20 Dollar Love Game

Revenge, huh?

Rae's POV

I lay motionless on my bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking about what had happened at the beach a while ago. Today, he apologized to me.

He apologized.

He fucking apologized!

Okaaayy. . . I think you already get that but come on! Why now? Why me? and Why him?
Geez, he's confusing me. Last time I checked, he wanted to kill me with a rat poison and now he wanted to shower me with daisies and butterflies. Like, he wanted me to be his best buddy ever. The most important question that was bugging through my head was why did he suddenly became a good person to me, like he was an angel that was sent down from heaven.

I sighed. Something tells me that this isn't right. I'm sure he's planning on something, but what could it be?

Eh, I don't know.

Maybe he just wanted some money from me and decided that it would be a good idea to make up with me and become my bestest friend ever so he can get the money from me, then after that, he would ran away and leave me broken and in debt.

Or maybe he's a pedophile and has a crush on my sister, and he wanted to be friends with me so, I could tell him some things about what my sister likes or not?

No wait, that's ridiculous and really, really creepy.

Oh my god! Maybe he has a crush on me and decided that it would be easier for me to fall for him if he turns into a nice and good kind of guy because I honestly like nice guys.

I quickly sat up from my bed and thought about it for a moment.

NAH! That's totally impossible.

I lay down again and made a disgusting face.

Ok, ewwww. Why did I just think of that? That's totally the grossest and unpleasant idea that my mind ever came up with. Me? Dating Brendon Boyd Fucking Urine?

Ugggh. Disgusting!

I shuddered at the thought and just stared at the ceiling. I really don't know what trap he's plotting on me and I honestly don't know what kind of revenge he's planning right now.

Oh my god! That's right!

Maybe he just wanted revenge! So, that's why he was acting so weird. He just wanted some revenge after all.

What an ass.

I smirked to myself. So, he wanted revenge, huh? Let's see who will win this game. Well, it's totally not hard to ignore him, and annoy him, and make his life miserable. I say it's perfect. If he's being nice to me then I'm being a total evil bitch to him. I grinned evilly and nod to myself.

"Tomorrow will be a great and sunny day for sure" I said to myself and quickly frowned.

Now, I'm talking to myself. I groaned.

I suddenly heard a soft knock on my door and I quickly sat up. My door creaked open and Lily's head popped up on the side. She grinned and I smiled back.

"Mom said, it's time for my medication" She muttered and I immediately rose up from my feet. I trudged toward her and smiled.

"Come on, let's go" I took her hand and closed the door from my bedroom. We jumped the steps downstairs and we laughed all the way down.

"Race you there!" I declared and she squealed. I ran faster and she followed behind me.

"I'm gonna beat you!" I yelled

"No way!" She shrieked and quickly ran past me. I smiled and caught up with her. My sister is very competitive. She doesn't like losing, she always wanted to be the champion.

We made it into the kitchen and I carried her off of her feet and she squealed. I sat her on the kitchen counter and she giggled.

"I won!" She squealed and threw her fist in the air.

"Yes Lily, you won. Now, it's time for your medication" I exclaimed and she grinned. I retrieved the antibiotic from the cupboard and quickly opened it. I grabbed a spoon and poured the syrup. I turned to Lily and she instantly opened her mouth.

"Open it wide" I stated and slowly thrust the spoon inside her mouth. I passed her a glass of water and she downed it for only a few seconds. She put the glass down and smiled up at me. Her huge hazel eyes staring up at me innocently. I pushed some strands of hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ears. Silence enveloped us.

"Rae. . . .when do you think this game will be over?" She suddenly asked and I looked at her straight in the eyes. I sighed.

"I don't really know. . . .but if you fight, it will end soon" I stated and she nodded.

I stared at my sister and she looked so fragile and innocent. She doesn't deserve this. She still needs to grow up, I want her to have kids and marry someone who really loves her. I want her to experience the ups and down of this world. I want her to live longer. I want her to stay. . . . .not to leave.

Why her?

Out of hundreds and thousands of kids in this world, why did God chose her to have this kind of illness?


"You're a fighter, right?" I asked and she nodded vigorously.

"And I will fight because I am strong!" She grinned and I smiled softly.

"That's my sister. . . " I mumbled and kissed her forehead.

"Now, let's go to bed. It's getting late" I said, changing the subject. I helped her get off of the counter and slowly took her hand. We trudged upstairs and I watched her as she skipped every steps on the way to the top. I smiled softly. She squealed as we made it upstairs. She ran inside her room and poked her head out on the door frame.

"Good night Rae!" She stated and I smiled.


I trudged to my bedroom and opened the door lazily. I inhaled deeply as I flopped down on my bed.
The room was silence and I liked it. I slowly closed my eyes and soon enough I drifted off to a dreamless sleep.


I found myself riding on a car with these three immature boys again. Today, we will eat in a diner. I sighed. Why did I agree to join on their so called super adventure again? Oh yeah, because I was bored. I don't really know where are they taking me. I don't even know where are we now. All I know is we're in Vegas. . . .and that's it. Ryan was driving the car again and the ride was very quiet. I paid no attention with Brendon because he's a dickhead. But the more I would ignore him, the more he would make pathetic and strange things just to get my attention. It's really annoying. And he's actually doing it right now.

"Rae! Look! There's a huge tree!" He cried out and I rolled my eyes.

I swear, if he don't shut his mouth, I will kill him. He's really annoying. He won't shut his big fat fish lips. I would love it if he could just stop for a minute and just stay still for a while.

"Wait! A shih tzu! Look! It's right there!" He yelled even louder and I groaned.

"Guys, please, make him shut up!" I pleaded and Brendon looked at me. He grinned and I just glared in return. I don't know if this is part of his plan but whatever. . .it's annoying.

"Ok. . . Fine, I'll shut up" He sighed

"About time" I muttered and looked outside the window. We were driving so fast and I couldn't barely see the trees and buildings outside. I closed my eyes and sunk back on my seat. I tried to ignore the horrible song on the radio. Why do radio stations always play crappy songs? I closed my eyes really tight and rested my head on the window. I felt someone was staring at me, but I ignored it because I already know it was Brendon. Psh, that idiot has been stalking me since last night. It was really irritating. I know he just wanted some revenge and I know that he was just playing with me. I won't let him win this game. Too bad, I could really give him a chance. I mentally shook my head. Poor kid, he was just lying to me. Well, he was so obvious that he was just faking it. He's a really bad liar. Seriously, that kid really needs to improve his lying skills. I shifted form my seat and soon I felt like we were slowing down. I opened my eyes and we were entering the parking lot, I quickly sat up and looked around. They were right, it was a diner. I grinned.

"Are we going to eat?" I hopefully asked.

"Duh" Spencer replied and I rolled my eyes.

Ryan finally found a parking spot and I was bouncing on my seat. I couldn't help it. I was hungry! The car died down and I quickly opened the door.

"Wait. . .who's going to pay the food?" Spencer asked and we paused. I stared at them and they all looked at Ryan. His eyes went wide and shook his head.

"Don't look at me!" He exclaimed and I snorted.

"Come on man, I'm broke" Spencer reasoned out.

"Why don't you ask Brendon?! He has more money than me" Ryan retorted and Spencer looked at Brendon.

"What? I don't have any money right now! Why don't you guys ask Rae!" He stated while crossing his arms. I quickly scowled.

"Hey! I'm a girl! Geez, and I thought you guys were a gentleman" I exclaimed while glaring at them. Ryan huffed.

"Ok. . Fine! Fine, I'll pay" He exclaimed and I grinned.

"Come on, let's eat!" I said and jumped out of the car. They all followed me and we strode inside the small diner. I looked around as they searched for a place to seat. The place were slightly full and some of them were just a bunch of old people. There were some teenagers at the corner and Ryan just so happened to picked a place that was near by them. I followed closed behind as we sat at the small booth. Brendon sat beside me and I glared at him. He just grinned at me and I rolled my eyes.

A middle-aged woman suddenly approached us and took our order.

"Uhmmmm. . . .we'll have pizza, fries and some--" Ryan ordered but I quickly cut him off.

"Actually, I'll have some cheese burger, spaghetti, chicken, large fries and a--- "

"Whoa. . .whoa. . Wait, you seriously can't eat all of that. It's too many!" He exclaimed and I shot him a look.

"So? Is ordering a cheese burger and a large fries a crime? And eating those food doesn't mean I'm a pig. I'm hungry, Ross" I stated and he huffed.

"That's not what I meant! It's too many. . . .and I don't have that much money" He said, mumbling the last part. I rolled my eyes. The woman who was taking our order, waited impatiently. Ryan smiled at the woman and quickly shot me a look.

"I'm sorry, we'll just have some pizza, fries and coke" He kindly said and I scowled. The woman scribbled it on the paper and started to walk off without saying anything. Ryan turned to me and gave me a cheeky grin. I groaned and sunk back on my seat.

"Come on Rae, it's not the end of the world" Brendon said while nudging me. I gave him a 'touch-me-again-and-I'll-break-your-neck' look and he just smiled.

He's really annoying. I hate him.

"I'll go pee" I mumbled and slowly rose up.

"I'll join you" Brendon suggested and I froze from my spot.

What the freaking flabber rotten beejeez is he talking about?

"What?" Spencer blurted out and laughed. His face went pale.

"No, I'll join you. . . I mean. . . Not in a way you guys are thinking. . . It's just. . .I--- I'll go but. . Yeah. . .to the men's bathroom. . . N-not in the women's bathroom. . . I. . .it just means that. . I-I'll walk her to the. . " He stuttered and I just shook my head.

"Yes. . .Brendon, we get it" Spencer stated and chuckled.

"I don't feel like peeing anymore" I muttered and sat back on my seat. Brendon looked at me and stared at me for a long period of time.

"Ugh, fine. I'll just go" He said and walk off. Ryan laughed and I just ignored him. I looked around the place and my eyes landed to the five teenagers sitting just a few tables away from us. There were two girls and three boys, they were loud and noisy, and really irritating. It's like they own the goddamn place. The two girls looked like a. . . . .wait, how can I say this without sounding a little harsh. Well, they looked cute. . . Like Barbie dolls and it's so adorable that all I wanted to do is to sprinkle them with glitters and pink dust.

I'm kidding.

They looked terrible with those pink skirts and branded stiletto shoes. It was like Paris Hilton had taken over the Barbie Girl Land.

I shuddered at the thought.

I know, I'm being a very judgmental person here, but come on. . . They need to staple in their mind that there are more important things in this world than buying expensive clothes, shoes and all that stuff that could make you popular and beautiful. It's bullshit.

What has the world gotten into?

Simple is beautiful. . . .

But covering your face with cosmetics and splashing yourself with luxurious things isn't gonna make you beautiful. . . .it means you're a plastic.

And plastics are really in right now which is not a good thing. Our world is turning into a fake place. Everything is plastic and fake. . . Everything is controlled and trapped. It's horrible.

The three boys in the group were also the same. Their body were build and muscular, and it was really. . . . Disturbing.

The other blond guy caught me staring and I quickly looked down. Oh geez, they might think I'm stalking them or something. I cursed silently to myself and just played with my fingers while waiting for our order.

A dark and tall figure suddenly sat beside me and I looked up to see who it was. . . .

Oh. . .

It was the asshole.

He looked at me and shot me a small smile. I rolled my eyes and slowly looked away. Then I caught a glimpse of him, dropping his smile and replacing his look with an angry face and a matching glare.

I was right. . . He was just feigning his kindness to me. Oh well, he's still a dumbass.

Our order suddenly came and I instantly grinned. I'm starving as hell. The woman placed down our order and I quickly cut a slice of pizza. I shoved it in my mouth and was contented by the taste. I smiled and took a huge bite again.

"Whoa. . . Didn't your mom feed you in your house?" Spencer asked while chuckling a little bit.

"No, my mom is missing after we went to the park the other day and she hasn't came back yet. We ran out of food and my sister is dying of starvation" I stated nonchalantly and Ryan choked on his pizza. He coughed and quickly drank a glass of coke.

"What?!" Three pairs of eyes stared at me shocked and dumbfounded.

"Kidding. I'm kidding. Geez" I exclaimed and they scowled.

"Shit, please don't do that again next time" Ryan breathed out and I chuckled while shaking my head. Brendon just shrugged beside me.

I continue to eat my meal while having a nice conversation. Of course, I paid no attention to Brendon. I don't want to waste my time with him. I know he's lying.

I took another bite with my pizza and I felt someone was staring at me. I looked beside me and Brendon was glaring at me. He quickly dropped his glare when I caught him. He cleared his throat and smiled at me. I rolled my eyes.

He's pathetic.

I exhaled heavily and swiftly shove some fries in my mouth. Brendon stared at me again and I just gave him a look. He grinned at me while grabbing a tissue.

"You have. . . .uhhh. . . .something in your mouth" He mumbled and then he wiped the side of my mouth carefully. Spencer and Ryan suddenly cracked up and I scowled. I slapped his hands away and gave him a death glare.

"You're not my mother" I hissed and he huffed.

"I'd be ecstatic if you said thank you instead of just bitching at me" He snapped and I rolled my eyes. I went back to eating and just ignored him. I grabbed a slice of pizza and he quickly stopped me. He gripped on my hands and looked at me.

"Say thank you" He muttered while gritting his teeth. I snorted.

"I say thank you if people deserves it" I muttered and he huffed again. I pulled my hand away from him and took a huge bite from my pizza. He watched me carefully then quickly snatched the pizza away from me. My mouth dropped and he smirked. He scooted a little closer to me and I moved back.

"I believe you owe me a small thank you" He stated while leaning into my face a little closer.

"You're pathetic" I spat and he chuckled.

"Awww is that all you can say?" He mocked and I laughed monotonously.

"What am I supposed to say? Oh Brendon, I'm obsessed with you. I want to tie your body up and push you off on a 40 ft. tall building" I said sarcastically and his face quickly fell, making me laughed a little. Ryan and Spencer watched us with amusement.

Oh yeah, beat that.

"Now please, move back and let me eat my food" I stated and swiftly downed my coke. I heard him sighed heavily from my side and went back on eating his pizza. I smirked to myself.


The car skidded to a stop and I quickly opened the door. I got out of the car and thanked them for the car ride. After we ate in a diner, Ryan thought it was best to head home because he said he had to do something important. So now, Brendon and I were walking in separate ways to get inside each others house.

"Bye!" I waved to Spencer and Ryan while grinning like a child. I had a good time today, even though Brendon was being an annoying bitch again. I gotta admit, I love being around them. They're funny, weird, annoying and fun. Except for Brendon. . . .

Well, he's a crackhead.

They waved back and drove off the street. I turn around and trudged toward our house. I slowly opened the door and walked in. I made my way to the living room, only to find Lily playing with a total stranger. My mouth dropped and looked at them. Who the hell is that guy?!

"Who are you?!" I quickly screamed and both of them stopped to look at me. The guy grinned, but his face quickly fell when he saw me grabbing an umbrella beside the coat stand.

"No! No! I'm here to take ca----" He explained but I ran toward him and quickly whacked him on the head.

"What are you doing to my sister?! Get out! You better run or I'll break your sorry ass! Get the fuck out!!" I screamed and ushered him outside while whacking his face.

"Ow! Stop! I'm her babysitter!" He yelled and I scowled.

"Ch'yeah right! Babysit my ass!" I screamed and continued to smacked him. Lily ran toward me and tugged on my t-shirt. I quickly punched him square on the face and he fell on the floor.

"Rae! Stop! He's not an enemy!" She exclaimed and I stopped, looking at my sister incredulously.

Ok, she's nuts. How could my sister be so sure about him? For all I know, he could be a kidnapper or maybe a murderer.

She stared at me with her huge hazel eyes and I opened my mouth to speak but quickly closed it. I stared at the guy in front of me and glared at him.

"How old are you?!" I retorted and he sighed.

"I'm 16. . . My name is Derek and I live 3 blocks away from your house. Your mom hired me to babysit your sister. I said yes because I really need some money right now. I'm gonna ask this girl to be my girlfriend and I want to plan something big. Unfortunately, I'm broke so I decided it would be a great idea to get a job" He ranted while holding his hands in defence. I exhaled heavily and dropped the umbrella from my hand.


"Oh. . . .uhmmmm. . . I. . .I'm sorry. . .I didn't know" I mumbled and he nodded. I smiled nervously and cleared my throat. I slowly backed away from him.

"I need a drink" I muttered to myself as I turn around and walked inside the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and quickly opened the fridge. I retrieved the water and pour it in my glass. I swiftly downed it, letting the cold water eased my nerves. When I was done, I put the glass down and suddenly noticed a note hanging on the fridge.


I called Derek to babysit your sister. Get the money on the counter and pay him as soon as you get home. I won't be home until 10:30.


I rolled my eyes and quickly crumpled the paper, throwing it in the garbage. I inhaled deeply and turned around. Derek and Lily was standing behind me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me and I shot him a small smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine. . . I just thought you were a bad guy" I mumbled.

"It's alright. . . You didn't know" He shrugged and I walked toward the counter to grab the money.

"Okaayy, I'm paying you now so you can go home early" I said and gave him the money. He grinned and grabbed it from me. He slowly walked out of the kitchen and we followed him.

"Thank you for babysitting my sister" I stated and he smiled while grabbing his hoodie on the coat stand.

"Nah, it's nothing" He mumbled and I grinned. I opened the door for him and he stepped out.

"Now go and get your girl!" I ruffled his hair and he chuckled. He ran out of our house and waved a goodbye. Lily giggled and waved back.

"Come on, let's watch a movie" I said to Lily and she jumped up and down. We turned around and started to walk inside the house.

"Rae! Wait!" I heard a voice outside and I swiftly turned back around. Brendon was standing on our porch, his hands were shoved down on his pockets.

"What are you doing here?" I spat and he sighed.

"Look, I didn't came here to annoy the shit out of you. . . But, my mom wasn't home and I couldn't get inside our house. So, I was thinking if maybe I can stay a little bit in your house" He muttered and I scowled.

"Don't you have a spare key or something?" I fired back and he shrugged.

"I don't have one" He mumbled and I rolled my eyes.

"You can come in! Our mom's not home too!" Lily exclaimed and I shot her a look.

"Lily. . . He's a stranger" I hissed and Brendon sighed.

"Oh come on Rae, he's not a stranger. . .It's alright" Lily said and she ran toward him while squealing like a creepy girl. She took his hand and lead him inside. He smiled and I just glared at him.

Lily is so dead.

I trudged in and closed the door behind me. They settle down on the couch and I unwillingly went to the living room. Brendon looked at me as I entered the room. He shot me a smile and I just rolled my eyes. I flopped on the seat and sighed.

"Fine, you can stay" I grumbled and he grinned.

"Let's watch a movie!" Lily exclaimed and I instantly stood up from my seat.

"What movie do you want?" I asked her and she grinned even wider.

"James and the Giant Peach!" She yelled out and I laughed. It's her favourite movie. I shoved the disc inside the DVD player and clicked play. I swiftly flopped on the seat beside Lily and just silently watched the movie as the opening credits went on. I looked at Lily and she was looking at the screen intently. I chuckled and just shook my head.

A few hours passed by and the two immature kids beside me was already asleep. I sighed. Lily's head was on my lap and Brendon's head was on my shoulder. Last time I checked, Lily was sitting on the middle and now I was stuck between these two kids. I groaned to myself. The phone suddenly ring and I slightly jumped. I sighed and slowly reached it, careful not to wake Lily up. I grabbed it and quickly answered it.

"Hello" I mumbled

"Rae? Oh dear, have you seen Brendon? It's late and he's still not home" She stated, sounding really concerned. I look at the clock that was hanging on our wall and it read 10: 15.

"Oh. . . Uhmmm. . . He's actually here in our house" I said and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness. Please, tell him to come home now" She said and I chuckled.

"Will do" I muttered and she said her goodbye. I hung up the phone and threw it on the floor. I grumbled some profanities under my breath and just sighed. I looked down on my lap and Lily was sleeping peacefully. I looked to my right and Brendon was sleeping on my shoulders. . . .with his mouth hanging open.

Ewwww. I groaned and shook his body.

"Brendon" I muttered and shook him again.

Wow, he's fucking numb. He didn't even moved a little bit.

"Brendon. . .come on wake up" I said a little louder. I poked his cheeks and he just continue to snore.

Alright, he's really getting it.

I carefully pushed Lily's head away from me and I moved her aside. I inhaled deeply and looked at the idiot beside me.

Ok, I can do this.

"Brendon. . .wake up, you fucking crackhead!" I hissed and slap his shoulders. He groaned but didn't opened his eyes. I exhaled heavily and slowly laid his head on the couch. I stood up and stared at him.

"Alright, wakie wakie bitch" I mumbled to myself and grinned evilly. I raised my right hand and quickly slapped him on the face. I slapped him hard. . . Really hard.

"Ow! Shit!" He jolted from his seat and I laughed really hard. He groaned and rubbed his cheek.

"Ouch Rae, what was that for?" He grumbled while slowly rising up from his feet.

"Your mom called and she wants you home. . . .now" I muttered and he shrugged.

"Well, I'm gonna go home now. . .bye" He stated while stretching his body. I rolled my eyes. I picked Lily up from the couch and started to carry her upstairs.

"You're not even gonna walk me out on your house?" He asked incredulously and I scowled.

"You're a guy! You can already walk yourself out!" I exclaimed and he huffed.

"Fine, Fine. . .I'll go now" He mumbled and he trudged toward me. I stared at him weirdly and he spread his arms.

"What are you doing?" I curiously asked and he smirked.

"I'm hugging you. . duh" He stated and my eyes widened.

"No! No! Stay there! Don't fucking touch me" I hissed and Lily stirred from my arms.

"Come on Rae, it's just a hug" He said while raising his eyebrows. I scowled.

"Get out" I said through gritted teeth. He huffed but then he quickly pulled me closer and enveloped me with a hug. He squeezed me and my face was on his neck. My mouth dropped and quickly stomped on his foot. He cried out in pain and I smirked.

"Jerk" I stated and quickly trudged upstairs. I left Brendon staring at me in disbelief.

"Make sure to close the door before you get out!" I yelled at him and I heard a loud scowl. I rolled my eyes and went into Lily's room. I heard a giggle and I swiftly looked down. Lily was staring at me.

"Awww he hugged you!" She teased and my mouth dropped.

"I thought you were sleeping!" I exclaimed and she shrugged.

"I heard everything. You swear a lot" She grinned

"Just sleep" I mumbled and set her down on her bed. She pulled the cover on her body and snuggled on her pillow.

"Good night" I muttered and kissed her head. She just stared at me and shot me a wide smile.

"He likes you" She giggled and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up. He's a big fat liar" I stated and she shook her head, ready to protest.

"Just go to sleep. It's already late" I stated before she say something stupid.

"Night" She mumbled and I trudged out of her room. I turned off the lights and closed the door behind me.

I sighed to myself and just thought about everything. I am so exhausted. Today was pretty tiring but it was fun. I'm so glad I have friends now. Even if they were so annoying sometimes. I walked groggily to my bedroom and flopped on my bed.

Oh yes, I could finally go to sleep. I yawned and closed my eyes. I snuggled to my sheets and inhaled deeply. I quickly scrunched up my nose and made a disgusting face. I sat up and smelled my t-shirt.

"Oh eww. . .dammit" I muttered and quickly pulled off my shirt. It smells like Brendon. Darn, his smell lingered on my damn shirt. I shuddered and kick it on the floor.

"Now, I'm gonna burn that thing tomorrow" I mumbled to myself and laid on my bed again. I slept without a t-shirt. Well, it's alright, it's pretty hot anyways. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry if it's really short. . . I'm having a writer's block. I promise the next one's going to be great and a lot longer.

Thank you to my lovely readers and reviewers! (:
you guys are awesome!
