20 Dollar Love Game

She's a Disaster

Brendon's POV

Ryan was glaring at me and I already knew the reason why. . . . .

We were still standing in front of Rae's house and I honestly don't want to hear Ryan's speech right now. I glanced over at him and he was still giving me that dirty look.

"What?" I asked

"You're so fucking immature! You know that?!" Ryan scolded me and swiftly smacked my head.

"Ow!" I grunted and scratched the back of my head.

"She's being nice and you're being an ass to her!"

"She slapped me on the face!" I defended myself and he just scowled. I couldn't believe it. Ryan was taking her side. It was Rae's fault. . . Not mine. She's just being a complete idiot. Apparently, Ryan was good at defending things. So, I'm doomed. He had great ways in words and I'm pretty sure he would splatter me with his own 'phrases' because of what I had done with that girl. . .and I couldn't believe he was doing it now.

"Well, maybe you're being a complete asshole to her! You can't just tackle an innocent new girl on the ground! That is why people are always scared to you because you're cruel and very reckless! She couldn't feel any respect to you because of your behaviour! Geez, do you have a pervasive chronic psychological disorder?!"

See? He always had a way with words. I'm pretty sure the words he were using were really harsh and highly offensive, but I don't care at all because I don't really understand any of it, and about the chronic disorder part? . . . . Yeah, I don't really know what that means. So, I'm not offended or anything. Maybe, I should look it up on Wikipedia later or maybe not. I would probably get pissed if I saw the real meaning.

"I was just gonna apologize to her! But instead of forgiving me, she fucking slapped me on the face!" I retorted and he sighed.

"What did you exactly do to her?" He asked and I suddenly fell silent. I thought of what happened a while ago. I remember the window, her half naked body and me running downstairs to apologize. I turned red and my cheeks heat up. I buried my face on my hands and groaned. Oh god, that was so embarrassing. She thought I was watching her changed her clothes from my window. Ryan stared at me weirdly and I cursed silently.

"Wha- - - What happened?" He asked nervously and then his eyes suddenly went wide as if he knew what happened.

"D-did you. . . .did you. . .just fuck he---"

"Oh for goodness sake! I did not. . .ugh! You are so disgusting!" I screamed horrified. Now, I got mental images on my head.

"Geez, sorry. I thought you just banged her. Dude, I would totally flip out if you did that."

"Just shut up! Like, I would sleep with that. . .that girl, she's not my type!" I exclaimed, disgusted by his idea that his pathetic and mentally disturbed mind came up with.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Dude, she's really gorgeous! Geez, I would even dump my girlfriend just to have her" He said seriously and I looked at him like he has three heads.

"Are you serious?"

He stared at me really hard.

"If that's possible then yeah, but my girlfriend would probably castrate me or throw me off the cliff so. . . .no" He chuckled and I shook my head.

"You're nuts" I muttered

"Wait. . . .what did you actually do to her, anyway?" He asked curiously and I sighed. He never dropped the subject.

"I accidentally saw her changing her clothes from her window and she caught me staring. She thought I was perving her so, I apologized to her but she fucking slapped me instead" I muttered, really ashamed of myself. I glanced up to see his reaction. His mouth was hanging open and I sighed.

"Seriously?" He asked and I nodded. He slowly cracked a smile and then he burst out laughing.

"Dude, you are so lucky!" He stated while laughing and I gave him a 'what-the-fuck-are-you-talking-about' look.

"Was she smokin' hot?" He raised his eyebrows and I scowled.

"Shut up, okay"

Yeah, she's hot. . . Really hot. But she's still a bitch. I thought to myself

"Fine. . .fine. . She's gonna hang out with us tomorrow. So, be nice" He warned me and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, I'm gonna go home now" I mumbled and walked away. I dug my hands to my pockets and trudged toward our house.

"Bye" Ryan called out and I waved at him. I reached the front door of our house and quickly pushed the door open.

"Brendon. . . .Honey, is that you?" My mom yelled across the room. I walked inside and closed the door behind me. I went straight into our kitchen and I was greeted by my Mom.

"Oh, there you are. Dinner's almost ready" She smiled and I just nodded. I sat on a chair and watched her as she put the plates and glasses on the table.

"So, where were you this afternoon?" she asked and this caused me to glanced up at her smiling face.

"I just. . . .uhhh. . .went out with Ryan and. . .this. . .erm. . .new girl" I muttered the last part, hoping that she didn't hear that.

"What? A new girl? Brendon Boyd! How come you never told me you had a girlfriend?!" She asked while placing his hands on her hips. My eyes went wide.

"No Mom! She's our new neighbour. I only met her today" I exclaimed and her eyes lit up.

"Oh, you mean the Lee's?" She smiled

Oh great, she knew them.

"What's her daughter's name? I haven't seen the older one. I only met Lily, her 7 year old daughter" she rambled "Her mom is really nice and she loves to cook too! Can you believe it? She's a lot nicer than Mrs. Hemming. Oh, you should hang out with her daughter more! That would be so great!" She went on and I groaned.

"Mom. . . .her daughter is evil. Don't expect anything" I reassured her and she frowned.

"Don't speak lies, young man. I know her mother raised them very well" she said matter-of-factly. Wow, even my own mother was siding that girl.

"Yeah mom. . . .sure" I said sarcastically and she smiled. Apparently, she didn't get my sarcasm.

"Come on, let's eat now"

I grabbed the spoon and fork and quickly dug in to my salad that my mom made.

"Oh my. . . I can't wait for your father to meet the Lee's. Maybe if he goes home this Summer. We could all have a wonderful nice little party outside our house. We could all eat together. Oh that is so nice" She gushed. God, this is so annoying. "We should invite them tomorrow for dinner"

I suddenly dropped my spoon and looked at my mom.


"We should invite them tomorrow" She smiled and I shook my head no. This is not happening.

"That would be so great. Oh, I hope your father is here right now. We could all have a nice conversation and all that stuff"

Dinner went by like that. I sat on my ass for whole hours just to listen my beloved mother, rambled about the Lee's. It was the most horrible dinner of my life. I couldn't speak up or say anything because she was talking nonstop. It was like she knew them since she was born. She was happy, though. I guess, it was really the best idea that I chose to shut up and listened to her the whole evening.

After dinner, My mom finally shut her mouth about the Lee's and just cleared up the table. I helped her up and she quickly stopped me.

"Oh no dear, just go upstairs and rest. I'll do the dishes" She exclaimed and I smiled.

"Thanks Mom" she just grinned and I made my way upstairs. I trudged inside my room and closed the door behind me. I instantly flopped on my bed which was pushed up on the right corner of my room beside the widely open window. I exhaled heavily and stared at the ceiling. The room was dark, I didn't bother to turn on the light because I'm tired and sleepy. I would probably forget to turn it off before I closed my eyes. I sighed and thought about everything. It was a long day for me. I was exhausted. Tomorrow will be a torture. That Rae girl is really annoying. She's a war freak bitch and she's stupid. Well, maybe not stupid but she's a bitch. As I was thinking on that devious girl. I heard a muffled voice outside my window and I think the sound is coming from our neighbour's house. I quickly sat up and my brows furrowed.

"So I say thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing,
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing"

I heard a girl singing, her voice was really great and very calming. I peeked on my window and I could see Rae's dimly lit room. Her windows were slightly open. Her curtains were closed though, hanging loosely on the window. I could still hear that wonderful voice and then it finally stopped. I felt a little wave of disappointment when the girl stopped singing. Her voice was really good. Maybe she took singing lessons in an early age. I shrugged to myself and I suddenly heard a giggling sound.

"Sing it again, Rae. Come on" a little voice said and my breath hitched. It was Rae? Oh my god, the bitch could sing.

"Lily, I'm tired now. . . .that's enough" Rae softly said.

"Awww. . . Please! I don't wanna go to bed. I want you to sing. . .please. . .please" The girl whined and I heard a sigh, followed by a muffled 'fine'

I heard a clapping sound and a girl, cheering and giggling. The room then finally fell silent. I waited for a moment and then she softly sang. I could hear her voice again.

"Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing
Who can live without it? I asked in all honesty"

I slowly laid on my bed and snuggled on my sheets. I gently closed my eyes and just listened to her voice. It was very soothing.

"What would life be? Without a song or a dance,
What are we? So I say, thank you for the music
for giving it to me"

Who knew that fucking bitch could sing?
I inhaled deeply. Her voice was soft and very attractive. . .really attractive. Wait, what am I thinking? Well, I'm probably just dazed. I slowly drifted off to sleep and I swear I tried my hardest to block that ugly voice of hers but it was no use.

Note to self: Ask Mom to soundproof my room so I couldn't hear her voice again.


I woke up at the bright sun, shining down on my face. I squinted at the light and sat up slowly. I yawned and did a little stretching. I felt great. I looked around my room and found out that I forgot to close my window. I groaned and shut it softly. I caught a glimpse of Rae's window and it was tightly closed. I shrugged.

I slowly rose up from my feet and scratched the back of my head. I glanced at the clock beside me and it read 1:30 pm. I exhaled heavily. Wow, I didn't know I could sleep that long. Well, that's a first. I suddenly heard my phone going off. I groped my hands through my bed sheets and searched for my phone. I found it under my pillow and quickly answered it.

"Hello" I croaked while rubbing my eyes.


"Ryan?" I asked and I heard a chuckling sound.

"Yep, it's me. . .wait. . .Did you just woke up?"

"Yes, why?"

"Come on, dude. We're hanging out with Rae today" He whined

"I know. . . I know. God, just give me a minute"

"Ok, fine. . .just pick up Rae before you go"

"What? No! She's not some kind of a special person to pick up just to get to your house!" I retorted and he scowled.

"Dude, she's new in here! She doesn't know where I live. Pick her up!"

"You're seriously kidding me?!" I screamed

"Pick her up" He said and quickly hang up. I groaned and just stood there, running my hands through my hair. This day couldn't get any worse. I'd just woke up and all I could already hear is her name. I went straight into my bathroom and shut the door closed.


I walked outside our house and trudged toward Rae's house. I sighed. I can't believe Ryan's doing this to me. He clearly knows that I hate her with passion. She's a bitchy stubborn evil little beast. I can't stand her shit. Maybe, this is one of Ryan's stupid and pathetic plans so I could get along with her. Well, it's not working. I made it into their house and stopped in front of their door. I cleared my throat. And then I knocked three times. I stood there for a good whole 10 minutes and just waited.

No one answered.

I knocked again and waited for someone to answer the door but no such luck. Maybe, no one's home or she just decided to ditch because of me.

I knocked again but this time it was really loud. I continuously banged my fist on the door.

"Lily! Can't you just answer the door?!" I heard Rae's voice from upstairs.

"I can't! I'm watching Power Rangers and I don't want to miss this episode!" A girl yelled inside the house.

"Come on! I'm putting my clothes on! Bear with me!" Rae yelled back.


I heard a shuffling of feet and then a loud footsteps coming toward the door. I straightened myself and cleared my throat. The door surprisingly flung open and it revealed a small girl. She was tiny and cute. She had brown curly locks and a pinkish lips. Her eyes were big and hazel, and her skin was ivory. Whoa, she looked just like Rae but a smaller version. Are they twins?

"Hi. . . Good afternoon! What can I do for you?" she sweetly asked and I instantly grinned.

"Hi. . . Uhmmm. . .I'm here for your sister" I stated and then her smile suddenly grew bigger

"Hey, I know you! You're the guy yesterday that my sister talks about!" she exclaimed while pointing at me. I raised my eyebrows and chuckled. She talks about me? Wow. So, she has a thing for me. I smiled.

"She said your a freaking asshole" she stated and my smile dropped. A freaking asshole?!

"But I don't believe her. She's upstairs, by the way and you can come in for a moment" she said while ushering me inside their house. I grinned nervously and she dragged me to their living room.

She jumped on the couch and I awkwardly sat beside her. I looked around their house and a lot of pictures were displayed on their living room. Mostly, it was Rae, Lily and her mother's pictures. I noticed that they don't have a picture of their father. I wonder why. I mentally shrugged to myself and continued to look around. My eyes landed on Lily and she was staring at me with admiration. That kinda creeps me out.

"What's your name?" she asked while staring at me.

"I'm. . . .uhhhh. . . I'm Brendon" I smiled nervously and she beamed.

"I'm Alexis Riley Lee, but you can call me Lily!" she proudly said and I grinned.

"Cute name" I complimented her and she giggled. She kept on staring at me and I'd just shot her a smile every once in a while. She's creepy. Good thing is she's cute.

"Do you want anything to eat?" she asked

"No. . .no. . .I'm fine" I muttered. Although, I'm hungry and dying to eat a food right now. I forgot to eat lunch, seeing that I woke up really late.

"Okay" she smiled and then the room fell silent. She was staring at me again and I fiddled with my fingers. I swear this girl is really creepy.

"Can you sing?" she randomly asked and I chuckled.


She grinned and jumped up and down.

"Sing something for me, please! Oh please!" she pleaded and I laughed nervously.


"Sing something for me! I love people who can sing! Please, please" I looked at her and she was staring at me with pleading eyes. I sighed and caved in.

"Fine" her eyes lit up and she clapped.

"Yay!" she cheered and quickly sat on my lap. I let out a small laugh. I never knew she was the complete opposite of her sister. She was funny, and cute, and bubbly. On the other hand, Rae is a bitch that really needs to die.

"What do you want me to sing for you?" I asked and she quickly frowned. She hold her hands up and thought for a minute. Her face fell and she shrugged.

"I don't know. . . .sing me anything" she quietly said and I smiled.

"Ok" I cleared my throat and she looked at me with interest.

"Big salty tears
Are what I tasted
As I drove
Past your house tonight
And now they're resting
On my burger
As I start to fry

Big salty tears
Here in line
Even those young fresh fellows
They don't sound too good tonight
And all those break lights
That are in front of me
They leave a watery red design"

I finished the last line and she was grinning like she had won some kind of a big prize. She hugged me and I chuckled.

"That was awesome! You have a nice voice!" She squealed. I'm liking this girl now.

"Oh really?" I asked and she started to bounce on her feet while nodding vigorously.

"You know, my sister always sings me to sleep. She has a really great voice! She can sing anything! Last night, she sang me this wonderful song about music and it was really good! I don't know the name of the song, though. I'm not good at remembering things but anyway, my sister is the best. She knows all of the songs in the whole world!" She rambled while using her hands to act out things. I just sat here, amused and impressed by her story. Whoa, the bitch has a soft spot.

"Lily! Where are you? Who was at the doo--"

I tilted my head around and found Rae standing on the staircase. I resist my jaw to drop because she was looking hot. She stared at me wide eyes and I stared back. She was wearing a brown tank top and a white shorts. She was wearing casual but she carried it good.

"Why are you here?" She glared and her eyes almost bulge out of their sockets when she saw Lily sitting on my lap.

"Oh my god! Lily!" she yelled and ran toward us. She grabbed Lily from my lap and carried her. Lily wrapped her legs around her sister and she giggled.

"What are you doing here?" she hissed and I shrugged.

"Ryan sent me to pick you up" I exclaimed and she exhaled heavily

"Rae! He can sing!" Lily said and she just rolled her eyes

"Lily, what did I tell you about strangers?" Rae asked her calmly and she looked up. She paused for a moment, trying to think of the right answer.

"Never talk to them even if they are nice" she stated and I gave them a look.

What the fuck?

That's very irrational. Isn't that supposed to be 'Don't talk to strangers'?

"That's right. . . Now, where's Mom?" Rae asked her

"She's in her room. . . .asleep" Lily muttered and she put her down on the floor.

"Now, go upstairs and stay with her. No one's gonna look out for you here ok?" she exclaimed and patted her head. Lily nodded and slowly made her way upstairs. Halfway there, she stopped and tilted her head at me. She broke out into a big grin.

"Rae, he didn't look like an asshole and he's not annoying. He is cute--"

"Oh my god! Lily! What did I tell you about that word?!" Rae yelled and her sister shrugged.

"Ugh. . .upstairs now!" Lily giggled, skipping her way up. I chuckled and she glared at me.

"Come on" she said through gritted teeth and lead the way out. I followed her and she closed the door behind her. I stood briefly outside her house. It wasn't hot that much compared to yesterday. Rae trudged unwillingly on the sidewalk and I strolled beside her.

We walked down the street in awkward silence. We weren't talking, not one of us even bothering to say a single word. She would just sigh and fiddle with her fingers every now and then. I could tell that she was aggravated.

"What did my little sister told you?" she suddenly snapped and my head shoots up to meet her gaze. I smiled mockingly and shrugged.

"Aw, nothing" I smirked and she scowled

"You're so fucking annoying!" she exclaimed while punching my shoulders.

"Well, deal with it!" I snapped

"What if I don't want to?" she stubbornly said.

I took a long and deep breath, and didn't looked at her. I swear if she gets on my nerve. . . I will have no mercy to kill her.

"Fuck you" I muttered really low

"What? What's that? I didn't hear you?" she mocked and I clenched my fist.

"Fuck you!" I screamed and she smirked.

"Awwww. . . . I fucking hate you too"

I gritted my teeth and kept my pace straight. I walked faster and quickly turned left. I was walking furiously and I didn't care if she was still behind me or not. That bitch is driving me mad. God, how could such a hot and gorgeous girl could be that fucking annoying?

"Will you please slow down a little bit?!" she called out behind me and I just kept on walking.

"Well then, walk faster bitch!" I yelled and I heard an angry sigh behind me. Soon, I could hear a loud footsteps behind my back and I turned around to see her running. I ignored her and kept walking. After a few minutes, she caught up with me and I just stared at her. She was panting really hard while clutching her heart. She slowly looked up and gritted her teeth.

"You retard!" she slapped my shoulders and I rolled my eyes. We made it into Ryan's house and Rae breathed a sigh of relief. We reached the front door and she stood straight beside me. I knocked softly and waited for Ryan to answer the door. He is so dead. I'd wasted 45 minutes of my precious life by just picking this bitch up.

I groaned when no one answered the door. What's up with people and them, not answering the door? I knocked again and waited. Rae was tapping her foot beside me. I'm guessing her patience is wearing thin.

I decided to knock again and she scowled.

"Can't you just knock a little louder?! God, you knock like a freaking old lady!" she snapped

"How about you knock the door?!" I yelled and she cursed loudly. She took a step forward and knocked on the door with fierce and rage. She banged it loudly. When she was done, she tilted her head at me.

"That's how you knock a door" she muttered angrily and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"God, get out of my sight. I can't stand your shit" I mumbled and her mouth dropped.

"You are so rude!" she growled and smacked my head.

"What the fuck?!" I turned to her and swiftly pushed her. She stumbled back and I bit my lip to keep me from laughing. She glared and pushed me back.

"You better back off, Urie!"

"Oohh. . . I'm fucking scared. You're the one who should back off!" I growled and she slapped me. . . .again. I stood there shocked.

"What's up with you and you're slapping?!" I snapped while rubbing my face.

"You're gonna get more of it, if you don't stop bitching at me!"

"Bitching at you?! You're the one who started it!" I yelled in her face and she let out an aggravated sigh.

"I fucking hate you!" she screamed and grabbed my hair.

"What the heck?! Stop!" I cried out in pain and quickly tackled her to the ground. She's so gonna get it.

"Get off of me, Urie! Or should I say. . Urine!" she screamed and pulled my hair harder. I swear her jokes are very ignorant.

"You're getting on my nerves!" I grabbed her hands trying to take it off from my hair.

"Aarrggh! Stop pulling my hair!" she pulled harder and she wriggled her body, trying to get out of my grasp.

"Get off! You fucking perve!"

We went on like that for five minutes and then I suddenly heard loud footsteps rushing on our side.

"Oh my god" I heard Spencer's voice and Ryan ran toward us and quickly lifted me off of Rae. He grabbed both of my hands and put it behind my back to restrain me from attacking her.

"You are so dead!" she screamed while trying to get up.

"Wow. Ryan, you're right. They love each other" Brent said sarcastically and I ignored his comment. Rae swiftly lunged at me and I blocked her. I break free from Ryan's grasp and I gripped her hand, twisting it in the process.

"Ow! Ow! Stop!" she shrieked and I was quickly pulled back by Spencer. Ryan quickly ran toward her and clutched her arms.

"Hey stop" Ryan stated, really annoyed.

Rae was a fucking beast. She walked over and slapped me hard on the face. . . . again. Seriously, this girl has issues.

"Do you seriously love slapping people?!" I retorted while rubbing my face.

"No, I slapped people when I hate them and you just happened to be one of the people on my hate list!" she snapped.

"Come on, guys. . . .stop fighting" Ryan whined and I glared at Rae.

"He started it!" she pointed at me and my eyes widened.

"No! You started it! You just sla---"

"Oh come on! Cut this shit out!" Ryan finally yelled and we suddenly both got really quiet. I looked at him and he was glaring at us. Rae sighed and muttered a quiet 'sorry'. I mentally huffed. Oh please, does she have to put a show on? Like, Ryan would pity her.

"It's ok" Ryan mumbled and his frowning face was swiftly replaced by a smile.

What the heck? He's gotta be kidding me. I shook my head at him and sent him a dirty look. He ignored me and turned his attention to her.

"Oh, wait. . .I'll introduce you to the guys. Rae, this is Spencer Smith" Ryan introduced him and she grinned. Spencer held out his hand and she gladly shook it.

"Alexa Rae Lee" she genuinely smiled.

". . . And this is Brent Wilson" Ryan pointed at him

"Hi" she grinned and shook his hands. Spencer and Brent were staring at her with fascination. Oh please, if they're attracted to her then they are just a two fucking idiot blind people that has no taste at all.

"So. . . Now that we all know each other. Let's have some pizza!" Ryan exclaimed and Rae grinned even wider.

Ryan unlocked their house and opened the door. We all followed him, trudging slowly behind his back. We found our way in the living room and we let ourselves picked our own spot. Brent and Spencer went to sat on a really small couch which only three people could fit into. Before I could think twice, I walked toward the couch so I could sat on the last spot beside Spencer, but yeah, the heaven's glory was really selfish to me and decided to left me here on my own. Rae beat me on the empty spot, making herself comfortable at the seat that was supposedly be mine.

She's fucking oblivious.

I seethed with anger and shot him a death glare. Seriously, was she really that blind?

Her head shoots up as if she read my mind. She looked at me with annoyance. And then a sudden realization hit her when she saw me standing in front of her, fuming and boiling with anger. Yes bitch! That was my seat!

"Move" I muttered while glaring at her. She stared at me long and hard before breaking out into an annoying smile of hers.

"Oh. . . What a fucking gentleman. I'm so sorry for taking your seat, but I'm afraid you will have to find another place to sit because this one is taken. Sorry. first come, first serve" she said with pure sarcasm. I held my breath, trying not to explode.

"I said. . . move" I gritted my teeth and exhaled heavily. She shot me a look.

"Like I said before. This seat is taken. I'm sure you can find another place to seat" she mockingly smiled and she scanned the room around her trying to look a place for me to seat.

"Oh, there's the floor if you want to" she said while looking at the carpeted floor of the living room

"There's the small folding chair beside that desk" she pointed at the white small chair.

"Oh and there's the big comfy chair in the dining room but I highly recommend you the pavement outside the house just across the street, it's more comfortable than the couch and I'm sure you can get a better view of what's going on outside the neighbourhood" she said sarcastically and I clenched my fist.

Do you know what was running through my head right now? Oh, I'm sure y'all wanted to know. I was driving a huge 4 wheeler construction truck and I was crushing Rae's body using the big round smasher which was used for demolishing a house. And I was laughing like a maniac.

Yes, I'm a very imaginative person. When you meet a girl like Rae, your mind will come up with so many strange ways on how to kill people. . . Especially her. I wanted to kill her but I knew I couldn't do that. My family would probably disowned me and throw me into jail.

Well, you know the saying "if you can't beat them, join them"

I smirked. Now, I'm liking that idea.

If I can't beat her, join her.

"Now, move. . .you're blocking my view" she snapped and my lips curled up into an evil smile. Her face dropped and looked at me. When I smiled like an evil maniac, you know the drill. Expect the unexpected.

"Stop smiling like that! God, you look like a creep!" she snapped but quickly frowned when I ignored her.

"Seriously, you're scaring the shit out of me. Quit the crap!" she growled and without a warning. I jumped in front of her and landed right on her lap. I jumped up and down trying to make my weight a little heavier. She screamed.

"Get the fuck off!"

"No! This is my seat and I'm comfortable with my position" I grinned and she let out an angry sigh. I settled down and leaned my back on her face. I exerted all my heavy weight just to get her out of my seat.

"Fine! Take your goddamn seat!" she yelled and pushed me off of her. I laughed.

"You lose sucker!" I mocked her and she just rolled her eyes. She rose up from her feet and went to sit on the floor instead. I laughed to myself.

Yeah, I won. Brent and Spencer were just staring at us the whole time, not knowing what to do.

"So. . . Who wants pepperoni and cheese?" Ryan suddenly asked popping his head on the living room with a phone on his hand.

"I do" Rae mumbled while staring at him.

"You guys ok with that?" He asked them and they just nodded.

"Ok. . .pepperoni it is" He turned around and disappeared to make a phone call. We sat awkwardly on his living room and silence enveloped us. I played with my fingers out of boredom and just sat here. I caught a glimpse of Rae and she was now lying on the floor. She was staring at the ceiling like she was in a deep thought. Spencer exhaled heavily and broke out the silence.

"So. . . .Rae, tell me about yourself" He grinned and Rae suddenly tore his gaze away from the ceiling to look at him. She smiled softly.

"I'm the first born and next to me was Lily. I love her and my Mom. We just moved here from North Carolina. I don't know who my father is and I don't want to find out who or where he is now. He's an asshole for all I know. I love chocolate and I hate the warm weather. I'm not really good at conversation so, I never had any friends way back home. The only company I got is my sister and my Mom. My life revolves around with music and books. The only one thing I'm sure of my life is I will never grew tired of listening to music" She finished her sentence with a small smile and quickly stared back at the ceiling.

I looked at her and she was just lying there peacefully. She suddenly pursed her lips when she realized that Spencer never said a word after she rambled about her life. She sighed and darted her eyes at Spencer.

"Am I weird? Did I freak you out?" She boldly asked him, her eyes were raging with question. Spencer shifted uncomfortably in his seat and laughed nervously. Rae never left her gaze on him. Spencer cleared his throat.

"No. . . I think you're really cool and nice" He finally said while giving her a warm smile. Rae's inexplicable gaze never left Spencer. She creased her forehead, trying to find the lies on his face. After a few minutes, her lips slowly curled up into a smile.

"Thank you . . . . Do you have a sister?" She suddenly asked him. He shrugged.

"I do" I muttered and she quickly glanced at me.

"I wasn't talking to you" She mumbled and I scowled.


"No, I don't have any sister" Spencer quickly said, clearly avoiding our fight.

"How old is your sister, anyway?" He asked her

"She's 7 years old. . .very young and innocent" She muttered and sighed.

"Can we just talk about something else?" I whined and Rae shot me a look. Spencer nudged me harshly and gave me a 'that-was-really-rude-look'

"Fine. . .You can talk now! I'm not gonna listen to your shit" She spat

"Then don't. No one wants to listen with your shit either"

She huffed and looked at me hard in the eyes.

"Like I gave a damn" She hissed

"Play nice, kids" Brent warned us and I just glared at her.

She is a stubborn evil little bitch. I really don't get her. She thinks she's tough and can break me into pieces. I hate her.

Ryan finally walked in to the room and swiftly frowned when he saw all of us flopped dead on his living room. We were bored as hell. He scratched his head and turned the TV on. He lay down beside Rae and flicked through the channels, trying to find a good show. He settled on FUSE and I gladly watched the show. Fall Out Boy's Sugar We're Going Down suddenly came on and Rae squealed with delight. I huffed. Geez, talk about fan girl moment.

"Shit dude, I love this band!" She almost yelled while slapping Ryan's shoulders.

"Ouch. Geez, take it easy" He muttered and she apologized.

"Wait a fucking minute. . . ." Spencer suddenly interjected while holding up his hands. He was looking at Ryan weirdly. We all stared at him, waiting for him to say something.

"I thought you already sent the demos to Pete Wentz" He said while eyeing him. Ryan stiffened from his position.

"Oh. . . Uhmmm. . . .yeah. . . About that. . . I sorta kinda didn't send it" He mumbled nervously and my eyes widened.

"What?!" Spencer and I said in unison. Ryan sat up and scratched the back of his neck.

"Why didn't you send it?!" Spencer yelled.

"Well, I was gonna send the CD but then I realized I don't know where to send it" He said defensively and I slapped my forehead.

"You're gonna send it to Pete. . . .Dude, it's Pete Wentz! How can you not realized that?!"

"I didn't know his address! What are you gonna expect me to do?! Write him a letter 'Dear Pete, here's our demo XOXO' and randomly guess Pete's address and it will magically send to his location. Wow dude, you're right. We're gonna get sign" He said sarcastically and I scowled.

"Come on. Isn't there any other way?" Spencer asked and he shrugged. Rae stood up and held a hand.

"Wait. . .Guys, I'm lost. I feel like a fucking idiot right now" Rae suddenly interrupted us.

"We're in a band" Brent shortly said while shrugging. Her jaw dropped.

Here comes the explosion.

"Seriously?" she breathed out.

I watched as she let the news absorbed her. She slowly grinned, her eyes were happy and after a few seconds, she started to jumped her balls off like she won some kind of a running marathon. She looked like a fucking autistic kid. Seriously, she's definitely on crack. I don't know what did the guys saw in her.
Geez, people in this world are extremely illiterate.

After she got tired of jumping around like a fucking autistic. She finally settled down and went back to his lying position where she, by the way, looked more like a decent good girl, but. . . Yeah. . . She's still a crazy bitch.

"So. . . .who's the lead singer?" she asked out of the blue. My head snapped to look at her. She had this huge smile on her face.

Wait until she finds out who's the lead singer is.

"Brendon" Ryan muttered and her smile dropped.

See? Very Interesting.

"Oh" she mumbled and shrugged. I glared at her. What the fuck is wrong with her? She should be happy I'm the lead singer. I did not complain at all when I heard her singing on her room every night and when she was in the bathroom. Yes, she sings in the bathroom too. I'm not being a stalker here. For your information, she sings way too loud. Every fucking day, I could hear her voice. She was singing really loud that the neighbours would die listening to her voice. About that, I would totally pursue my plan on soundproofing my room. I don't want to have my ears damaged because of the never ending noise of a dying hyena every night.

Ok, maybe half of it was really overstated, but come on. I don't care if her voice is great. She's a cruel, freaky and very evil bitch.

I hate her.