20 Dollar Love Game


Rae's POV

Three days had passed, and I just spent most of my days, worrying and pulling may hair out of my scalp because of Brendon. He was driving me crazy, really. I'm getting tired of his shit. I couldn't count how many stunts he pulled off just to apologized to me. He lied to me once and I knew I could never trust that crackhead again. He's a big fat liar.

I always ignore him but he just won't give up. Isn't he getting tired of me, ignoring and bitching the shit out of him? I mean, come on! Any human being would just fuck off and give up if I'm bitching at them. Sometimes, I don't know what's going on in that crackhead's mind. I don't even think he has a brain with that thick head of him. Seriously.

I heard a light knock on my door and I quickly tore off my gaze on the ceiling.

"Who is it?" I called out and my door creaked opened, revealing my little sister. She grinned at me.

"Ryan and his friends are downstairs. They wanted to see you" She muttered and I slowly rose up from my feet, dragging my body forward. I inhaled deeply and just trudged out of the room while taking her hand from mine. I closed the door behind me before I walked away.

"Come on" I mumbled and we both trudged downstairs. I sighed to myself while walking down.

I was just planning on taking a nap today because I was tired and now I couldn't do that because they were here. Lily skipped down the stairs while holding my hands.

I heard light whispers and hushed voices inside our living room. I let out a heavy sigh while releasing my sister's hand. She grinned and swiftly ran inside the kitchen. My feet dragged me into a different direction, forcing myself to walk inside our living room. I smiled as I saw them, sitting on our couch. There's Ryan, Brendon, an unknown girl, Spencer and-------whoa wait, what? I stared at the girl who was sitting beside Ryan. My forehead creased and just looked at her warily. She must've noticed me staring at her. She smiled and waved a little. I waved back, smiling tightly. Brendon was the first one who greeted me. Of course, I just rolled my eyes, turned in other direction and ignored him like he wasn't there at all.

"Hey, you look so lovely today!" He exclaimed, smiling warmly at me. I still ignored him.

"Hey guys, what a nice surprise!" I stated while walking toward them. Ryan and Spencer both welcomed me with a hug.

"Hi, Rae. What's up? This is my girlfriend. . .Sarah" Ryan introduced me to a short and petite brown haired girl. She was pretty. I smiled and shook her hands.

"Alexa Rae. . . .but please call me Rae" I exclaimed and she smiled, taking my hand as she shook it with glee.

"Of course, Rae. . . Nice to meet you" She stated and I just smiled back at her. Ryan cleared her throat and I looked at him.

"So, what adventures are on your mind today, Mr. Ross?" I asked while raising my eyebrows and he gave me a wide grin.

"Today, we're going to the mall and after that we're hanging out at the park" He stated and my forehead creased.

"To the park again?" I whined and he nodded.

"Uh-huh. . . Now, let's go" He said and they all rose up from their feet, ready to head out on the front door.

"Wait! I can't go!" I yelled out to them and they quickly stopped on their tracks, turning around to look at me, confusion was clearly etched on their faces. I exhaled heavily and fiddled with my fingers.

"What? Why?" Spencer finally spoke. I looked at them while scratching the back of my head. I sighed.

"Well. . . . I. . ..errrm. . . I mean, I can't go. You see, my mom's not here and I have to take care of Lily. So, you guys can go ahead without me. I'll pass this time. . . But I promise, I'm going with you guys next time." I said and they groaned.

"Come on Rae, can't you just call a babysitter or something?" Brendon asked and I scowled at him.

"She's my sister! I don't want any strangers to take care of her. I want to spend more time with her" I stated while crossing my arms to my chest.

"But didn't you just said that your mother hired a babysitter one time because you weren't home and you couldn't take care of her?" Ryan asked and my head quickly snapped toward him.


"Ok, that was one time, Ross!" I said while holding my hands up. Brendon shook his head and sighed. I just glared at him. What was his problem? He wasn't a part of this conversation and yet he was standing there, overreacting to things that were seriously not important. Geez, what a crackhead.

"I know! Lily can come with us!" Spencer exclaimed while grinning widely. He suddenly looked at me, expecting for an answer.

Oh hell no.

Ryan cracked a smile and slowly nodded, considering Spencer's idea.

"No. . .No. . .No. . . She's not coming. You guys are a bunch of hyperactive, hormonal, immature teenagers. . . .well, except for Sarah." I stated and she laughed. Ryan scowled while giving me a look.

"Remember Rae, you are one with us. So, you are a hyperactive, hormonal, immature, creepy teenager too. Just like us." He exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not creepy" I mumbled and Spencer laughed.

"Ok fine! She can come" I sighed with annoyance. They smiled triumphantly and quickly ushered me away to go and get Lily. I slowly walked inside the kitchen and there stood my sister, grinning like a fool. She stared up at me, her eyes gleaming with happiness. I guess she heard the news.

"I can come?" She asked and I smiled, while nodding lightly.

"Yep. So here's the rule, just stay on my side and stay where I can see you. . .got it?" I asked while picking her up. She giggled and wrapped her legs around my waist.

"Yes mom, got it!" She exclaimed and I rolled my eyes. I walked out of the kitchen while carrying Lily. I found the guys waiting for me at the front door and I just shot them a small smile. They all grinned as they saw my sister. I put her down so she could walk by my side.

"Come on. . . Let's go" I mumbled and Lily grabbed my hand. We all trudged out of the house and I locked the door before we head out to the car. My sister stayed silent as the guys talked about their band. Sarah, on the other hand was staring at the two of us. I gave her a smile and she looked at my sister. She bent down slightly to reach my sister's level.

"Hi. . . So you must be Lily?" She asked her and my sister nodded vigorously, grinning widely as she shook her hand that was held up in front of her.

"You're Sarah right?" My sister asked and she smiled.

"Yep, and you are so adorable. . .we're gonna have so much fun today!" Sarah almost squealed as she took my sister's hand. Lilly looked at me as if to ask if she could go and stay with her. I just smiled and nodded lightly.

"Where are we going?" She asked as she walked with Sarah, her hands intertwined with her. We all followed and we got into the car. I jumped inside and squished myself at the backseat. They all went in and took their own seats. Of course, Brendon sat on my side. . . . .again. I sighed to myself.

"We're going to the mall and after that we're hanging out at the park!" Sarah stated and I heard Lily squealed in delight. I smiled, knowing that she was safe with Sarah.

"Your sister seemed so excited about this whole thing" I heard Brendon whispered beside me. I turned my gaze to him and he was smiling at me. I just looked at him and stared for a long period of time until I finally got bored with his face and looked away as if he hadn't said a single word. He sighed heavily.

"You seriously gonna keep up with that attitude?" He whispered fiercely and I just rolled my eyes, not caring if he was getting aggravated to me. I couldn't careless. He was the biggest dickhead I had ever met in my whole life and I wouldn't want to spend my entire time, fighting with him because I knew he wasn't worth it.

"Come on, aren't you getting tired?" He almost yelled and I just inhaled deeply, trying to show him that I really don't care about him.

"Rae?" He whispered harshly and I tilted my head to the side to face him. He looked at me warily and I cracked a fake smile just to annoy the shit out of him.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I asked and he sighed exasperatedly, shaking his head slowly. I looked away and just stared at the road outside. He fell silent and didn't say anything. He just exhaled heavily, laid his back on the seat and just stared off into space.

I knew I could make him shut up.

The ride to the mall wasn't very exciting. I just listened to their nonsense rant about their band. I didn't knew exactly what they were saying. They pretty much love music as much as I did and it was awesome but very annoying at the same time. I haven't seen them play before because I was too busy taking Lily to the hospital. I just knew that they were good because they were all very smart. Well, except for Brendon. He doesn't have any brain.

We finally arrived in our destination and I felt myself smiling a little bit. Although, I didn't had the chance to take a nap today. I could use this time to shop, but unfortunately I'm broke. My smile dropped and grumbled to myself. I really needed a job.

We jumped out of the car and I looked at the place. The mall was huge and very classy. I observed the people around me. Most of them were wearing some expensive designer clothes, they're shoes were shiny and I swear I saw a woman with a huge Gucci bag in her hand. It was like a golden luxurious land. I'm sensing that all the shit they sell here is either expensive or they came to a high class place that was even more expensive. I shuddered at the thought.

"Whoa, this place is huge" I heard Ryan whispered behind me. I looked at the place again, and scanned the people who were passing by gracefully in front of us. These people are awfully rich and loaded.

"Why are we even here?" I spoke loudly, turning to them as I frowned.

"We're here to have fun, silly!" Sarah exclaimed and I sighed.

"Uhhh. . . I think Lily and I don't belong here. These people are filthy rich and I really don't think that I could even afford to eat here. I mean, look at this fucking place!" I loudly stated while spreading my arms in exaggeration, earning a few disapproving glances and glares from the people who were walking passed us.

"What?! You guys haven't cussed before?!" I snapped to them and just rolled my eyes. Sarah giggled and grabbed my shoulders, grinning widely.

"Ryan! I love this girl!" She exclaimed and I just looked at her.

"Can we just go to Wal-Mart or 7 eleven? I could still slightly afford to pee in those kind of places" I stated and she laughed out loud, causing the guys to laughed at me too. I scowled.

"Come on! I didn't know you guys were rich! I'm broke and this place is really expensive!" I exclaimed and Spencer shook his head.

"Uhh. . . No, we're not. Sarah's the loaded one" Spencer said and I instantly looked at Sarah, confusion was etched on my face.

"Her mom owns a huge company and her dad is a record producer" Ryan whispered and my mouth dropped.

"Whoa, seriously?" I asked her and she smiled. I looked at her and scanned her from head to toe. I frowned and she raised her eyebrows.

"Bu. . . But. . .but your clothes didn't looked like you just had a huge dash of richness or whatever luxurious crap rich people wears" I breathed out and she shrugged.

"I chose to dress this way because being different is fun!" She exclaimed and I broke out to a grin.

"Oh! That is so cool!" I almost yelled as I threw my fist in the air. She just laughed and shook her head at me.

"Ryan, I like her. Can we keep her?" She asked while draping her arms on my shoulder.

"Oh we're definitely keeping her" Ryan stated and I couldn't contained my grin on my face.

"Now, let's go inside and have some fun" Sarah said and I followed them all inside, Lily gripped my hand and she smiled up at me. For a moment, I forgot Lily was here with us. I sighed and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around me and laid her head on my shoulder. We went in and just followed them.


"So, what do you think?" Sarah asked and I sighed, tugging down the dress she forced me to wear. I looked at myself in the mirror. We were at some kind of store that sold really expensive clothes. I didn't exactly knew why she dragged me here. She clearly knew that I was broke and that I couldn't afford a single piece of cloth in this high class store. Although, the dress was really lovely. I absolutely adore it, but I just couldn't buy this thing. I hated the fact that I was broke. The only money I had right now was 5 bucks.

"Sarah, As much as I love this dress. . . I still couldn't buy this thing" I stated while smoothing out the silky black dress that I had tried out. She smiled.

"It's my gift to you" She said and my head shoots up to meet her gaze.

"Wha. . . What? We only knew each other for like 1 hour and 45 minutes, and you're already giving me a gift?" I asked incredulously and she chuckled.

"You're precious and sweet. The guys liked you so much and they talked about you a lot. Any friend of Ryan is a friend of mine too" She stated and I looked down, trying to hold back my smile.

"I've heard a lot of god things about you. I just got home from England that's why you don't see me a lot these days. They would sent me some e-mails about you. So, I went back here to see if they were right" She smiled and I inhaled deeply.

"Oh, I hope I didn't disappoint you" I sheepishly said and she chuckled.

"Oh definitely not. I've known them for about 3 years and a half. I knew they wouldn't lie about the whole 'we met a new gorgeous girl in town' thing. You're absolutely adorable and I knew why the guys liked you so much. . . " She trailed off while looking at me. I let out a soft laugh and brought my face up to meet her gaze.


She gave me a long sigh and shot me a look. I frowned.

"Duh, because you're funny!" She exclaimed and I paused to repeat the words she just said. I looked at her like she was crazy and then I laughed out loud. I clutched my stomach and laughed really hard.

"Seriously? Come on, I am not that funny!" I giggled and she smiled, shaking her head at me.

"Oh hell no" I muttered darkly and Sarah looked at me weirdly. I ignored her and just kept on glaring at Brendon. Sarah followed my gaze and she instantly laughed as she saw Brendon.

"I am not a boy!" I gasped and she laughed, causing me to scowl at her.

"Don't worry, the guys and I have different point of view on you. I don't actually think you act like a boy. I say you're just different from any other girl here in this boring old Las Vegas. You're fun, unique and adventurous, and you clearly knew ho to pull off a beautiful face even if you're having a bad day" She smiled and I looked down looking at my worn out chucks.

"I don't think they all like me. Brendon hates me and I hate him too" I spoke and she sighed.

"He doesn't hate you. He's just an immature attention seeker. Yeah, he could be annoying sometimes but that's just the way he roll. I think he's just too giddy that there's a new girl in our group. And thank god for that! I thought I'd be the only girl in their group forever!" She exclaimed and I laughed.

"No, Seriously. . . I don't like him" I chuckled and she shook her head.

"Give him a chance, he's the second youngest to them. So he's definitely immature and annoying" She said while laughing. I shot her a small smile.

"I'll try" I quietly said and she gave me a reassuringly smile. I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Come on, let's buy that dress now. It looks good on you" She stated and I rolled my eyes.

"Next time, I won't take any gifts from you. This dress is way too expensive and I don't have any idea how to repay you" I exclaimed and she huffed.

"Be thankful you're sweet and kind. I'd probably whacked your head for a million times now because. . . To be honest, you complained a lot. If someone gave you something, you better accept it with a big smile on your face because that means someone cares about you" She said and I paused to look at her. She was smiling at me.

She had a point.

I grinned and she chuckled. I ushered her out in the fitting room and swiftly stripped down on the dress she just gave me.

Oh man, I owe her big time.


We went out of the store after she paid for the dress. She said the guys were waiting for us in front of a restaurant. I just followed Sarah and gripped on the paper bag in my hands. I hurriedly trailed behind her while looking around the mall. I really don't belong in this place. I mean, look at my clothes! I'm just wearing jeans and t-shirt. . .and a worn out shoes.

"Oh! I found them!" Sarah exclaimed and she grabbed my hand, dragging me forcefully to the guys. I looked at them and I instantly growled at the sight of them. Brendon was actually carrying Lily and they were laughing.

"Oh hell no" I muttered darkly and Sarah looked at me weirdly. I ignored her and just kept on glaring at Brendon. Sarah followed my gaze and she instantly laughed as she saw Brendon and Lily.

"Oh come on. Give the poor guy a chance. They're both adorable" She commented and I scowled. We finally made it to them and I just grumbled to myself. I couldn't stand the sight of him.

"Whoa. . .Rae, I thought you were broke?" Ryan suddenly asked, looking at the paper bag on my hand. Sarah glared and punched him on the shoulders.

"Ouch, babe. What was that for?" He hissed and she exhaled heavily.

"Don't be such a jerk. That's my gift to her" She snapped and Ryan held his hands up in defence.

"Ok, fine. I'll shut up" He mumbled while rubbing his shoulders. I let out a giggle and just shook my head.

"No, it's fine" I laughed and Ryan just smiled at me.

"So, are we just gonna stand here or what?" Spencer asked and sighed.

"No, we're going to the park now" Sarah exclaimed and Lily squealed. Brendon placed her down and she ran toward me, grabbing my hand as she smiled up at me.

<><><><><><><><><> <><><><>

I hated parks. I never really had a fun time in this place. I hated the rusty swings and the old chipped off merry go rounds, located in the middle of the ground. I hated the dry and dirty grass. I hated those loud and annoying kids who ran and played around like they haven't been in this place before. I hated it and yet I am sitting here on the grass, in the middle of the park, watching Lily and the guys playing like a bunch of giddy kids. Sarah was with me, her back was propped up against me and we were both just staring and laughing at them. I sighed and just watched the sky.

"Hey, tell me about yourself" Sarah nudged me as I stared at the clear blue sky above me. I scrunched up my nose and just exhaled heavily.

"Well, there's nothing much to tell. . .but, if you are willing to listen to my boring life then, promise me you won't sleep out on me"

"I'm willing to listen" She mumbled and I shrugged.

"Well, I'm Alexa Rae Lee. I have a sister named Lily and my mother is Cora Lee. I don't know who my father is and I know he's an ass. Don't ask. I just knew it. . . "

She cuts me off by just laughing really hard. I looked at her weirdly and she quickly cleared her throat, giggling a little.

"Sorry, please continue"

"Uhmm. . .So, as I was saying. My father's an asshole because he left us behind. I don't even know what he looked like but that's okay I don't really want to see him. Ok, moving on. . . .I love music a lot"

"What kind of music?" She interjected and I smiled.

"I love all types of music. Rock, Pop, Classic, Country, RNB. . . y'know that kind of stuff" I said and she nodded.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. It gets kinda boring when you stick to only one genre of music" She shrugged and I just smiled. I looked at the guys and they were now resting under the huge oak tree with Lily. I watched them as they talked to her animatedly. I laughed and shook my head. They look so funny and adorable. . .except for Brendon. He looked like a ridiculous crackhead. I silently laughed to myself and Sarah noticed it.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Oh, nothing" I chuckled and just looked down at my lap. I heard her sighed and mumbled something about Lily. I ignored her and just smiled to myself. She mumbled something again and my head shoots up to meet her gaze.


"I said Lily's running over here" She repeated and I looked straight ahead. She was right. My sister was making her way here, running like a giddy kid and grinning like a fool. She skidded to a stop and panted in front of me. She kneeled down and smiled at me while panting really hard.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to get you some water?" I asked while rubbing her back. She shook her head and just smiled widely. She pulled out a letter from her pocket and slowly gave it to me. My mouth slightly dropped and just stared at the letter from my hands. My forehead creased and decided to open it.

I'm sorry.
Forgive me?


I rolled my eyes and crumpled the paper, swiftly throwing it on the ground. I tilted my head up and Lily was still panting in front of me. I gritted my teeth and quickly rose up from my feet. I looked at Brendon and he was looking at me apologetically. I bit my lip harder and glared at him as I furiously walked up to him. I directed my eyes at him and gave him a sharp look. He quickly stood up, walking at my direction. I quickened my pace and stared straight ahead, glaring at him fiercely. I walked faster and he looked down, not wanting to meet my penetrating glare. I finally met him face to face and I gritted my teeth.

"What the hell are you doing? Do you really think I can forgive you with your stupid letter? Come on, that is so old school" I hissed and shoved the letter to his chest. I looked at him for a moment and just started to walk away.

"Stop walking away" He snapped and swiftly grabbed my hand, turning me around so I could face him. He was glaring at me. I pulled my hand harshly and quickly slapped him. He held his cheeks and looked at me. He was shocked and dumbfounded, his mouth was slightly hanging open and his eyes were stunned. Then, after a few minutes, his eyes slowly turned into a glare.

"What do you want?! I tried everything that I can just to fucking please you! Geez, do you think it's that really easy?!" He almost yelled

"Who told you to fucking please me?! It wasn't my choice! It was your choice! Fuck, you've been a bitch to me every fucking day. . . And now, you wanted to please me?! You seriously have a bipolar case!" I screamed and some people around us gave me a harsh glare. Brendon fell silent and he just stared at me. I glared at him harder, just wanting him to disappear at the moment. He opened his mouth to say something but then quickly closed it as if realizing something. He chuckled humourlessly and just shook his head.

"You're ridiculous" He whispered and exhaled heavily.

"No, I'm just being me" I talked back and his eyes met my gaze, staring at me with amusement. I rolled my eyes and started to walk off. The guys were just staring at us and Sarah just sighed. Before I could make it that far, I turned around and looked at Brendon.

"Oh and one more thing, don't fucking drag my little sister with your shit! And don't fucking waste your time on me!" I screamed and I turned around to walk away. I dragged my feet off the ground and grabbed Lily's hand as I walked out of the park. Before, we could make it that really far. I heard him screamed something and it really struck me through my veins.

"There's nothing you can do to stop me!"

I dragged Lily with me and she just giggled. I grumbled to myself and walked furiously. I just wanted to be away from them. Away from the people. Away from the park. And away from him.

I knew, I couldn't really stop him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for all the comments, my lovely readers!
