20 Dollar Love Game

Stop This Pain Tonight

Brendon's POV

"Do you seriously like to eat this thing?" I questioned Spencer as he poured a chocolate syrup on his sushi before completely shoving it inside his mouth. He shrugged and just continue to eat the nasty piece of scrap.

"It's really good. You should try one" He said and he poured another syrup on his sushi, handing it to me with pure joy. I made a disgusting face and inched myself away from it.

"No dude, uugghh. . .just eat it"

He shrugged again and shoved it in his mouth, he smiled while closing his eyes.

"Ahhhh fucking glorious" He grinned while he moved his hands on the table just to get a sushi again. I scowled and turned to Ryan who was reading peacefully on my bed.

"Dude, can we just do something else instead of lying around here and watch Spencer eat like a messy kid?" I asked him and he just shrugged like he doesn't care at all, not even bothering to tear his gaze away from the book he was reading. I glared at him and glanced around me to find something hard and solid to threw at his thick head. I saw a brush lying around my desk and I instantly grabbed it, throwing it at Ryan. It landed on his chest and he jolted upright from my bed while groaning in pain.

"What the fuck, man?! Do you really have to hit me with a brush?" He snapped angrily while rubbing his chest. Spencer, who was sitting on the floor while eating sushi, just laughed hysterically at Ryan.

"I think your skinny ass can handle that. Your bones are fine, Ryan. Nothing to worry about." He reassured him and he scowled.

"I'll just have to go back reading this amazing book and pretended that you didn't hit my chest with your stupid brush" He hissed and flopped down on the bed while opening the book again, picking up the part where he last left off. I just huffed and sat on the swivel chair beside me.

"Fine, I'll just call Rae and ask her if she wants to hang out with me today" I exclaimed and Spencer snorted.

"More like ask her out" He mumbled and I immediately shot him a glare making him laugh harder.

"Shut up"

"Just ask her out, man" Ryan casually said.

"No, I'm not gonna ask her out! Ugh, if it weren't for that stupid bet, I wouldn't have to deal with this. Why can't I just quit?" I whined and they shrugged. Ryan glanced up form his book and just gave me a dirty look.

"You're the one who agreed on this stupid bet. It's your problem, not ours" He stated and I scowled.

"Wow man, I appreciate your support. Thank you, that made me feel better." I sarcastically said while glaring at him. He suddenly sat up from my bed and looked at me dead serious.

"You know what, you're an idiot" He muttered while shaking his head at me.

"And you're completely oblivious with your feelings. Geez, you're such a girl" Spencer stated and my forehead creased.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned him and he smirked. Ryan glanced at Spencer and Ryan did the same, they just stared at each other knowingly, like they were just having a silent exchange of conversation. I exhaled heavily.

"Ok, I'm serious. What are you guys talking about and what's with all the creepy starin---"

"You like Rae" Ryan stated, returning his gaze on his book and turning the page silently, like he just said something normal. I stared at him in disbelief. Spencer let out a piercing laugh, slapping his hands on his knees.

"First stage. . .Panic" He quickly muttered and just watched me while smirking.

"What?! You're kidding me right?" I exclaimed while glancing at Ryan, my eyes were wide in shock and my forehead was creased in anger. Spencer just laughed again.

"Second stage. . .Denial"

"I do not like Rae! What made you guys think that? I do not like her!" I denied and Spencer just poorly shook his head at me before speaking in an overconfident tone,

"Third stage acc----"

"Can you please just stop with the stage thing! You're creeping me out, Spence" I exclaimed and Ryan looked at me then spoke in his casual tone,

"Third stage. . . Acceptance" He informed me and I scowled, glaring at them. Sometimes, I wish they weren't my friends but then I thought I would probably be lost in my life without them.

"Ha! You like her. Why can't you just accept the truth? Just go and knock inside her house, hold her hands and pulled her in then scream at her face that you are fucking falling for her!" Spencer exclaimed and I huffed.

"Whatever. I changed my mind. I'm not going to call her anymore, thanks to you guys!" I stated and Ryan rolled his eyes.

"You're such a fucking emotional guy" He muttered and I shot him a glare.

"Awww just call her, man. I know you're too eager to see her" Spencer taunted me while raising his eyebrows.

"Fuck off!"


I walked down on the dirty steps of our porch, keeping my head down and just glancing on my shoes the whole time. After they taunted and made fun of me, the guys left with a satisfied smirk on their faces, completely happy that they just won on forcing me to go at Rae's house. I'm utterly aggravated to them, right now. Sure, the idea of visiting Rae have crossed to my mind a million times now but come on, who would want you to force to go to someone's house with the idea of 'hey, just make out with her already'. I do not like the idea of that. Rae only sees me as her friend. . .nothing more.

As I was walking passed on their lawn, I noticed that their house was completely silent and empty. I stopped in front of their porch and just stared at the huge house. A single question ran through my mind. What if no one was home? My forehead creased and took a few steps backward. Maybe, I should check first, just in case. I turn around and walked on the other side of their house, I glanced up and stopped right in front of Rae's window. I stared at it for a moment, hoping that she was inside.

I bent down on my knees and grabbed a pebble on the ground. I looked up and inhaled deeply before throwing it on her window, creating a soft clanking noise. I stood for a good few minutes, waiting for a response. I didn't hear anything. Maybe, no one was home.

I sighed and tried again. I picked up three pieces of small rocks on the ground and threw it altogether on her window, the loud clinking noise echoed loudly in our neighbourhood and I'm pretty much sure a person in a shower would literally hear it because of the awfully dreaded silence around here. Again, there was no response. I just exhaled heavily and bent down on my knees again, not even looking if I picked up a huge rock or a small one. I just kept my eyes on her window, trying to see if there was a person inside. Then without a warning, I fiercely threw the rock on her window with more strength and force this time, I grinned to myself and watched as it flew through her window, a deafening loud clattering noise suddenly fill the air and my smile quickly faded as I realized the rock actually went through inside her room, the glasses on her window abruptly shattered into pieces. I heard a loud 'thud' and a piercing groan then a painful 'ouch' inside the room, my face went pale and just froze on my spot.


Oh shit.

I swiftly dashed on my feet and ran passed on their lawn and onto their porch, I broke inside their house and bolted upstairs, taking two steps at a time, my head was spinning from fear and worry. I found my way inside Rae's room and I quickly went in, opening the door with anxiousness. I dragged myself in and I instantly saw Rae, lying on the floor while clutching her head, my eyes went wide and swiftly rushed beside her.

"Shit, are you okay? Did I hit you? Did I hurt you?" I questioned as I pulled her up, my hands resting on her upper back, trying to support her. She slowly opened her eyes and stared at me, she squinted a little bit, adjusting her eyes on me but then she quickly glared when she saw me, staring at her anxiously.

"So, you're that dude who threw that huge ass rock on my window?" She exclaimed and I chuckled nervously.

"Ummm. . .y-yeah. . .I'm sorry. . .I. . .I really didn't mean to---"

"Whatever, just help me up" She muttered while frowning. I stared at her with amusement and just nodded. I arched her back upward and helped her from her feet, still clutching her forehead. I released her and slowly dropped my hand from her sides, but she just stumbled slightly and almost fell on her knees. I caught her and just gripped on her tightly. She inhaled deeply and I flopped her body on the bed. I watched as she groaned in pain, her hand securely covering the wound on her forehead. She slowly turn her gaze at me and took in a small sharp breath. I cracked a smile.

"Let me see it" I muttered and slowly removed her right hand that was covering her forehead. I gasped when I saw it was bleeding.

"W-what?" She stuttered and I looked at her.

"You're forehead is bleeding" I informed her and she exhaled heavily.

"Thanks a lot, Mr. Urie. Now, I have to walk around this town with a huge wound on my forehead" She said sarcastically while perfectly rolling her eyes at me. I just chuckled and looked at her.

"Hey, it's not that huge. It's probably nothing. . .a band-aid should do the trick" I grinned at her and she stared at me, her lips slowly curling up into a small smile.

"Okay Doctor, clean my wound" She grinned and I let out a little laugh. I rose up from my feet and made my way inside her bathroom, searching for the first-aid kit.

"It's in the medicine cabinet" I heard her shout and I glanced around me, my eyes instantly landing on the cabinet above the sink. I opened it and retrieved the kit, a smile quickly spreading on my face while closing the door slowly and quickly making my way inside Rae's room. I walked over to her and kneeled beside her bed, opening the kit slowly. I found two packs of band-aid.

"Ok, my wounded patient. . .Batman or Care Bears?" I asked and she giggled before rolling her eyes and speaking in a soft voice,

"Batman" She mumbled and I grinned, pulling out the band-aid. She stared at me as I carefully place it on her forehead, my tongue almost sticking out with full concentration. She chuckled and shook her head at me. I scowled.

"Don't move" I mumbled, she rolled her eyes and just waited for me patiently.

"Done" I grinned and she laughed. I put the pack of band-aid on the kit and stood up to put it back on the medicine cabinet.

"Just leave it there on the floor. I'll put it back, later" She stopped me and I just shrugged, trudging toward her and placing the kit on the floor. I slowly sat on the edge of her bed and looked at her, she was staring at the side of her bed and I followed her gaze, my eyes landed on the small picture frame, a small girl was grinning widely on the picture, her golden brown hair glimmering in the sun, making her seemed more alive and happy.

"You miss her, don't you?" I asked and she nodded, not tearing his gaze away from the picture.

"I do miss her. . . Everyday" She muttered quietly and I sighed while flopping down beside her. She began to spoke in a more quiet and soft tone,

"Sometimes, I wish I don't exist in this world. . .sometimes, I wish I was dead so I could be with her. I'm afraid that my sister is not in a safe place. I'm afraid of everything. I'm afraid of this life" She exclaimed while staring at the ceiling.

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans" I grinned and she suddenly scowled, punching me on my shoulders.

"Ow! What the hell?"

"You just quoted John Lennon! I'm being serious in here!" She retorted and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know you already knew that quote" I muttered and she huffed.

"Hey, It's time to move on. I'm sure she's in a safe place" I stated while nudging her, she looked at me and shot me a small smile. I stared back at her perfect hazel eyes, not realizing that my lips are slowly curling up into a wide smile.

"Thank you. . .for everything" She whispered and I shrugged, giving her a cheeky grin. She chuckled while shaking her head at me.


I walked down on their front porch and just trudged toward our house, I looked back at Rae's house and I saw her peeking on her front window. She was smiling widely while waving at me.

"Fix my window! You little shit!" She shouted while grinning.

"I will!" I chuckled while waving at her. She smiled one last time before shutting her window and pulling her curtains closed. I inhaled deeply and just beamed to myself. I quickly pulled out my phone in my pocket and sent a quick message to Brent.

I'm calling off our bet.
♠ ♠ ♠
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