerves!" I exclaimed and she gasped. Oh right, I forgot. . Mom doesn't want to hear us swearing or cussing inside the house.

"Ok don't tell Mom I said asshole to you" I stated while pointing a finger to her.

"Deal" she smirked and I know where this is going

"And don't say that word either" I warned her

"Ok. . . Ok. . . Now, where is that as--- I mean monster?" she asked while peeking on the window.

"Oh my god! Lily! Don't look! Your eyes will burn and your soul will be damned!" I screamed horrified. Shoot, another curse word. Lily looked at me weirdly and smiled.

"You said dam--"

"Don't say that word!" I yelled and she giggled while shrugging her shoulders. She turned her head around to peek on the window again.

"So, which one of the two? The skinny boy or the cute one with glasses?"

I gasped.

"He is not cute!"

She chuckled and I swiftly grab her shoulders.

"Come on. . . That's enough" I said through gritted teeth. I tried to drag her away but being a little stubborn bitch. She didn't moved.

"He didn't look like a monster" she simply said

"Come on! Lily!"

"Hey, they're walking away now" she pouted and I sighed angrily.


"Awww! He's our neighbour!" she exclaimed. Ok, that's it. I swiftly lifted her off the ground and carried her.

"Put me down!"

"Shut up. . . .this is your punishment" I exclaimed. I could tell she was rolling her eyes. Yep, another habit we got from Mom.

"Why are you mad at him? I think he's cute" she mumbled and I groaned.

Oh my God. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She's completely ridiculous.

He is not cute.

He's a monster! A fucking terrifying monster!

I walked upstairs while carrying my annoying sister with me. She was laughing on the way up. I rolled my eyes.

As soon as I reached the last step of the stair, I set her down and she quickly ran away from me, giggling like a five year old kid. She went directly inside mom's room and she let the door wide opened. I heard her voice, greeting my mom and I smiled. I slowly walked straight into my room.

"Where's Rae?" I heard my mom asking about me. I stopped on my tracks and snapped my head around to stare inside her room.

"I'm here, mom" I softly said

"Oh , come here" She commanded and I slowly trudged inside her room. Silence wrapped around the room and all I could hear is my footsteps. I let my feet dragged me inside. I slowly looked up and mom was staring at me, she broke out into a smile and motioned for me to come in. I let myself in and trudged toward her bed. Lily was sitting on her side and she was grinning at me like a little child. Who am I kidding? She is a child. I sat in front of Lily and tossed the pillow aside to get me some more space to sit. I finally looked at mom and I shot her a small smile.

"Did you help Lily with her medication today?" she asked.

"Yeah" I answered shortly and she smiled.