20 Dollar Love Game

Frappucino and Bambi

Rae's POV

Have you ever felt the feeling that everything is completely wrong and the one person you have ever loved dearly is making your life miserable that all you wanted to do is smacked her square on the face? Well, I do. But let's cut off the 'smacked her square on the face' part. I personally wouldn't do that. She's my mother and she would probably punished me for my dear life and I could kiss my dreams and my bright future goodbye.

Ok, that was a little dramatic, but who would want to wear a fucking dress that cuts above your thighs and your cleavage is almost popping out of the top. Yeah, it was hideous and it looked like my mom picked a dress that was supposed to be for stripper only. My mom doesn't have any taste at all.

"I'm not wearing that dress" I crossed my arms to my chest while stomping my feet. I may have looked like an eight year old kid, but I don't care. We're talking about this hideous dress and it's time for my mom to snapped out of whatever brain waves that kept on enduring in her bubble head.

"You're gonna wear this dress, young lady! I didn't want to think the Urie Family that I didn't raised my two daughter very well. You have to look like a decent young woman." She explained.

"Mom, does that look really decent?!" I said while pointing at the horrible dress that sat on my bed.

"You will wear it and besides, it's not that bad"

"It's ugly and hideous, and horrible, and really, really, nasty" I exclaimed while looking at the dress with disgust.

"Ok, you are exaggerating. The dress is fine. It will look good on you. Now, wear it. We don't have much time"

"But. . . .mom. . . I finally agree to have a dinner with the Urie's. It is not that easy to think how painful my night would be because of this whole thing. Think about it. I gave up two hours of my life just to have a dinner with them and that is the most generous thing I have ever done. Can I at least picked my own clothes to wear?" I whined while standing here inside my room, looking like a complete fool and begging for some mercy. Silence filled the room. I was waiting for her answer. My mom stared at me for a long period of time, looking dead serious and might I add, really scary. This is killing me. Come on mom, out with the answer now!

"No" She said monotone and quickly walked out of the room, slamming the door on her way out.

So, that was it? That was all she could say? No? Oh come on! Does she really enjoy making my life a living hell?

I sighed angrily and looked at the dress. The dinner would be two hours and one night only. I groaned. It seemed like a very long time. I walked toward the dress. I grabbed it and held it out, checking if I could really wear this. I shook my head.

I will so burn this after the dinner to the Urie's. There is no way in hell my mom would forced me to wear this again. I sighed.


"Alexa Rae Lee! Come down here this instant!" My mom's piercing loud voice met my ears and I groaned. I was hiding in my room. I couldn't go down. My dress is horrible and I feel so exposed. I feel like a burlesque queen that has no taste at all.

"No! I'm not coming out and I'm not going down either! Forget the whole dinner thing with the Urie's! I'm not going out looking like this! Let's just have a Chinese takeout and eat while watching movies! That is so much better than having a dinner with them! Think about it, mom. If you agree with me then you are making the very greatest and rational decision ever!" I shouted through the door, trying to sound more desperate than ever. I really hate doing this, but in times like this. It has to work this way.

"Alexa Rae Lee! If you don't come down in 3 seconds. I will send you off to a military school and we will move back to North Carolina where you can live your worst nightmare ever! I am dead serious, young lady!" She yelled and my eyes went wide. Military school? North Carolina? Nightmare? Oh god, that is the most terrifying thing I have ever heard in my life. And I think my mom is really dead serious. She used my whole name and there's a countdown. 3 seconds. Oh shit. I scrambled to my feet and swiftly open the door.

"One!" My mom counted and I ran out of my room. God, I am hopeless.

"Two!" she yelled and I stumbled down the stairs. I saw mom and Lily waiting for me at the front door and mom was looking pissed. I'm in so much trouble right now.

"It's about time you came down" she stated and she looked at me from head to toe, examining my appearance.

"You look great, honey. Now, come on. We're already late" She said and I huffed. She's really oblivious to the fact that I looked like a fucking stripper. This dress is way too short and way too bold. I closed the door behind me and I followed them as they walked to the Urie's. I trudged behind them, tugging my dress downward to cover my legs. I'm not comfortable at all. I feel like my soul is exposed and my dignity is ruined.

My mom knocked at the door and I hid behind her. I looked down and Lily was smiling at me. I rolled my eyes. Sometimes, I'm thinking how did I managed to stay alive and put up with my family's shit for a very long time? I could've runaway from them and migrate in Mexico so I could live a very adventurous and exciting life. Seriously, why didn't I ever think of that? Oh yeah, because I don't have money and I'm afraid of flying. Fate really does hate me.

The door finally opened and there stood Brendon, wearing jeans and t-shirt with his fake and annoying smile of his. Wait a fucking minute. Why is he wearing jeans and t-shirt? I looked down and examined my dress. Ugh, this is horrible. I looked at my mom and Lily, and they were wearing dresses too. I snapped my head at Brendon and he was only wearing a casual clothes. So, you mean this wasn't a formal dinner? Oh my holy mother truckin' flapjack! My mom can be really ignorant sometimes. Wrong attire in wrong occasion. Ok, so I get it. She was exaggerating with the whole good and decent young woman. Geez, next time I won't fall for that. I swear, she could take the crown of being the Hyperbole Queen.

"Hi Mrs. Lee, I'm Brendon Urie" He held out his hands and my mom gladly shook it.

"Oh you are so handsome! Well, aren't you looking great tonight? Rae, why didn't you tell me that he was so gorgeous and very attractive? You two are gonna be a cute couple" My mom stated and I slapped my forehead. This is so embarrassing. She was exaggerating again.

"Mom. . .stop it" I hissed and she grinned even wider.

"Uhmmm. . . .you can come in, now. My mom's in the kitchen" Brendon said nervously and my mom stepped inside the house. Lily gripped on my hands and I squeezed it tight. She took a few step forward. Brendon instantly grinned when he saw Lily. I rolled my eyes. Oh please, does he have to fake a smile at my sister too? He kneeled down so he could reach his level.

"Well, hi there little girl. You look so cute tonight" He complimented her and my sister just giggled like a fucking plastic Barbie girl. He patted her head and let my sister in. Lily's hand left mine and I was left standing here in the front door. Brendon stood up from his feet and crossed his arms to his chest. He looked at me, eyeing me from head to toe. He slowly smirked and I glared.

"Well, aren't you looking hot tonight?" He mocked and I scowled.

"Don't start with me Brendon. Get out of my face." I said through gritted teeth and he chuckled like an arrogant bitch.

"Asshole" I muttered and stomped inside their house. He lead me inside their kitchen and I was greeted by Mrs. Urie and my mother who seemed to be in a deep conversation. Lily was sitting on the dining chair, just staring off into space. As soon as I stepped my foot on the kitchen floor. Brendon's mom looked at me and her lips instantly curled up into a wide grin.

"Oh my god. Is this your teenage daughter? The older one?" She asked my mom.

"Yes, she's 17 years old"

Brendon's mom quickly rushed over me and I flashed a smile.

"Hi Mrs. Urie, I'm Rae. . . Nice to meet you" I held out my hand and put on my sweetest smile.

"Oh please call me, Grace. I am not that old" she said but instead of shaking my hand. She took one big step forward ad engulfed me with a hug. I was surprised and startled.

"Oh, you are so beautiful, honey. You look so great tonight. I've heard so many things about you. You are so sweet, kind and gorgeous. You're mother talks about you all the time"

Whoa. Seriously? I never really knew that. Wait. Where did all those words came from? I am definitely not beautiful and gorgeous. Psh. I mean, come on! I have the most boring eye colour ever, and my hair is ugly and dry. I am tiny and small. My skin is pale that you could really see my cheeks turning red when I blushed. I hate it. It's embarrassing! No one ever really called me beautiful, but at least someone does. I have to accept it even if it's a lie. Once in a lifetime. She squeezed me tighter and I died out of nervousness. Well, not literally.

"Uhmmm. . . T-thank you. . . " I laughed nervously and patted her back.

Oh this is awkward.

Out of nowhere, I heard a fake cough then a voice,

"Mom. . . . I think we should all have our dinner now" Brendon suddenly interrupted us and my heart did a happy dance from that moment. Thank God! My palms were sweating from all this nervousness. His mom took me by surprise. Grace pulled away from me and I breathed a sigh of relief. I slowly walked over to Lily so I could seat beside her.

"You owe me bitch" Brendon whispered as he walked past me.

I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him. He is such an immature child.

Dinner started very uneventful. I was just sitting here beside Lily, eating silently, and not really bothering to say any word. I really wanted to end this night right now. As in pronto. There wasn't really much to talk about. The only people who were just talking throughout the entire time were my mom and Mrs. Urie. Lily was just sitting on my side quietly, probably thinking about the new episode of Power Rangers. Brendon was just eating his meal and I don't give a fuck on what he was thinking right now. And me? Oh, I'm having a really fun time. I'm thinking of unicorns and ponies right now. Rainbows are everywhere and I'm splashing gold dust around the place. If you guys are fucking dumb enough to not even catch my sarcasm then you're missing out the point. Seriously, I really wanted to get out of here. I couldn't talk to Lily because my sister has it's own world. And I don't really want to know what's going on with her own world right now because the child has a very wild imagination. Trust me, I am not kidding. Well, I couldn't think of any interesting thing to do in here. I certainly don't want to talk to Brendon. Our conversation will most likely end up in a huge fight and it constantly happens a lot. You get the idea. I hate him, he hates me and that's the end of it.

"So, Rae. . . What are you gonna take for college?" Grace asked me as I was putting Lasagna on Lily's plate.

"That's enough. . please" my sister said and I stopped as she said so. She quickly dug into her plate.

I looked at Grace and I smiled.

"Uhmm. . . I'm taking photography" I answered and her eyes lit up.

"Oh really? Are you good at it?" She asked and my smile almost faltered. Almost.

"Err. . .not really. . . I suck at it but I'm practicing. So, I might as well give it a shot" I answered sheepishly. Out of hundreds and thousands of questions in this world, why did she picked that question? Why? Oh why? The whole photography thing was a big fat lie. Seriously, I don't know anything about it. I haven't thought of what course I should take yet. Oh geez. I don't know if I have any future. Well, when I was young I wanted to be a singer. Yes, very lame, I know. But that was ages ago. I was like 7 at that time and now I'm like 17 years old. I'm not sure what to really take. Ugh, now that I thought of it. My life is doomed.

Brendon chuckled at me and her mom shot her a look. I rolled my eyes. Lily suddenly looked up at me and she tugged on my sleeves.

"Rae, could I have a drink please?" she asked softly while raising her glass.

"Lily, stop bothering your sister. You can get on your own. You are old enough now" My mom scolded her and she suddenly looked down. Her lips quivered slightly and I sighed.

"It's ok, mom. I can take this" I reassured her and swiftly grabbed the glass from Lily's hand.

"What do you want, Lily?" I asked her. She tilted her head up and her eyes were watery and she was closed to tears. My sister doesn't like being scolded.

"Water, please" she mumbled and my eyes flickered at Brendon's, glaring at the huge pitcher of water beside him. He smirked.

So yeah, the heaven decided to ditch me and leave me here all alone, facing that airhead cocky asshole who was, by the way, smirking at me with all it's might and it was fucking ridiculous, might I add.

Why does the pitcher have to be goddamn far? And why does it have to be on Brendon's side? Geez, what is this? Some kind of curse? I am not gonna get that water, but what about Lily? She would fucking cry! Ugh, sometimes, it wasn't fun to have a little sister. I thought it would be fun and joyful. Well, you are completely wrong! I stared at the water and Lily was waiting for me. So, being the greatest sister in the whole wide world. I managed to speak out without harassing the asshole in front of me.

"Could you please pass the water?" I mumbled monotone, not really meeting his gaze. He huffed and unwillingly passed the water to me. I muttered a low 'thank you' and quickly poured the water in Lily's glass.

Well, that wasn't so hard after all.

"Thank you" she muttered and swiftly drank the whole glass.

Dinner went by pretty slowly, it was a torture. Me and my sister just sat quietly, eating our meal with whole significance. Until, the airhead boy who happens to be Brendon Fucking Urie ruined the whole dinner thing. The dinner started pretty well, but why does it have to end this way? So, you really want to know what happened? Oh, it's my pleasure to tell you.

We had a fight.

We had a huge fight in front of my mom and his mom. It was horrible. Well, it started off with her mom. She complimented my dress and then the fucking immature boy just retorted a phrase that a girl would never want to hear in her entire life.

"She looks like a whore, mom. Heck, that dress are for sluts only. Well, she is a slut so I guess there's no exception when it comes to her." was the exact phrase he said. So yeah, I literally blew up. Who would want to hear that kind of words against you? Seriously, that was really disrespectful. So, do you wanna know what happened next? Oh, this one's very interesting. We called names and we cursed in front of our parents.

"You are a fucking dickhead, you know that! Who said you have the rights to call me a whore or a slut?!" I yelled in his face.

"You're unbelievable! You are a fucking whore! Look at yourself! I bet you're working as a burlesque queen down the strip! The greatest burlesque queen in Vegas!" He shouted and that's when I lost it. I threw my lasagna at him and the room was filled with gasps and unexpected reactions.

"What the fuck?!"

"Take it back Urie! Take it back! All the words you said are fucking nonsense! What do you call yourself huh?! A drag queen that enjoys working at night?! Geez, I salute you!"

So, our fight went on like that. I didn't want to get into details because it was really pathetic. The Urie's dining room now looked like it got hit by a bad tornado. I swear, I saw fire flickered in Mrs. Urie's eyes when we were done fighting. She glared at the two of us and my mother dragged me out of their house along with my sister.

Wow, what a very interesting way to end a very uninteresting dinner.

So now, I am sitting here inside my room, looking sad and angry. My mom just grounded me for a whole week. Well, I deserved that. But Brendon's the one to be blamed. It's all his fault. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed angrily.

"Holy freaking crappy fruckin' mother truckin' shitty fruit ass frappucino!" I screamed out of frustration. Yeah, I made up words sometimes. I tend to shout the first thing that pops in my head every time I'm mad or angry and it will just magically form into a wonderful sentence. Well, as you can see. I'm mad right now. . .really mad. Brendon is driving me crazy. He is such a fucking douche bag. I groaned.

I rose up from my feet and went out of my room. I need to get some things out of my system. I found myself making my way to my mother's bedroom. I knocked softly at her door and I heard a muffled voice telling me to come in. I sighed and opened the door. The room was completely dark. I trudged in and closed the door behind me.

"Mom?" I called out.

"Rae? It's late at night, why are you still up? And did I just heard you screamed frappucino from your bedroom? Are you craving for Starbucks right now?" she asked and I exhaled heavily.

No, Brendon's really frustrating me and I'm about to kill myself because I couldn't take his shit.

Of course, I'm being a sarcastic bitch again.

She opened the lamp beside her bed and the room glowed a little bit, allowing me to see my mom's tired face.

"No, mom. . . It's just. . .it's. . .I-. . .I'm. . .well. . Actually. . .it's. .Are you mad at me?" I finally sputtered out and she took a deep breath.

"I'm not mad. . . I'm disappointed at you. . ."

"Well, I'm sorry. . .It's just. . .his son is a bi-- I mean. . . He's very disrespectful and unkind. . . He's the spawn of Satan"

I whispered the last part, of course.

"Don't apologize to me. . . .apologize to Mrs. Urie" she stated and my mouth literally dropped.

"Bu. . .wha--. . .I. . .it's. .Huh?" I stuttered

"You heard me, young lady. Apologize to her tomorrow" she said sternly

"No, mom. . .I will not do it" I refused and she glared at me.

"Rae! After what you've acted in front of them, you need to apologize to her!"

"What? But. . . I. . .I'm grounded!" I shouted. My mom sat up and looked at me.

I am grounded for Pete's sake! Doesn't she remember that?

"Ok, here's the deal. . . I will not ground you for a whole week, you can do everything you want. You can go home whenever you feel like it. You can even go out without permission from me. . .But" I found myself nodding and agreeing with my mother's idea but I'm not liking the 'but' part. I would love it if the 'but' would go away and be just a single period.

"But. . .what?" I asked

"Apologize to Mrs. Urie" she stated and I groaned.

"Mom. . . " I whined

"You don't want to do it? Fine, you're officially grounded for a whole month"

A whole month?! Last time I checked, it was only a whole week.

"Fine! Fine! I'll do it. . .I'll apologize tomorrow" I gave in and she nodded. I quickly walked out of the room and I grumbled a quiet 'good night' to my mom. I trudged to my bedroom and locked the door as I made my way to my soft, comfy bed. I exhaled heavily and flopped down on my bed. I buried my face on my pillow and just held my breath for 15 seconds. I wish I could just disappear right now. Tomorrow would be dreadful. I can feel it. I closed my eyes and just drifted off to sleep.


"Rae? Where are you going?" My mother asked from the kitchen. I was wearing jeans and a Chiodos t shirt with my black chucks. I stared at my mom, confusion was clearly etched on my face.

"Uh. . . .I'm gonna go apologize to Mrs. Urie? Like you wanted me to do last night?" I questioningly said. Didn't she wanted me to apologize to her? Geez, I thought she would remember our conversation last night. She stopped for a moment and her forehead creased. Ugh, she didn't remember. Wow, my mom is really getting old. She's having a memory gap now. After a few seconds, she suddenly broke into a grin as if a sudden realization hit her.

"Oh! Yeah, I remember that!" she said

Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner!

"Ok, now that you remember that. I'm gonna go now" I stated and trudged out of the kitchen. Lily was on the living room watching Power Rangers again. Sometimes, I'm thinking if she's even a girl. She's obsessed with Pokemon, Ninja Turtles, Batman and all that superhero stuff. When I was young, I wasn't like that, I used to love barbies and dolls. My world was fucking care bears and fairies. Ugh, I never thought I survived my childhood with all that crap. Being the first born was never easy, my mom would most likely throw every piece of pink and glittery junk on me. It was the most horrible memory of my childhood past.

I walked out of our house and started to make my way to the Urie's, casting my eyes on my old beat up chucks. I walked to the pathway that lead to their front porch. I started to think crazy thoughts. What if Brendon was there? Psh, of course he was! But, what if her mom doesn't want to see me? What if she hated me and murdered me inside their house? What if she throws me into jail, letting me rot and die like a useless person? What if she pointed a gun at me and shoo---

The door swung open as I was reaching for the doorknob. I jumped and I came face to face with. . . . .ugh, him.


"Brendon" I grumbled and he scowled

"Why are you here?" He retorted and I shot him a forceful glare.

"It's none of your business and if it does I still won't tell you about it because I hate you. Anyway, aren't you supposed to be somewhere else? Like at Ryan's house or god knows what. . .strip club?" I asked nonchalantly and he narrowed hi eyes at me. Oh yeah, I hit a nerve.

"I'm grounded" He muttered darkly and I chuckled.

"Awh, I am not grounded. I can do whatever I want. I am free and I can go anywhere I want to go. Isn't it fun to be free?" I bragged and smiled mockingly at him. He huffed and glared really hard.

"Why are you here in my house, anyway?" He asked while staring down at me with hatred and anger. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm here to talk to your mom, dickhead. Now, let me in so I could finish this early" I started to walk inside but he stopped me. He gripped on my hands and I slapped it away from me.

"Dude, let me in or I'll break your skinny ass" I threatened and he chuckled.

"Ok one, You're not going in. Two, You don't have any permission to talk to my mom. And lastly, you won't break my skinny ass because you're skinnier than me, and you don't know karate. So In your face!" He exclaimed and I gasped.

"Excuse me. I won black belt in taekwondo when I was 10 years old!" I said matter-of-factly.

Ok, that was a lie.

"Seriously? You passed taekwondo with that skinny ass of yours? Ch'yeah right! You are so small that you could probably pass as a freaking gnome in Mrs. Hemming's garden"

My mouth dropped and I looked at him. He smirked. God, that freaking annoying and ugly smirk of his is making me ill.

"Take that back!" I slapped his arm really hard that it left a huge red mark on it. Oh yeah, that'll teach him some lesson. He hissed something nasty about me and I chose to ignore it. He's a dickhead. Why waste time with him?

Ok, how about we play a game? Oh, I'm on

"I'm not gonna take that back! Now, get out!" He shouted while rubbing his arm. Ok, you wanted a game then I'm bringin' it to you. I looked down and put on a fake sad face. I sighed and spoke,

"Okay then. . . If you don't want me to be here. . .I'll just go and leave" I said with full sadness in my voice. I lifted my face up, showing my sorry eyes and my pitiful look, my lips were quivering and I gave my best sorry look. He stared at me and I suddenly glanced behind him. I instantly smiled and waved my hands.

"Oh hi! Mrs. Urie!" I grinned and he quickly turned around to see if his mom was really there. Well, she wasn't really there. Ha! In his face. Did he really think I would let myself lose and go home without winning this game? I don't think so. I snorted and pushed past him. Be amaze with my speediness and my ability to make an idiot person believe on what I always say. I laughed and ran inside their house.

"What the hell?! You tricked me!" He pointed a finger at me and I just rolled on the floor laughing my ass off. Now, that's what I call a real game. I got a piercing glare from him and I just continue to laugh. Pfft! He wasn't that scary!

"Get out" He said through gritted teeth and I stuck out my tongue at him.

"No" I stubbornly said while crossing my arms to my chest, still stifling a fits of giggle.

"Get out" He repeated and I rolled my eyes.

"Geez, I didn't came here to see you. After what happened last night? Come on dude, we both know that we hate each other and just to remind you. . . I freaking despise you like hell too" I remarked and he opened his mouth to speak but I quickly cut him off.

"I came here for your mom. I wanted to talk to her" I stated

"She's not here now go. . .you're wasting my time!" He exclaimed and I rolled my eyes. I was about to go out but abruptly stopped when I suddenly heard a loud banging footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Brendon! That is not the way to treat our visitors!" I heard her mom's voice. I grinned and swiftly turned around.

"Hi Grace!" I greeted and she instantly smiled.

"Oh hi there, sweetie!" She hugged me and I heard a heavy sigh behind me. Oh yes, he's dying.

"I thought you weren't here?" I asked her while smirking at Brendon. He scowled.

"No, I don't have any plans right now but I have to run some errands later" she smiled and I just nodded.

"So, what brings you here on this fine morning?" she asked

"Oh, I just wanted to talk to you" I briefly said.

"Come on, dear. Let's talk at the dining room" She dragged me into the other room and left Brendon standing on their front door, looking pissed as ever. I smirked and just followed Mrs. Urie.

"Just wait here for a moment. I'll go and get some snacks" She said and I grinned while grabbing a seat. I stared randomly at the painted walls of the room. The silence was very peaceful until Brendon ruined everything. I swear, he's a hell of a screamer.

"Mom!" He yelled really loud.

"Stop shouting, young man! What is it?!" Her mother answered with a shout too. I winced and shifted from my seat annoyingly.

"I invited Ryan to come over!" He yelled and I exhaled heavily.

"Good! Rae can hang out with you guys after we talk!" Her mom yelled back.

"What?! No! She's not staying here! She's not my friend!" He screamed and I glared at him.

"You are completely aware that I am right here, listening to your shit right?" I asked, insulted by what he said.

"Yes, I'm aware and I don't care" he muttered darkly and I gasped.

"Get out of here!" I hissed

"Why? This is my house" He smirked.

"So? I'm a visitor and you should entertain me. Also, visitors are always right. Now, do as I say so. Get out." I snapped and he glared at me.

"Smartass" He mumbled really low and I still heard that. I smirked.

"What's that Brendon?" I asked innocently and he flipped me off.

I rolled my eyes and her mom suddenly walked in with a huge tray of food in her hands. Brendon scowled and quickly trudged out of the dining room. Grace set the tray down on the table and spoke,

"So, what do you want to talk about?" She asked as she sat down on a chair across the table, facing me with a smile. I started to get nervous, my hands are sweating and I'm fiddling with my fingers. Clearing my throat, I spoke nervously.

"I-. . .I. . Just wanted to say. . .sorry. . .about. . Errm. . .last night" I stuttered and looked down. I fumbled with my fingers again.

"I know, it was wrong and very rude. I am sorry. I acted like a complete fool. I wasn't thinking twice. I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry" I apologized, finally looking up to see her face. She stared at me and her lips curled up into a sweet smile.

"It's okay, dear. Brendon started it. He should be the one who's apologizing to you" She softly said and I breathed a sigh of relief. Yeah, she's right. That asshole started the whole thing.

"I'm really sorry" I apologized again and she shook her head.

"Nonsense, it's not your fault, dear" She reassured me and I shot her a small smile.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to my airhead son later" she stated and I laughed.

"Oh, you don't have to do that. Your sin will hate me even more" I chuckled

We talked for a few minutes and I just listened to her short stories about her family, and of course I had the chance to listen to Brendon's pathetic childhood memories. It was really funny. She told me the whole story. When he was young, he went home without his pants on and he was crying hysterically. Her mother scolded him and it turns out that he tied the dog's leash on his belt loop, and his dog accidentally dragged him down the street. And then, his pants totally slipped off! He lost his dog along with his pants. Seriously, that was the funniest thing I've ever heard! Geez, I would so use this against him.

We laughed and talked for a moment until Grace had to go somewhere else and I was left all alone here. Well, not really. Ryan invited me to hang out with them and of course Brendon didn't agree but being the annoying bitch I am, I stayed and joined them.

So, I was sitting here on the couch just staring off into space. We were watching a movie while eating pizza. No, scratch that. They were watching a movie and I was eating pizza. It was really quiet and not to mentioned, really boring. The two boys beside me were two engrossed by the stupid and lame movie we were watching. They didn't even noticed I was dying in boredom here. Seriously, who still watches Bambi? I never knew that these two hormonal teenage boys could enjoy watching this ridiculous Disney film.

"So, did you guys already sent the demos to Pete?" I asked, starting a conversation that will hopefully get their attention. Ryan quickly looked at me as if he heard my scream of plea.

"Ugh, I don't really know what to do. Help me please?" He asked with a small voice. I looked at him like he has three heads.

"God, Ryan you can send it to his Live Journal or something. Or maybe you can post all your songs in Myspace. Geez, technology is right in front of you!" I said like it was the most obvious thing to do. He completely turned his attention to me and he paused for a moment, thinking something really deep. After a few minutes, he looked at me and opened his mouth to speak but closed it, shaking his head. His forehead creased and he opened his mouth again but then closed it again as if realizing something. Then his face broke out into a wide grin.

"You know what, you're right! That's perfect!" He gladly said, considering my idea.

Well, took you three years to realized that. I thought to myself.

"Rae! You're a genius!" He yelled and quickly hugged me really tight. Whoa, happy much? I coughed and he squeezed me even tighter. Ok, I couldn't feel anything now. For a skinny dude, he's really strong. His bones were sharp!

"Ok dude, you're crushing me. I'm wheezing" I squeaked and he laughed as he let go of me.

I inhaled deeply and he apologized.

"Err. . sorry" he muttered and I chuckled.

"Excuse me, if you guys are just gonna talk right there then the door is widely open, all you need to do is to leave and drag your sorry asses out on the sidewalk. I'm watching a movie and you guys are just interrupting me" He snapped and Ryan scowled at him.

"Dude, that movie is so lame! Who watches Bambi?!" I exclaimed and he turned to look at me.
His eyes were sharp like an eagle. A scary and immature eagle.

"I swear, if you talk one more time, I will crush your bon----"

"Okay! Someone's knocking on the door. Maybe you should get it Brendon!" Ryan narrowed his eyes at him and he huffed. He rose up from his feet, walking out of the living room and trudging straight on the front door. When he was out of earshot, Ryan sighed and looked at me apologetically.

"I'm so sorry, he's just a dickhead. But, he's a really sweet guy. If you get offended or something just tell us, we'll talk to him" He stated and I just shrugged.

"Nah, it's okay. I'm getting used to it, anyway. Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm just playin' on his head" I chuckled and we suddenly heard a loud angry footsteps coming inside the living room and we turned to see who it was.

"There's no one on the door" Brendon said seriously while glaring at him. Ryan fake a gasped and I stifled a laugh.

"Really? I thought I heard a knock. Geez, I must be going deaf right now" Ryan said while looking straight in his eyes. I covered my mouth to keep me from laughing. He scowled and went to sit on the couch. I was still covering my mouth and he didn't even noticed me. As he was about to sit down, we all heard a loud knock on the door.

"Oh, did you guys heard that wonderful sound? I think it was a knock. Someone must be on the door. Brendon, could you please get that for us since this is your house and it would be so rude of us if we get tha--"

"Ok Ross, I get it. . .now, shut up!" He snapped and walked out of the living room. We looked at each other and we burst out laughing. We were too busy laughing our asses off that we didn't notice there were three people standing behind us.

"Rae!" Someone yelled, excitedly. I turned around and my face lit up.

"Spencer!" I happily cried and jumped out of the couch. I greeted him with a hug. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. I gasped.

"Dude, not my hair! I spent three hours brushing it just to get it perfect!" I exclaimed and then we heard someone clearing their throat. I tilted my head and Brent was standing there.

"Hi there!" I said and hugged him too.

"Come on cut the crap!" Brendon snapped and I stuck my tongue out.

"You're just jealous because you're not getting any!" I said and he scowled.

"Why are we hanging out with this girl?! Seriously guys! Why her?!" He asked the guys and my mouth dropped.

"Because she's cool" Spencer simply said and I instantly smiled.

"And she's rad. . ." Brent grinned

"And not to mention gorgeous!" Ryan chimed in and I laughed.

"No! She's not cool! She's a freak and she's not gorgeous!" He retorted.

"Psh, You're lying. . . I can see it in your eyes" Ryan smirked.
♠ ♠ ♠
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