20 Dollar Love Game


Rae's POV

I stared at the mirror in front of me and gaped back at my appearance. I swear, I almost didn't recognize myself, my hair was tangled in a mess, my face looked a lot more paler than I thought, my eyes were worn-out and bloodshot from many sleepless nights, dark bags were forming under my drained eyes and my lips were cracked. So basically, I looked terrible. I heaved a sigh and grabbed my hairbrush from the dresser. I combed my hair softly, trying to smoothen out my soft curls, my gaze fell on my face and instantly scrunched up my nose on how ugly I am. I exhaled heavily and threw my hairbrush on the dresser, almost knocking off my Chapstick collection that was neatly lined up on the side of my huge mirror, and yes I have this weird obsession of collecting Chapstick. I just love them. So, shut up.

I glanced around me and searched for my shoes, I trudged toward my bed and bent down on my knees, peering under my bed to see if I left my shoes in there. Sure enough, I saw a pair of black chucks that was lying lazily on my carpeted floor. I sighed and stretched out my arms to reach my shoes, almost bumping my head on the wood of my bed. I rose up from my feet and dropped my shoes on the floor before flopping down and slipping my shoes on, it actually took me a few minutes to tie my shoe laces. It sucks, I know. I just want it to be perfect.

I rose up from my feet and smoothed out my clothes. I was wearing a red and black plaid tank top and a pair of skinny jeans. I decided to just let my hair down since it won't really make any difference if I clip it or just tie it in a ponytail.

Today, the guys invited me over at Sarah's house. We're having our sleepover and just to let you know, it's not going to be a shimmy shimmy girly girl slumber party. It'd be just a normal sleepover with three hormonal boys and two grudging PMSing girls. Wow, that's just perfect.

I walked out of my room and closed the door behind me while clutching my duffel bag on my hand, containing some of my clothes and other stuff I need. I trudged down the stairs, thinking to myself that no one was in the living room but I abruptly stopped when I heard a light sob and a muffle cry downstairs, my forehead creased with anxiety. I quickly dashed down the stairs and followed the sound, I found myself, dragging my feet inside the living room. I took in the sight in front of me, my face softening a little bit. I stood here and watched my mom as she wail on the couch, her body shaking with a broken sob. I bit my lip and trudged toward her. I followed my mom's gaze as I neared her, my eyes instantly landed on my sister's photo album that was lying restlessly on her lap. I exhaled heavily and mom's head quickly snapped on my direction, her teary eyes met mine and her lips were quivering like a child, my heart suddenly wrenched with grief, without a word, I quickly ran toward her and just engulfed her with a hug, I wrapped her in my arms and she just sobbed on my shoulders. She was like a child, she was still young, my mom was still young. I couldn't stand seeing her like this, she was weak.

"Mom, stop crying" I don't know if it was a statement or a whine, either way, I just wanted her to stop crying. She looked up at me and her eyes were streaming with tears, she looked like a child, memories suddenly drowned on the back of my head, remembering perfectly her story about her teenage years, every words, every breath, every tear. I remember it. She told us that she was still young when she met our father, they were both teenagers. I remember everything, she said she made the biggest mistake ever, it was a drunken mistake. They were at a party and just like those crappy cheesy teenage stories, she ended up sleeping with my father, my mom didn't really know him. He was a stranger and she was just a young free spirited girl, full of dreams but it all crumble when I came in the picture. My mom got pregnant, I was her first child. She confessed that she almost got an abortion because my father didn't want me. It's either he'll leave or get rid of me. Of course, my mom was smart enough to choose me over him and with that my father left us. He was an asshole, he left my mom and our family.

"Lily's gone. . .my baby's gone" She sobbed and I just sighed.

"I know, mom. . . .I know" I whispered and she softly pulled away, wiping her tears while glancing at me. I heaved a sigh and gripped on her shoulders.

"Mom, Lily is in a safe place, now. She is happy and she wants you to move on. You have to let it go, mom" I stated and she nodded, tracing her fingers on Lily's old photo when she just turned five years old. I was about to say something when I heard a loud honking of car, outside our house. I sighed. It must be them. They said they're going to pick me up at our house.

"Your friends are here. Just go, now" My mom spoke in a quiet voice, I looked at her and just exhaled heavily.

"No, I change my mind. I'll just stay here. I can't leave you all alone"

"I'll be fine, sweetie. Just go. . .they're waiting for you" She exclaimed and I shook my head, stubbornly. I am not going to leave my mother in a state like this.

"Mom, it's fine. I'll stay here with you" I insisted and she glanced up at me.

"I'm okay, honey. Just go and have fun" She reassured me and I jumped a little bit when I heard the loud honking of car outside our house again, telling me to hurry up. I was about to yell at them, when Brendon came bursting in our front door, cutting me off with a huge smile creeping up on his face.

"Rae! Where are you? Why the hell it to------Oh sorry!" He exclaimed when he saw my mom, looking at him with teary eyes. He stopped on his tracks and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Oh--uhmmm. . .I'm s-sorry. . .I d-didn't know you--"

"Brendon, it's fine" My mom forced a smile and he just grinned nervously. My mom suddenly turned to me and ushered me to go with Brendon.

"Mom. . .I can't--"

"I'll be fine, okay. Just go. . ." She smiled while staring at me tenderly. I sighed and just stared back.

"Are you going to be okay?" I asked and she nodded before looking at Brendon who was standing awkwardly in our front door.

"Brendon, take her now"

He dragged his body inside our living room and shot a wide grin on my direction. I rose up from my feet and smiled at my mom before grabbing my duffel bag.

"Thank you, Mrs. Lee" Brendon stated and my mom just smiled warmly at him.

"Have fun and be careful"


I slip inside the car with Brendon trailing behind me, of course he sat beside me, he grinned widely as he squished my body on the backseat. Ryan and Spencer was on the front seat, as per usual, Ryan was the driver. I glanced around me and frowned before speaking,

"Where's Brent?" I asked out loud and they just shrugged.

"I don't know with that dickhead. He's not answering his phone" Ryan grumbled and my mouth formed an 'O' shape. I just dropped the subject and sunk back on my seat, staring outside as I listened to the soft music that was playing on the radio. I just sighed and glanced around me, I felt someone staring at me and my eyes instantly landed on Brendon. He looked startled when I caught him staring, he swiftly looked away and just pretended to be amuse on the tree outside. I rolled my eyes and punched his arms.

"Ouch! My god, Rae! What the hell?" He retorted and I chuckled.

"Nothing, you looked pathetic" I commented and he huffed, fighting back to crack a smile. I chuckled even more and shook my head at him.

The car ride was very uneventful, I just spent most of my time, listening to Brendon quietly singing along to the soft music that was playing on the radio. I fought back the urge to crack a smile, but of course, I did not succeed. I was smiling the whole car ride without him noticing me. He has an amazing voice.

"Ryan!" Sarah yelled as soon as we step out of the car. She ran toward him and quickly jumped on him, engulfing him with a hug while her legs slowly wrapping around his waist. They stared at each others eyes for a moment and they suddenly started to suck each others faces. I blinked and just glanced around nervously. Spencer, Brendon and I just stood here awkwardly as we watch their heated make out session. I raised my eyebrows.

"Awww that is so cute. I think you guys really need to get a room." I exclaimed sarcastically and they instantly broke away, a blush creeping up on Ryan's face.

"Rae!" Sarah grinned and walked toward me to envelop me with a hug. I returned her gesture and she just giggled, pulling away as she turned to Brendon and Spencer, both engulfing them with a hug too.

"I'm so glad you guys came!" She smiled and Brendon just grinned.

"Duh! As long as there's food in your house, I'll keep coming in here!" Spencer exclaimed and I chuckled as I followed them inside.

"Well, you know the saying. . .Those who forget the pasta are condemned to eat it!" Spencer said and I looked at him disbelievingly before stopping on my tracks and bursting out into a fit of laugh. Soon enough, all of us were laughing uncontrollably.

"Isn't that supposed to be 'Those who forget the pasta are condemned to reheat it'?" Ryan asked incredulously. Spencer just shrugged and continue to walk.

"Who cares, man?" He mumbled while leading the way. We followed behind, snickering to ourselves as we made it to the huge courtyard. I saw Sarah's pool again and I groaned.

"Let me guess, you guys are planning to swim again." I stated monotone and they all grinned.

"It's going to be fun!" Spencer exclaimed and I rolled my eyes. Brendon smiled widely at me before he opened his mouth and spoke,

"And this time, you're going to join us whether yo---" Sarah nudged Brendon and he quickly stopped, realizing what he just said. I looked at them suspiciously and just raised my eyebrows. They all grinned nervously, staring at me with wide eyes.

"Oh uhmm. . .I said. . .you're going. . .to uhh. . .join us eat! Yeah, eat. It's going to be fun." Brendon stumbled at his words and I just nodded, riding along with them.

"Okay, let's have some fun now!" Sarah exclaimed, cutting off the awkward silence. She just chuckled and looked at me with gleaming eyes before speaking in a cheery tone, "Rae, you're coming with me!"

She dragged me with her and I took her hand hesitantly, anxious about this whole thing. Something tells me that this is going to be a long day. She gripped on my hand very tightly, making sure that I won't go or runaway. We went upstairs and trudged toward her huge bedroom, she continue to dragged me inside. She's starting to creep me out, she locked the door when we got inside safely. She turned around and looked at me, a smile was slowly creeping up on her face.

"Ok, you're going to join us!" She exclaimed and my forehead creased with confusion.

"Join. . .what?"

"You're going to swim with us today! It's time for a change!" She stated and I shot him a look.

"No, Sarah. I'm not going to swim."

"Aww come on. We'll be on your side!" She said, encouraging me to agree with her.

"Sorry but I didn't bring any swimsuit with me" I stated, trying to sound more apologetic when In fact, my mind is screaming 'Hell no! I'm not going to swim with them!'.

"Oh! Don't worry. . .I have an extra swimwear here. I think it'll fit you perfectly!" She exclaimed and my mouth dropped.

You're shitting me right?

"Oh. . .uhmm. . .Sarah, I don't think it's a great idea" I mumbled, taking a single step backward trying to look desperate as ever. I stared at her with plea and she just looked at me. Silence enveloped the room and I just stood here, my eyes gazing over her, pleading and begging for some mercy. After what seemed like forever, she finally sighed and gave in.

"Ok fine, but you still have to join us. Just stay on the Jacuzzi. . .I'm pretty sure you won't drown in there " She stated and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sure, Jacuzzi sounds great. No pool. . ." I trailed off, staring at her to make sure she's agreeing with me.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Come on, let's find you something to wear. You little idiot, didn't bring any swimwear" She mumbled as she lead me inside her walk in closet. I just chuckled at her and my mouth immediately dropped as soon as I went inside her 'walk in closet'. Jeez, I don't think this is a closet anymore, it's like a freaking living room there's a huge couch and a full length mirror on every space of her closet. I turned around and just stared in awe.

"Wow" I whispered and I watched her as she opened the small closet in front of her, starting her search quest for my' swimwear'. I just sighed and waited for her patiently.

"Aha! This one's look amazing!" She yelled out and swiftly turned around, waving a pair of red bikini in front of my face. I stared with wide eyes.

"A bikini? Sarah, I can't wear that!" I asked incredulously and she frowned.

"Why not?" She asked and I looked down, trying to hide my blush that was creeping up on my face.

"Oh god! First you're a hydrophobic human and now you're a Nudophobia girl!" She yelled while pointing at me. I glanced over at her, confusion etched on my face.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nudophobia is afraid of being naked" She stated calmly and my eyes widened.

"What? No! I just don't like to wear it. . . ." I trailed off and just stared at the shiny marbled floor.

"Oh. . .I see, you're a conservative one" She mused and then she quickly shrugged.

"Time for a change, hun" She grinned and shoved the bikini on my chest, ushering me to go inside her enormous bathroom to try this on. I just scowled and locked myself inside her bathroom, staring at the piece of clothing in my hand. I sighed. Here goes nothing. . .

"Wow. You look amazing!" Sarah gushed as she walked down the stairs beside me. I covered my chest with my arms and I tried to hide my legs with my long towel, hanging loosely on my shoulder. Sarah kept on gushing on my side, telling me that I look perfect and amazing. I fought the urge to snort and just laugh at her statement.

We finally made it to their courtyard and I quickly looked down, embarrassed by myself. The guys were hanging out on the bench beside the pool, just talking and chatting with each other. I couldn't help but feel the urge to just runaway and bury myself inside a hole where no one can find me. They suddenly stopped when they saw us, I felt my cheeks heating up as we walk toward them. I kept my gaze down on the ground, watching as my feet touch the green grass. We stopped in front of them and I suddenly heard a low whistle. I slowly look up, my eyes landed on Brendon and he was looking at me from head to toe, he was staring at me like a piece of meat while his mouth hanging open. I swiftly scowled and punched his arms.

"Ow! I'm s-sorry" He stuttered and quickly looked away, his cheeks were bright red. I rolled my eyes.

"Jeez, Rae! You look like a woman!" Ryan exclaimed and my mouth dropped as they all burst out into a fit of laughter.

"That is so not funny!" I retorted and stomped my feet on the ground. He just grinned and I ignored him.

"Okay, Brendon. . .she's all yours" Sarah smiled and I shot her a confuse look. Brendon just smirked and quickly grab my hand, leading me to the pool, my eyes widened and started to pull away from him.

"No! Don't you dare!" I yelled but Brendon just chuckled. I shot Sarah a look and muttered something deadly,

"You traitor!"

Brendon immediately dragged me toward the pool and I screamed, trying to pull away from him. I fell on my knees and gripped on the grass, thinking that it might save my life. I looked pathetic. They all laughed at me and glanced toward Ryan and Spencer. They jumped on the pool, followed by Sarah, laughing their ass of as they watched us.

"Come on, Rae!" Brendon chuckled and I let out a piercing scream. He bent down and scoop me on his arms, carrying me while smirking.

"Brendon! You little shit! Put me down! I swear you will never see the sun again!" I threatened and he just laughed it off.

"No way" He stated while smiling at me.

"Stop it! Just put me down! Brendon!" I exclaimed while kicking my feet around and squirming from his arms. He stopped beside the pool and I screamed for my dear life while firmly closing my eyes, afraid of what will happen next, without a warning he jumped into the pool and I gripped on him tightly. I felt a thick wave slapping me on my back and I felt a heavy pressure on me, water suddenly came rushing down on my face, quickly pulling us down like a chain. I suddenly screamed, forgetting that we're actually at the bottom of the pool. I swallowed some water and my chest heaved, feeling all the water going down on my throat. Brendon quickly resurfaced and I swiftly opened my eyes only to be blinded by a few droplets of water, trickling on my face. I coughed a fit, my lungs desperately searching for air. Brendon's hand rubbed my back softly as I continue to wheeze.

"See, that wasn't so bad after all" He stated and I just glared at him.

"Wasn't so bad? I swallowed some water!" I croaked while hitting his chest and wriggling from his grasp. I kicked and squirm away from him but he was still holding me tightly.

"You are such a jerk! I swear I'm gonna fucking kill you!" I screamed, still angry on him because of what he have done.

"Jeez, calm down!"

"Shut up! I'll castrate you and I'll make sure you'll be buried alive! I am dead serious!" I smacked him and just continue to scream like a freaking crackhead.

"Rae! If you don't shut your mouth I will literally drop you!" He threatened and I felt his hands loosening around me, my heart pumped faster and I quickly grab him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Shit! No! Don't drop me!" I yelled, my whole body shaking, afraid that he might really drop me, fear replaced my angry eyes and Brendon's face softens a little bit.

" I won't drop you if you shut the hell up" He stated and I vigorously nodded my head, I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Don't drop me, please" I pleaded and he smiled softly.

"I won't drop you" He said and slowly wrapped his arms around my waist, I tightened my gripped on his neck and just glanced around me nervously. He started to move on the other side of the pool and I panicked.

"W-where are we going?" I asked and his whole body vibrated as he chuckled loudly.

"Relax, I'm going to the other side. Damn, I need to rest my back, you're a one heavy whale!" He exclaimed and I glared at him. He was laughing really hard, not really noticing that I was glaring madly at him.

"Jeez, thanks for that wonderful compliment!" I said sarcastically and he just chuckled.

"I was just kidding" He muttered. We made it to the side and he rested his back on the cool marbled wall of the pool. He exhaled heavily and I felt his breath on my neck, tickling me and making my insides churn. He pulled me closely and I rested my head on his shoulders, his hands running up and down on my back.

"Hey Brendon, you look comfortable!" Spencer mocked and he just sighed.

"Fuck off! Spencer!" He yelled and I just closed my eyes, feeling a little tired. I could feel the small waves of water, smashing on my body. I shivered slightly, snuggling myself closer. He tightened his gripped on my waist and just pulled me close.

"Don't drop me" I stated and I could feel him smiling.

"I won't" He whispered in my ear and a thousand bolts of electricity shot through my body as he rested his chin on my head, his hands were still rubbing my back softly. There goes the damn butterflies on my stomach again.

I hate this whole thing but somehow, I'm loving this feeling. I love how my cheeks turn bright red when he smiles at me. I love how a millions of butterflies tingle inside my stomach when he touches me. I love how he would just pull me close and comfort me every time I was down. I love how perfect he is.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry it took me forever to post this chapter!
School is a bitch.

ANYWAY comments? (: