20 Dollar Love Game

Friends or not?

Brendon's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling nice and good. Last night was slightly fun. We watched a movie and I just played with Lily while eating popcorn. Then, I hugged Rae just to annoy the shit out of her. It was a success. I'm actually getting used on pretending things. In fact, I'm getting good at lying. I grinned.

Or was it just me?

Nah. I'm just pretty good.

Rae was being a bitch to me, but that's okay. I'll just keep in mind that I'm doing this because of the money. Besides, I think she's slightly getting used in my sudden change of attitude. I smiled to myself. Looks like, I'm doing a great job.

I rose up from my feet and trudged toward my bathroom to clean up. I have a great plan today. I'm sure she would appreciate it. I walked toward my bathroom while yawning.

My phone rang as I was getting inside. I groaned and walked back to my room. I quickly grabbed the phone from my night table, answering it with a groan.


"Brendon!" Brent greeted me while laughing really hard. My forehead creased.

"Dude, are you high?" I asked and he even laughed harder.

"Ok, stop laughing. It's annoying"

He finally shut his mouth but I could tell he was stifling his laughter.

"I heard you're losing our bet!" He exclaimed and I scowled.

"Who said that crap to you?!" I asked him. He snorted and two names suddenly crossed through my head.

"Ryan and---"

"Spencer!" I finished off and seethed with anger.

"Are you sure you want to continue the bet?" He asked while chuckling.

"I'm not gonna quit. I'm gonna continue this game. In fact, I'm planning something special right now. So, I have to go now" I said

"What's your pla-----"

I quickly hung up the phone before he ask something again. I grinned to myself, thinking about my plan. I stripped off my shirt and toss the towel on my shoulder. I trudged toward the bathroom but I abruptly stop as I suddenly heard a loud punk rock music blaring on our neighbourhood.

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself and swiftly went toward my window. I pushed my curtains aside only to be met by Rae's window. The curtains were closed and I couldn't see anything, but I could hear music inside her room. It was loud and familiar.

"All the small things
True care, truth brings
I'll take one lift
Your ride best trip
Always, I know
You'll be at my show
Watching, waiting, commiserating"

I shrugged and turned around, singing along to the music. She likes Blink 182? Wow, that bitch has good taste in music.

"Na na na na na!
Na na na na na!
Late night, come home
Work sucks, I know"

She sang along and I groaned to myself. Oh please, I don't need to hear a dying hyena right now. I trudged to my bathroom and locked the door. I could still hear her dying voice. Oh god. If she auditioned to American Idol, Simon Cowell would surely criticize her. She'd be dead and the judges surely wouldn't want to see her again. I shook my head while laughing to myself. Why did I agree to date that girl again? Oh yeah, because I need money.


I walked out of our house and stepped down on the porch while smoothing out my shirt and running a hand through my hair. I looked up and the skies were blue. The sun was hiding on the clouds and I smiled. Today is a bright cloudy day. . . It's perfect. Rae hated the sun. I walked up to their porch and trudged toward the door. I took a deep breath and wiped my hands on my jeans. Ok, this is it. I slowly brought my fist up, knocking three times on the door. I waited patiently and just absentmindedly tapped my foot on the floor. I heard light footsteps inside the house and I swiftly straightened myself. The door finally opened and it revealed Mrs. Lee. I smiled nervously.

"Hi, Mrs. Lee" I greeted her and she flashed me a bright smile.

"Brendon, Hi. . . What a pleasant surprise!" She gushed and I just chuckled.

"I just came here to see Rae" I stated and she grinned while ushering me inside.

"Come in. . ."

I stepped inside their house and exhaled heavily. I turned around to look at Mrs. Lee. She was closing the door and she shot me a small smile. Then, she opened her mouth to speak.

"Go on. . . She's in her room. . .you can just go and knock upstairs. I'm sure she's awake now" She said while slightly pushing me up the stairs. I smirked.

Yeah, I knew that. She was freaking belting a Blink 182 song from her bedroom.

I thanked Mrs. Lee as I walked upstairs. I took a huge breath while having a heated argument in my mind whether I should really do this or just ditched this game. I dragged my feet forward as I counted every steps.

Nah. . .that would just show the guys that I was in fact a wimp and they would probably make fun of me or tell some bad jokes about me. Well, that's really not a good thing. They have like 30 billion immature jokes that was stored up in their dull and unwise brain. . . And it was a bit terrifying because I know that they would do everything just to humiliate me in front of other people. I exhaled heavily.

I finally made it upstairs. I looked around and I instantly spotted Rae's room. I trudged toward the door and knocked softly. I heard a light sound of footsteps running around the room. I knocked again and I heard a loud angry sigh this time, making me chuckled. She's getting aggravated with me. A muffled sound of footsteps continue again as if to ignore the person who was at the door. I sighed and knocked a little louder.

"Just wait a minute! I'm doing something!" She shouted and I smirked.

Well sorry babe, I don't want to wait that longer.

I twisted the doorknob, making a loud creaking noise. I swiftly swung the door open and let my eyes wander around the room. I smirked but my mouth suddenly dropped as I took in the view in front of me. Rae was standing in the middle of the room wearing just her bra and her knickers. She was holding a t-shirt, ready to put it on. Her eyes widened as she saw me standing on her doorway, her face turned a shade of red, but not with embarrassment though. She was angry. . . .really angry. She quickly let out a piercing scream. I cringed. Wow, she's a hell of a screamer.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Urie?! Get out!" She yelled and threw a hanger on me. I shielded my body while she continue to scream at me. A notebook suddenly came flying in the air, hitting me on the shoulders.

"Whoa. . s-sorry. . . I didn't----" I tripped over my words, but I was cut off with a huge alarm clock, hitting me on the face.

"Ow! What the fuck?!" I yelled in pain and then a few more things flew in the air, hitting me in several parts of my body.

"You are so dead! You perverted, evil nasty maniac creepy shit---"

I quickly closed the door before a book hit me on my face again. Geez, she was a beast. I swear, I didn't see that coming. I inhaled deeply. Ok, I saw her half naked. . . .again. This would be my second time I saw her like that.

Wow. Just wow. I really knew how to make an entrance.

I could still hear her screaming some profanities about me while running around her room. Well, that wasn't a good way to start my wonderful plan. I mentally scolded myself as I quickly dashed downstairs. I ran my hands through my hair and replayed the scene in my head. I am so dead right now. I found Mrs. Lee in the kitchen, reading a book.

Oh great, I'm sure she heard the commotion upstairs. Great. Just great.

She raised her eyebrows as soon as she saw me standing on the kitchen. I gave her a nervous smile. She set down the book on the table and I caught a glimpse of what she was reading. It was Pride and Prejudice. Wow, my mom loved that book too.

"What was that all about? I heard a scream upstairs and something along with the lines of evil perverted nasty. . .Eh, whatever horrible words she just said" She exclaimed while looking at me. I let out a nervous laugh.

"Uhmmmm. . . Nothing. . .I-- uhhh. . . Just accidentally walked into her. . .while. . .uhh. . . Changing her. . . Uhmmm. . . clothes" I mumbled, clearing my throat a little. I nervously shuffled my feet on the floor. I hope I didn't earned a bad image. She shook her head while making a 'tsk' sound.

"She really didn't know how to locked a door. Don't worry, it's not your fault. It was just an accident" She stated and my head quickly shoots up to meet her gaze.

"Thank you" I softly said and she just smiled.

"Remind me to discipline her later. She really needs to lay off all that swearing stuff. It's really not good" She stated and I just nodded while smiling a tight smile. I looked down, feeling a little guilty to myself. Well, I swear a lot too.

After a few moments of silence, I suddenly heard a deafening sound of angry footsteps coming down the stairs. Oh dear Lord, please help my poor soul with this evil demonic girl. To be honest, I'm actually scared to her right now. I don't know what she's capable of with her frightening attitude. . . She would definitely kill me.

"Where is he?! Where the hell is he?!" She screamed and I winced. Ok, scratch that. She would definitely tore my skin and shred my body inside a sharp grinding machine. She suddenly appeared in the kitchen, looking angry and livid. Her face was red from anger and I took a small step backward. Her piercing eyes instantly snapped toward me and I swear, I could've died right there. Her eyes were no longer soft like I used to see when she was out with the guys. And today, her eyes were different. It was slightly huge and pierced from anger.

Oh Mrs. Lee, help me. Help me. Help me, please for the love of dove.

"You! Who said you can bust into my room like that?! You are so dead right now!" She shrieked and I cringed. She made her way to me, ready to slap me.

"Hold up, right there, young lady!" Her mom cut her off and I swear, I suddenly saw the heaven's gate, opening up and shining down on me like I just got saved by a sweet angel. I let out a deep breath and her mom walked in front of her.

"Mom! He walked into me while I was changing my clothes! I was half naked!" She exclaimed and I groaned.

"Well, I'm sorry! I didn't know! It was an accident!" I reasoned out and she scowled at me.

"Accident?! Didn't you hear me yelled 'just wait a minute! I'm doing something' from my room?" She retorted and I just stood there dumbly. Well, she had a point. I definitely didn't listened to her.

"Okay, enough. Rae, get over it. Brendon, just say sorry to her" Her mom sighed, getting really tired of all this. I exhaled heavily and looked at Rae in the eyes.

"I'm sorry" I muttered and she huffed.

"I'm not getting over it! He's a creepy perverted dude!" She yelled and I narrowed my eyes at her.

I am definitely not a perverted dude. Geez, she's assuming some shit again.

"Rae, I said enough. It was just an accident!" Her mom said, raising her voice a little higher.

"It wasn't an accident! He knew I was doing something and he clearly knew he couldn't go in!"

"Then, why didn't you locked the door?" Her mom cleverly asked and Rae just rolled her eyes, crossing her arms to her chest stubbornly. Her forehead creased.

"Well. . . I. . .because. . .well. . . He. . .uuggh! Why are you doing this to me?!" She exhaled aggravatingly while pointing a finger at me. I looked at her confusingly and she was in a verged of tears. Ok, what did I do to her? I am not doing anything to her. Well, aside from the stupid bet, but come on. She didn't knew about that.

"Just cut it out Rae. We'll talk later" Her mom said and looked at me expectantly, like she was waiting for me to say something just to end this awkward moment.

"Well. . .uhmmm. . .I was wondering. . .Mrs. Lee, may I take your daughter out today?" I nervously asked while staring at her. Rae's head swiftly snapped toward me while giving me a dirty look.

Please say yes. Please say yes. I don't want to blow this game up.

She smiled and grabbed the book from the table.

"Yes. Yes, you may" She said and walked out of the kitchen while wearing a big smile.

"What?! I am not going out with him! Mom!" She exclaimed while stomping her foot on the floor.

"You are going, young lady. Don't argue with me! Brendon take her out, now!" Mrs. Lee ordered as she walked up the stairs. I grinned.

"I shall take you out now, milady!" I happily said while giving her a huge grin. She rolled her eyes and just glared at me.

"I am not going with you" She muttered darkly while walking away. I sighed and quickly grabbed her arm.

"Come on. I'm sorry. Just let me make it up to you" I said to her while looking at her eyes, pleading and begging for her to say yes. She shot me a piercing glare.

"Make it up to me? I don't know what you're planning right now, but I'm positively sure you're just gonna push me on the river and wait for me to drown so you can go home with a smile on your face and a fucking huge ego on your ass, just to brag in the whole wide world that you killed Alexa Rae Lee because she just made your life miserable and you just did it for revenge!" She hissed and I loosened my gripped on her.

Ok, she really hit a nerve. I dropped her arm and sighed.

"What? I have a point, right? Wow, Brendon. You think I would fall on your stupid game just to have a revenge on me? Quit the crap! I knew you were lying! I knew it from the start, from the moment you looked into my eyes. I saw you were uneasy, uncomfortable and distracted by something. Do you really think I wouldn't noticed that? Keep in your pathetic mind that I am not gonna fall on your trap" She retorted and I sighed.

"I'm not lying. . . It's just. . . It's. . .well. . . I. . .okay fine, you caught me. I lied!" I yelled out exasperatedly and she just shook her head.

"Congratulations, Mr. Brendon Fucking Urie! You just won the 'Best Idiot Liar In The Whole Freaking Universe'" She snapped and with that she walk off, not letting me speak or hear my opinion. She bolted upstairs and I just watched her. I heard her door slammed closed and a loud footsteps walking around the room, then it stopped, making the whole house silent and eerie. I exhaled heavily.

Looks like my plan is ruined. I ran a hand through my hair and just trudged out of their house.

I repeated all the words she had said to me. She was right. All of it was right. Wow, I didn't knew she would be that smart. I mean, come on. I thought girls were dumb and easy to get. I was wrong. I started to walked slowly, staring at the carpeted floor.

You know, for a girl. She's pretty brave. She knew how to stand up for herself. Not like some other girls, nowadays. Who seemed to choose crawling into the corner and just let their selves wallow in self-pity instead of standing up for their selves and sticking up to what they think was right.

I shook my head. I've got to stop thinking about this. I trudged outside their house and closed the door silently. Usually, I would be mad to people if they just snapped at me like that. Why am I not getting mad at her? Why am I feeling so guilty like all the words she just said were true? Psh, who am I kidding? All of her words were true. Well, except for the river and the killing part. Come on, I wouldn't do that to her. I am definitely not a murderer.

I walked inside our house and sadly, made my way upstairs. For the second time this week, I felt so sorry for her. Like, it was my fault again. . . .it's really annoying. And why did I suddenly felt like I wanted to say sorry to her? and why do I have this sudden urged to just walked out of this house and just ran back inside her room, and tell her I'm sorry?


Oh yeah, because I have a heart and I'm a human being that has emotions too. Duh.

But, why am I feeling this way?

I groaned to myself as I opened the door to my room and slammed it closed while I made my way to my bed. I buried my face on my pillow and thought of it again. I let the silence enveloped me and just concentrated on one thought. All of her words rang through my ears.

After a few minutes of just laying here on my bed and thinking about Rae. I finally drawn into a conclusion that would surely be a huge surprised to Ryan, Spencer and Brent.

I am in love with Rae.

Ok, I'm just kidding. I am not in love with her. Psh, do you really think I would fall for her that fast? I don't think so and even if she's my kind of girl. I don't fucking care.

Maybe, I just wanted to be friends with her, just to get to know her better and I felt bad for joining this game. I felt bad for just playing with her, but I'm still not gonna quit the game. Well, I needed the money. I'm sure she won't find out about this game. She just knew I was playing with her because I wanted revenge but she didn't knew the true reason.

I should make it up to her again. I should start this game all over again. I'm sure she wouldn't knew I was lying because this time, I'm positive she will believe me and I'm not gonna lie to her now. I just wanted to be friends with her. I'm tired of fighting and bickering with her everyday. And I really want to get to know her, and just be my friend.

Maybe, I'll just quit the game so no one would hurt. . .but that means, I'm giving up the money. Ok, this is a really hard decision. Maybe I should just forget about the game and just do the things I desired. I'll continue to live my life. Maybe, the guys would forget about it too if I just shut my mouth or something and not mention the word '20 dollar bet'.

I sighed and stared at the ceiling.

After a few minutes, I frowned to myself.

What the fuck am I doing here? I'm a guy! I should be walking inside her house and demand her to come out because we have an adventure to do today. I sat up and grabbed my black hoodie that was lying on my bed. I rose up from my feet and ran out of my room while putting it on. I dragged my feet downstairs, smoothing out my plan inside my head. I swung the door open as I made my way outside our house. I went straight at the side of their yard, making sure I stood straight in front of Rae's window.

I exhaled heavily, picking a pebble as I stared at Rae's closed window. I threw a rock and I just missed it. I picked up some pebbles again and threw four at the same time, it made an annoying clanking noise as I stood here waiting for her. She didn't opened it, but I didn't gave up. I grabbed a larger rock and threw it on her window. Again, It made a loud clanking noise. Then, after a few minutes, she finally opened her window, looking really pissed as ever. She looked down and quickly glare as she saw me.

"Please come down. I want to talk to you" I yelled and she scowled.

"Do you really think I would talk to you after what happened a while ago? I'm sorry but you're an ass and I don't waste my time on a guy like you" She snapped, ready to closed her window. I quickly stopped her.

"Wait! Please! I just wanted to talk! Come down, please!" I pleaded and she rolled her eyes.

"You're pathetic, you know that?!" She yelled and I sighed.

"Please, just come down. I'm serious this time." I shouted and she huffed. She swiftly disappeared, slamming her windows tight and closed. I stared at her window again and exhaled heavily.

Ok, she's really mad at me. I don't have any chance now.

Fate really hates me. I just knew it.

Or am I just a bad luck? I sighed. I knew she wouldn't come around.

I slowly walked away from their house and trudged toward my own house while looking down and staring at my shoes. If anyone's passing by on the sidewalk right now, they would probably stared at me in pity as I walked straight ahead like I just lost in a lottery or something. I abruptly stop when I heard a loud slamming of the door in our neighbourhood. I turned around to see Rae walking out of their house. I felt hope coming inside me and I knew she would talk to me. She caught up to me with a piercing glare. She stopped in front of me while crossing her arms to her chest.

"Wow, I didn't knew you would really come down" I mumbled as she stood there looking pissed.

I wouldn't blame her. It was all my fault.

"Just say what you want to say now! Be thankful I came down to hear your shit" She snapped and I scratched the back of my head. She tapped her foot on the ground as if to imply that I only have 5 seconds to explain. I brought my face up and looked at her in the eyes.

"I'm sorry" I finally said and she stared at me, her eyes full of anger. I took a few steps closer, trying to be closed to her.

"I'm sorry. . . .I'm really, really sorry. . ." I apologized again and she inhaled deeply. She stopped tapping her foot on the ground for a second and just stared deep into my eyes.

Please, say something. I thought to myself as I tried to show through my eyes what I was thinking so I could show her, I wasn't lying right now. She didn't say anything, she just stared at me. Darn it, I want to know what's going on in her head.

After what seemed like eternity, she finally looked away and slowly turned around, walking back at her house. I stared at her in disbelief as my mouth slightly dropped. I watched her as she walked away from me.

So, that was it? That was all she could do? Walk away from me?

She's definitely having a hard time, right now.

"Rae!" I yelled. Maybe, I should give it another shot. If it didn't work out then I'm not gonna bother her anymore. She turned around as she was making her way inside. I mentally did a happy dance in my head as she stopped to stare at me. I walked right back at her and she just watched me. I stopped in front of her and she just looked at me, waiting for me to say something.

"Come with me. . . please" I pleaded and she rolled her eyes.

"Look, I'm busy and I have some other things to do. Just save your sorry. I don't fucking care okay?" She snapped and I just shrugged. I grabbed her hands and started to drag her with me.

"What the hell?! Brendon! Let go!" She yelled and I shook my head.

"No, you're coming with me" I said and I felt myself smiling a little bit as I held her hand. She tried to slap it away but I just held it tighter instead. She let out an angry sigh.

"Fine, I'll go with you. . .just don't fucking touch my hand" She grumbled while trying to remove her hands from me.

"Ok" I smiled and dropped her hands. She grunted and just followed closed behind. I looked back at her and she just scowled at me. We walked in silence as I thought of my plan. I smiled to myself while stuffing my hands inside my pocket. Maybe this would be a great start of our friendship. I hope it all works out. I looked back at her again, checking if she was still walking with me. I smiled a little as I saw she was still there, walking silently and mumbling something.

"20. . . 21. . . 22. . .23. . ." I heard her counting silently to herself, she was counting every steps she was taking.

I walked a little faster, eager to get there. I hope no one is there, so we can have the place all by ourselves. I grinned as the place came into view. I looked at her and she was still counting some steps.

"Come on" I said and walked really fast. Her head shoots up and followed me. We slowly entered and I looked at her to see her expression.

"A park? You dragged me out of my house just to take me in a park?" She asked incredulously. I grinned and nodded.

"Yeah, don't you like it? I love parks" I said and she walked toward the swing, carefully sitting down. She started to swing herself and just stared at the place around her. I sat on the grass, completely facing her.

"I hate parks" She mumbled while gently swinging herself.

"You hate everything in this world" I said and she looked at me.

"No, I don't hate everything in this world. I just hate silly things" She answered. Wow, we're finally having a decent conversation.

"No, you don't. You hate Sun, right? Well, Sun is not a silly thing." I stated and she huffed.

"I didn't said I hated Sun. I said I hated the warm weather"

"And the warm weather is a silly thing because. . . . ?" I trailed off, letting her finished the sentence.

"It's a silly thing because it doesn't bring any importance in this world. I mean, it just makes the world warm and really, really hot. And people like me hated warm. It annoys me." She reasoned out and I stared at her ridiculously.

"Are you serious?" I asked while at looking at her. And I thought she would give me a very witty answer. Tsk tsk.

"Yes, I'm serious. Do I look like I'm joking to you? Come on, it's really a silly thing. . . .well, for me. But for other people. . . .I don't know. . .maybe they love the warm weather. . .and why am I talking to you?" She asked while shooting me a glare. I chuckled.

"Yes, other people loved it. . . But I don't see the silly part in there. And to answer your question. . . You're talking to me because I'm talking to you" I stated and she scowled.

We both fell silent and just sat here, taking in the things around us. I looked up to see Rae, staring at the clouds. Her face doesn't show any emotion. She was just staring at it. I continued to watched her as she gently swing herself. Her eyes were slightly soft now and her lips were pursed, like she was in a deep thought. I smiled to myself while staring at her. I let the silence enveloped us. I think this is way more better than making a conversation to her. Silence is enough. I might ruin everything, if I say one more thing to her.

I looked at the sky and it was blue. I sighed and Rae suddenly rose up from her feet.

"Shoot" she mumbled while biting her lip.

My eyes followed her moves and she was slowly walking away from the park. I did the same and watched as she strode down the street.

"Where are you going?!" I yelled and she just continue to walk, eager to get home or something.

"Stay there. I'll go home now!" She shouted back while walking straight ahead and not bothering to turn around. I caught up with her and quickly walked beside her. I looked at her and her forehead was creased into a frown.

"I'll walk you home" I mumbled and she just ignored me.

"Why are you going home so soon?" I asked softly. Her eyes were tight, like she just did something wrong.

"I forgot Lily have her doctor appointment today" She sternly said and I just nodded.

"Is there something wrong with her? Why do you always have to take her to a doctor?" I asked and her eyes instantly snapped toward me, glaring at me like a falcon.

"It's none of your business" She hissed and I held my hands up in defence.

"Sorry" I muttered and we just continued to walk.

Ok, I think that was a touchy subject.

We walked in silence again and every now and then I would look at her, just to check if she was okay. She was walking really fast, her feet making a loud noise on the empty street as she made her way home. She fiddled with her fingers and bit her lip harder. I found it very amusing.

"Are you alright?" I worriedly asked

"Yes! I'm fine! Quit talking!" She snapped and I just nodded.

"Sorry" I apologized again and she just huffed. Their house slowly came into view and Mrs. Lee and Lily were walking out of the house. She suddenly breathed a sigh of relief as she saw them.

"Mom!" She yelled and quickly ran toward them. I followed her and Mrs. Lee smiled at me. I smiled in return, standing awkwardly in front of their house.

"It's okay, mom. I'll take her" She mumbled and took Lily's hand. Her mom turned to me, giving me a small smile again.

"Did you had fun today, Rae?" Her mom asked and she suddenly looked up. I watched her as she forced a smile while nodding absentmindedly.

"Great, I'm so glad you had fun" Her mom stated and Rae just looked away, slowly dropping her forced smile. She instantly looked at Lily.

"Come on, Lily. I'll take you there now" She muttered while slowly walking away.

"I'm going to work now, dear. Bye" Mrs. Lee said and kissed Lily's head. She walk off into other direction and slowly disappeared down the street.

"Hi, Brendon!" Lily smiled up at me and I chuckled. I kneeled down to face her so I could clearly see her face.

"Hello there, cutie. You look so lovely today" I complimented her while patting her head. She giggled and hugged me.

"We're going to the doctor today" She said and I grinned, hugging her back. She slowly pulled away and I rose up from my feet, taking her hand in mine. Rae glared at me as if to say I am not allowed to touch her. I just smiled at her.

"I'll go with you. . ." I said and her mouth dropped.

"Yay! He's going with us Rae!" Lily exclaimed while bouncing on her feet. She gave me a piercing glare.

"No, just stay here. I think I can take care of her all by myself" She stubbornly said and I shrugged.

"No, I'm coming with you. . . I won't take no for an answer" I grinned and she scowled. I dragged Lily and she swiftly caught up with me. She shot me a look and moved a little closer to me.

"If you come with us, then all of you are not allowed to step even a one single foot inside our house and I'll make sure you won't see us again, got it?" She hissed and I swiftly dropped Lily's hand.

"Ok, fine. . ." I mumbled and she smiled triumphantly. I sighed to myself, standing here like an idiot. She turned to Lily while giving her a wide grin.

"Come on Lily" She said and took her hand, slowly walking away from me. Lily pouted and looked at Rae.

"Why isn't he coming with us?" She sadly asked while tugging her shirt.

"Because he's a stranger" She slowly stated and I chuckled while making my way inside our house.

"But he's not a stranger anymore!" Lily protested and I shook my head, smiling to myself a little.

"Close your mouth and just stop talking" Rae said and I laughed. I closed the door behind me and walked upstairs.

I hope she could forgive me now. I thought to myself as I made my way to my bedroom.
♠ ♠ ♠