20 Dollar Love Game

She's Coming Out of Her Cage

Brendon's POV

I slowly glanced at the Lee's house as I strolled inside our house. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Lily and her mom. Especially Rae. She lost his father and now she's going to lose Lily. The house was empty, silent and eerie. It had this unusually scary vibe in it. I know her mom must be taking it really hard. I feel bad for them. I still couldn't wipe off the confusion in my mind when I talked to Rae at the hospital, yesterday. She was taking it so easy, I guess. I didn't see her cry when I walked in. She would just shrugged and spit out every words, too easily. She was taking it really good. She didn't even breakdown nor bawl her eyes out. She was doing okay.

Or was she just good at hiding her emotions?

Maybe not. She's pretty strong and brave. I actually never thought she would take it really easy. I never thought she would be alright.

I walked in inside our house and I was met by silence. I sighed. Mom must be at work. I trudged upstairs and swiftly went straight inside my room. I walked in just to find a huge mess awaiting for me. It was pretty much the same way as I left it this morning, some CD's and magazines were still lying on the floor, a few of my clothes were thrown out under my night table and my guitar was lying at the end of my bed. I just shrugged and walked past this huge mess. I quickly flopped down on my bed with an exasperated sigh. I can feel my eyelids drooping slightly from my eyes and I know I'm tired. I just need some sleep to clear my head out and just forget about everything that happened these past few days. I need some sleep. And soon enough, I found myself disappearing and drifting off to a dreamless sleep, letting my eyes closed as the darkness swallowed me.


Buzz Buzz. . . Buzz Buzz. . .

I woke up at the vibrating sound of my phone beside me, making me groan in frustration. I sat up and quickly grabbed my phone, answering it with a slight tinge of annoyance.

"Hello" I grumbled while rubbing my eyes.

"Hey man, it's Ryan. Where are you?" He asked. I could hear hush voices and light whispers in the background, making my forehead creased.

"I'm here at my house. Where are you?"

"Oh, I'm with. . .Spence and Sara. . .well, we're here at the hospital. Did you know that Lily has Leu--"

"I know, Ryan. I know she has Leukemia" I cut him off while exhaling heavily.

"Oh. . . Oh. . . Okay. . .I thought you didn't know" He mumbled. I ran a hand through my hair and just sighed.

"How did you know about Lily?" I asked

"Well, Rae called us this morning and she explained everything. So, we came by to see Lily. Aren't you gonna come here and see her?"

"Uhh. . . I already did. . .but, I don't think Rae wanted me to be there" I muttered

"Come on, dude. Rae's not even here and I think she wouldn't mind it either. I mean she----"

"Okay. . .okay, I'll try" I quickly said and I could feel him smiling.

"Great. Just get your ass here quickly before Rae sees you. I don't know what time she'll get here"

"Fine. . .I'll just take a quick shower" I replied and quickly said my good bye. I hung up and tossed my phone aside as I rose up from my feet, trudging toward the bathroom. I went in and swiftly shut the door closed.


"Don't waste your time on me, you're already the voice inside my head" I hummed as I stepped out of my room, ready to take off. My feet dragged me downstairs and I sighed, absorbing the silence of our house. I wonder if my mom already know about Lily. Oh well, news will eventually get to her. I guess, she'll freak out big time. I trudged out of our front door and closed it softly, making sure to locked it tightly before dragging myself out of our porch.

I took a small sharp breath as the sun greeted me with hatred and annoyance. It was really hot today, my skin burned and a few tiny crystal sweat was now forming on my forehead. I strolled passed on our front lawn and increased the speed of my steps.

As I was stepping out on the sidewalk, I suddenly heard a soft whimper and a light sob on the other side of our house. I abruptly stopped walking and just listened to the sound. I glanced behind me and stared at our house with confusion. I heard the soft whimper again and my eyebrows furrowed. Ok, I don't think the sound was coming from our house. I frantically searched around me and my eyes suddenly landed on the girl who was curled up in a ball from their porch steps. I looked closely and studied her. My forehead creased and just stared at her. She looked so familiar and her hair was a mess. And then, my eyes widened as reality hit me. It was Rae. . . .and she was crying. I moved my feet forward, ready to trudge toward her but I suddenly stopped, thinking that she would probably just yell at me and tell me to fuck off. I just focused my eyes on her and she was literally crying. Wow, I didn't know that bitches can produce tears. Why was she crying? Curiosity hit me and soon enough, I can feel myself dragging my body toward her, my feet anxiously touching the ground.

My head swirl as I was getting a little closer. I swear, she was really crying. Her body was shaking and she was sobbing really hard. Her face was buried on her knees, rocking herself back and forth, probably trying to ease the pain. I can feel my body slowing down as I stopped myself to stand in front of her. I stared and just stood here like an idiot. I didn't know what to do and I honestly didn't know what to say. I ran a hand through my hair and glanced around me nervously, trying to think of a witty thing to say.

Keep it cool. I can do this. Just ask her something. I thought to myself as I cleared my throat and spoke,

"A--are you o-okay?" I asked and was surprised by myself because my voice came out a little raspy which is not cool at all. Her head quickly shoots up and I met her watery and bloodshot eyes.

Damn, what will I say?

I shifted around nervously and scratched the back of my head. She shook her head at me and just buried her face on her knees, crying hysterically in front of me. I was taken aback by her actions. I was expecting her to yell at me. I was expecting her to glare and bitch at me. I was expecting her to be mad at me. But instead she just cried and wallow herself with sadness. I sighed.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I muttered while glancing at her with agony. I waited for her reply and sure enough she snapped like a freaking bitch again.

"A--are you just h--here to make fun of m--me? Because I honestly d-don't have time for that. So, do yourself a f-favour and just leave." She cried out while glaring at me. I just stared at her and sighed.

"I don't think Lily would be happy if she sees you like this" I mumbled, trying to lighten up the mood. She brought her face up again and stared at me. Her eyes were gleaming with tears.

"W-why are you here? Aren't you supposed to b-be s-somewhere else?" She choked out while wiping her eyes but it was no use, tears were still streaking down on her face. I took a few steps forward and sat on her side, she didn't looked at me.

"Well, actually I was about to go to the hospital to visit someone but since I saw a lonely girl sitting all alone in front of her house. Then, I thought I might as well, spend my time here and just cheer her up" I stated and she snapped her head at me.

"Leave. . .you're just wasting your time" She muttered, her voice quivering lightly. And I just exhaled heavily.

"Come on. You're not going to get rid of me that fast" I said and she just shook her head at me while looking away to avoid my stare. She rested her head on her knees and continue to cry, a soft and broken sob fill the air. I couldn't help but to feel sorry for her. I just didn't know what to do.

"Everything's going to be alright, you know. Everything happens for a reason. I'm sure Lily didn't want this. Your mom didn't want this to happen and even you. . .didn't want this. But I know Lily is happy" I stated and she looked at me, staring in disbelief.

"How do you know that? How do you know that everything's going to be alright? How do you know that Lily is happy?" She snapped, tears were streaking down on her face and she furiously wiped her eyes. I inhaled deeply as she continue to cry, her chest was heaving heavily.

"Lily is happy because she knew that you would be there for her even if it's the end. Everything's going to be alright because every struggles in our life always end in victory. No matter what happens, everything will end up alright." I stated and she glanced at me with her tear streaked eyes. She looked thoughtful for a moment and then she glanced away, trying to hide the tears.

"Lily is a smart girl. I know she's strong because. . .you made her strong" I said and she sobbed harder.

"I know. It's just that. . . It's hard to accept the truth. It's like a stabbing pain in your heart and you have no choice but to accept it even if it hurts like freaking hell" She cried and she buried her face on her knees again.

"Don't cry, okay. Lily would think you are giving up on her" I mumbled and she suddenly looked at me.

"Oh come on, how do you know all about this?" She asked and I smiled weakly.

"I have four siblings, duh. Been there, done that" I stated and she stared at me with amusement.

"Y-you have siblings? But how come I don't see them in your house?"

"Well, I'm the youngest and they have their own families now. I don't really see them that much" I shrugged and she slowly nodded.

"Oh" she mumbled and I chuckled really loud. She sniffed and just slightly smiled at her own stupidity. And then, silence enveloped us, making it more awkward for us to talk. She looked down on her lap and started to fidget with her fingers. I can still see a few tears from her eyes and I just sighed loudly, breaking out the awkward silence between us. I reached out on her and wiped a few stray tears from her eyes. She was taken aback and she just stared at me as I continue to wipe her eyes.

"Just don't cry, okay. It doesn't look good on you." I mumbled and then she broke out into a small smile, hitting me playfully on the arm. I laughed.

"Oh, so this is the part where we fight and hit each other?" I asked and quickly whacked her arm. She chuckled and just shook her head. I stared at her with amusement as she continue to chuckle loudly, she was suddenly back to her old self now. Her laugh died down a little bit as she cleared her throat and spoke quietly,

"Thank you" She mumbled and I swiftly looked at her. She was staring at me, smiling softly. I studied her, trying to see if she was kidding me but then she was being serious. I slowly smiled back.

"Nah. . . It's nothing"

She exhaled heavily and stared at the green grass in front of her.

"Man, I didn't know you were that nice. I was being a bitch to you since the first day we met. I'm sorry" She apologized and started to fidget with her fingers again. I inhaled deeply.

"Don't worry about it. I guess, we just started off at the wrong side. What do you say. . . Let's start over again and just forget about everything?" I stated and she smiled at me.

"Yeah, that'd be cool."

I grinned and cleared my throat.

"So. . . Uhmmm. . . .Hi, I'm Brendon Urie. I'm your new neighbour." I grinned while sticking out my hands, waiting for a reply. She giggled.

"Hi, I'm Rae. Nice to meet you. I just moved here with my mom and sister" She chuckled and shook my hands.

"Now, that's better" I mumbled as we both laughed. I watched her as she smiled down at me, her eyes gleaming with happiness. . .but there was a hint of sadness in it. She suddenly looked down when she noticed that I was staring at her. Her smile faded and she just sighed, I watched her as the grief slowly swallowed her eyes. I nudged her lightly on the side and spoke,

"Hey, everything's going to be okay" I assured her and she nudged me back, smiling weakly.

"I know" She mumbled while staring at the sky. I nudged her again, making her jumped lightly.

"Come on, aren't you gonna go and see your sister? She'd be happy to know that we are now the greatest friends ever" I stated and she rolled her eyes, slightly pushing me off.

"Get out. We're not the greatest friends. We're just neighbours and that's just it." She seriously said while standing up from her feet. I stared at her in complete shocked, absorbing what she just said to me. Hurt was clearly written across my face. She walked off and trudged out of their porch, leaving me here all alone in front of their house. She hummed to herself but abruptly stopped when she realized I wasn't walking beside her. She turned around and faced me, confusion was etched on her face. She stared and waited for me to follow her. But I didn't, I stayed here and just frowned. She must've noticed my expression because her faces softens a little bit and she quickly shot me a wide smile.

"Aww come on, I was just kidding!" She exclaimed while rushing over me. She stopped with a halt and stood in front of me.

"I was just kidding! Of course, we're friends now." She grinned and ruffled my hair. I stared at her, letting out a sigh of relief. I cracked a small smile and just shook my head at her.

"Gee, I thought you're being serious" I muttered and she snorted.

"Aren't we gonna go now? My sister is waiting for us" She smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go" I muttered and we both walked out of their porch with smiles on our faces, exchanging a small talk as we trudged down the sidewalk.

I watched her as she talked animatedly to me while skipping on her feet and just rambled about everything, the sun was illuminating her face and she looked complete.

She's finally talking to me.

I smiled absentmindedly to myself as I thought about it.
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Thanks for all the comments, you guys are so awesome ((:

Here's a new chapter :D